



    1. Cauquoin, A., Gusyev, M., Komuro, Y., Ono, J., and Yoshimura, K. Simulation of anthropogenic tritium discharge into the ocean from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, poster, 11th Annual Symposium of the Institute of Environmental Radioactivity, Fukushima (Japan), March 2025.


      1. Atsushi Okazaki, Yifan Li, Kanon Kino, Alexandre Cauquoin and Kei Yoshimura, Evaluation of an atmospheric component of newly developed isotope-enabled GCM MIROC6-iso under the present climate, PP51F-0608 (poster), AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      2. Hayoung Bong, Kei Yoshimura, Allegra N. LeGrande, Maxwell Kelley and Gavin A Schmidt, Enhancing the Representation of Atmospheric Water Isotopes with Higher-Resolution Global Modeling, PP54B-03 (oral), AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      3. Jingya Cheng, Alexandre Cauquoin, Atsushi Okazaki, Martin Werner and Kei Yoshimura, Evaluation of a proxy observation system for climate reconstruction over the Common Era, PP44B-03 (oral), AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      4. Kanon Kino, Alexandre Cauquoin, Atsushi Okazaki, Taikan Oki and Kei Yoshimura, Synoptic Moisture Intrusion Provided Heavy Isotope Precipitations in Inland Antarctica During the Last Glacial Maximum, PP44B-08 (oral), AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      5. Kei Yoshimura, Wenchao MA, Kosuke Yamamoto and Misako Kachi, New Generation of Hydrological Condition Simulator Employing Physical Models and Satellite-based Meteorological Data, H31D-05A (oral), AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      6. Li Xiaoyang, Yoshimura Kei, Fudeyasu Hironori. (2024): Impact-based forecasting for typhoon Hagibis (2019) with different potential tracks using the ILS. AGU fall meeting 2024, USA, December 2024.
      7. Masahiro Tanoue, Hisashi Yashiro, and Kei Yoshimura, Development and validation of a global cloud-system-resolving model equipped with stable water isotopes (NICAM-WISO), PP54B-04 (oral), AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      8. Minami Okada, Kei Yoshimura and Dai Yamazaki, Global Quantification and Visualization of Brackish Water with a Case Study of Japan, H51Q-0937 (poster), AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      9. Nakamura S., F. Nakai, T. Nitta, and T. Oki, Improvement of human-flood feedbacks model considering levee system transformation: a case study in the Kiso River basin, Japan, AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      10. Ryo Kaneko, and Kei Yoshimura, Heavy Rainfall Forecasting Using an Enhanced U-Net Model: A Three-Year Evaluation with Comparison to Operational Models, H31H-09 (oral), AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      11. Saaya Hamamoto, Kaoru Kawakami, Mahiro Sasage, Mai Matsumoto, Hayoung Bong, Kei Yoshimura, Atsushi Okazaki, Sumito Matoba, Yoshinori Iizuka and Ryu Uemura, Intra-annual Age Scale Based on Oxygen Isotope Record from SE-Dome II Ice Core, Greenland, C51F-0520 (poster), AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      12. Sayak Basu, Jasper A. Wassenburg, Yan Yang, Hayoung Bong, and Kei Yoshimura, East Asian summer precipitation oxygen isotopes track the interaction of the westerly jet and the Western Pacific Subtropical High, PP11C-0579 (poster), AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      13. Shuping Li, Dai Yamazaki, and Kei Yoshimura, Resolving Hillslope Heterogeneities in Land Surface Model, H13A-1015 (poster), AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      14. Tomoko Nitta, Akira Takeshima, Takashi Arakawa and Kei Yoshimura, Global 1-km terrestrial simulations with Integrated Land Simulator, A31L-1907 (poster), AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      15. Wenchao MA, Kei Yoshimura and Hengheng Song, Understanding Climate Influences on the Hydrological Cycle by Using Today’s Earth Global, H21W-0968 (poster), AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      16. Wenchao MA, Kei Yoshimura and Hengheng Song, Assessing the Performance of Today’s Earth-Global in Simulating Flood Events in China, NH41E-2358 (poster), AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      17. Xiaoyang LI, Kei Yoshimura and Hironori Fudeyasu, Impact-based forecasting for typhoon Hagibis (2019) with different potential tracks using the ILS, A23I-2091 (poster), AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      18. Xiaoxing Wang, Mika Ichino and Kei Yoshimura, A 30-year Pre-industrial Reanalysis Dataset Since 1802 Produced by Assimilating Non-instrumental Meteorological Records of Japan, PP43B-0395 (poster), AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      19. Yingying LIU, Menaka Revel, and Kei Yoshimura, Enhancing Data Assimilation Performance in Hydrological Models Through More Effective Ensemble Simulations: A Case Study during Typhoon Hagibis in Japan, H13F-1075 (poster), AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      20. Yuya Takane, Tomoko Nitta, Sachiho A. Adachi, Kei Yoshimura, Takashi Arakawa, Masuo Nakano, Makoto Nakayoshi, Shiho Onomura and Ben Crawford, ILS+Urban: an offline land-surface process model for global urban climate and building energy simulations, GC41I-0053 (poster), AGU2024, 2024/12/9-13.
