Lab Members


Current Member (e-mail address)/ Research Topics

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Kei Yoshimura (kei@iis; Prof.)

isotope meteorology, land surface processes, dynamical downscaling, paleoclimate, data assimilation

Sunao Noguchi (sunaono@iis; secretary)

Rie Uesugi (uesugi-r@iis; secretary)

Takao Yoshikane (takao-y@iis; Project Associate Prof.)

Atmospheric water cycle process, Climate change due to the artificial landuse, Impacts of global warming, Radioactivity materials dispersion of nuclear power plants considering water cycle process, Paleoclimate

Tomoko Nitta (t-nitta@iis; Project Lecturer)

Terrestrial hydrological cycles in cold regions, land-atmosphere coupling, land surface modelling

Alexandre Cauquoin (cauquoin@iis; Project Assistant Prof.)

Water isotopes, paleoclimate, development of isotope-incorporated earth system model, tritium

Wenchao Ma (wma@iis; Project Assistant Prof.)

Research on construction of real-time estimation system for large-scale hydrologic cycling

Roman Olson(rolson@iis; Project Researcher)

Vu Quynh Anh cao(anh-cao@iis; Project Researcher)

Effectiveness of flood early warning systems, Predictors of flood response and evacuation behaviors

Ryo Kaneko(rkaneko@iis;JSPS Research Fellow)

Yosuke Miura(yo-miura@iis; Project Researcher)

Development of Groundwater model for Earth System Model

Wenpeng Xie (wenpeng@iis; JSPS Research Fellow)

Heat Balance model in Paddy fields, Physical guide neural network, meta-learning

Masahiro Koike (masahiro@rainbow.iis; Senior Collaborator)

Isotope measurement, monitoring

Fumiaki Moriyama (fumiaki@iis; D3)

Dynamical downscaling with atmosphere-ocean coupled model

Akira Takeshima (take1994@iis; D3)

River management design, Remapping algorithm of spherical coordinates

Hayoung Bong (hayoung@iis; D3)

Water isotope, Model intercomparison studies, Typhoons, Mainland Southeast Asia

Yan Yang (yangyan@iis; D3)

Water isotope in urban fossil fuel combustion-derived vapor, Model d-excess correction

Aslam Muhammad Hasnain (hasnain@iis; D2)

Yifan Li (yifanli@iis; D2)

Water isotopes, paleoclimate,Coupling of atmospheric and oceanic models

Jingya Cheng (jingya@iis; D1)

water isotopes, Tibetan Plateau, climate model, climate change

Hongmei Li (lihm@iis; D1)

land surface model development, plant hydraulics, photosynthetic stomatal model, machine learning

Ryohsuke Tamura (tamx@iis; D1)

remote sensing, retrieval

Basnayake Mudiyanselage Diani Nimanthika Abeyrathne (diani@iis; M2)

Long short-term memory (LSTM) networks for flood forecasting

Yutaka Tsuchiya (t-yutaka@iis; M2)

Takumi Kanda (kt1130@iis; M2)

Haruya Yoshikawa (yharuya@iis; M2)

Minami Okada(okada-mi@iis; M1)


Research Fellows

Toshiyuki Nakaegawa (Meteorological Research Institute)

Yusuke Satoh (KAIST)



Mika Ichino (National Institute of Informatics)

Atsushi Okazaki (Hirosaki University)

Misako Hatono (Hiroshima University)

Zhongwang Wei (Sun Yat-sen University)

Kosuke Yamamoto (JAXA)

Akane Saya (Meteorological Research Institute)

Panduka Neluwala (University of Peradeniya)

Xiaojun Guo (University of Hawaii at Manoa)

Inna Syafarina (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional(BRIN)

Kanon Kino(University of Tokyo)

Yukihiko Onuma (JAXA)

Kinya Toride(University of Colorado Boulder)

Gaohong Yin(Jilin University)

Xiaoxing Wang(Research Organization of Information and Systems)


Alumni (except students)

Gaohong Yin(Project Researcher; 2020/10-2023/1)

remote sensing in hydrology, land surface modeling, data assimilation, machine learning

Kinya Toride (JSPS Research Fellow; 2019/4-2022/10)

Data assimilation, water isotope, atmospheric river, historical weather

Yukihiko Onuma (Project Researcher; 2016/10-2022/6)

Development of land and snow microbial model

Kenshi Hibino (Project Researcher; 2016/10-2018/9)

Quantitative evaluation of uncertainty in climate change projection, Land-Atmosphere Interaction,
Development of flood alert system using satellite data

Suryun Ham (project researcher; 2013/7-2015/6)

Dynamical downscaling using regional atmosphere-ocean coupled model

Ana Maria Duran Quesada(guest researcher; 2014/12-2015/2)

Isotope modeling for Central America, Eastern Tropical Pacific and the
Intra Americas sea region

Chun-Ta Lai (guest Assoc. Prof.; 2013/12-2014/2)

Improving isotope parameterization on land in GCMs

Eun-Chul Chang (project researcher; 2012/7-2014/2)

East Asian summer monsoon changes, dynamical regional climate downscaling

Zhongfang Liu (JSPS PD fellow; 2011/10-2013/12)

water isotope, teleconnection, Tibetan Plateau

Gang Liu (visiting researcher; 2012/4-2012/11)

boundary layer meteorology and modeling

東京大学 Global Hydrology Group
Today's Earth (TE) - JAXA
自然環境学専攻 - 東京大学

国立大学法人 東京大学 生産技術研究所



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