      21. 大西 瑞紀、山本 晃輔、可知 美佐子、内藤 孝和、馬 文超、芳村 圭, Today’s Earth-Japanの予測データを活用した鉄道留置車両等の避難判断支援に関する検討, 第69回水工学講演会, 富山, 2024/12/2-4.
      22. Cao Anh, Nakamura Shinichiro, Otsuyama Kensuke, Namba Miki, Yoshimura Kei. Current status and Challenges in Operating Flood Early Warning Systems at the Local Level in Japan. Oral Presentation. JST -Mirai Program International Workshop, Osaka, Japan. November 2024
      23. Cauquoin, A. and Werner, M. Transient simulation of past 2000 years with the isotope-enabled Earth System Model MPI-ESM-wiso, oral, Meteorological Society of Japan Fall Meeting 2024, Tsukuba (Japan), November 2024.
      24. Cheng, J., Cauquoin, A., Okazaki, A., and Yoshimura, K. Reconstruction of ENSO variability over the past 2000 years with isotopic paleoclimate data assimilation, Meteorological Society of Japan Fall Meeting 2024 (MSJ 2024), Tsukuba (Japan), November 2024.
      25. Li Xiaoyang, Yoshimura Kei, Fudeyasu Hironori. (2024): Impact-based forecasting for typhoon Hagibis (2019) with different potential tracks. IWTRC 2024, Yokohama (Japan), November, 2024
      26. Li, Y., Cauquoin, A., Okazaki, A., and Yoshimura, K. Evaluation of the Isotope-enabled Fully Coupled Model MIROC6-iso, Meteorological Society of Japan Fall Meeting 2024 (MSJ 2024), Tsukuba (Japan), November 2024.
      27. Yifan Li., A. Cauquoin, A. Okazaki, K. Yoshimura, Development of the isotope version of the fully coupled climate model MIROC6-Iso, 日本気象学会2024年度秋季大会, Tsukuba, November 2024
      28. 廣田渚郎, 道端拓朗, 山上遥航, 建部洋晶, 鈴木健太郎, 渡部雅浩, 川崎高雄, 新田友子, 関口美保, 齋藤冬樹, 大越智幸司, 渡辺真吾, 阿部学, 小長谷貴志, 塩竈秀夫, 竹村俊彦, 小倉知夫, 大野知紀, 芳村圭, 鈴木立郎, 小室芳樹, 川合秀明, C. Hung, 千喜良稔, 八代尚, 五藤大輔, 気候モデルMIROC7の開発, 日本気象学会2024年度秋季大会 2024/11
      29. Kei Yoshimura et al., Methodology Development for the Millennium Atmospheric Reanalysis, 6th International Conference of Reanalysis, Tokyo, 2024/10/28.
      30. Cao Anh. Public support for flood adaptation strategies – the super levee in Tokyo lowland areas. Oral presentation. Practitioner Exchange for Effective Response to Sea Level Rise, Webinar Series,  August 2024.
      31. Li Xiaoyang and Yoshimura Kei. (2024): Flood impact assessment of extreme rainfall events in the Mekong River Basin using the Integrated Land Simulator (ILS) model. SPERA2024, Thailand, September, 2024.
      32. ASLAM, Muhammad Hasnain, Storage Loss Rate of Global Reservoirs Due to Sedimentation Using a Global Dynamic Sediment Model, oral, the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference, Sapporo, 2024/7/8-12.
      33. CAO, Vu Quynh Anh, Current Status And Challenges In Operating Flood Early Warning Systems At The Local Level In Japan, oral, the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference, Sapporo, 2024/7/8-12.
      34. CAUQUOIN, Alexandre, Is The Isotopic Composition Of Precipitation A Robust Indicator For Reconstructions Of Past Tropical Cyclones Frequency? A Case Study On Réunion Island From Rain And Water Vapor Isotopic Observations, oral, the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference, Sapporo, 2024/7/8-12.
      35. CHENG, Jingya, Seasonal Response Of Reconstructed Historical ENSO To Volcanism With Isotopic Paleoclimate Data Assimilation, oral, the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference, Sapporo, 2024/7/8-12.
      36. KINO, Kanon, Precipitation Isotope Variations in Inland Antarctica Contributed by Episodic Warm and Moist Air Intrusion from Mid-Latitudes––For a Better Understanding of Paleoclimate, oral, the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference, Sapporo, 2024/7/8-12.
      37. LI, Hongmei, Development and Evaluation of Plant Hydraulic Schemes in MATSIRO Land Surface Model, poster, the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference, Sapporo, 2024/7/8-12.
      38. LI, Yifan, Evaluation Of The Isotope-Enabled Fully Coupled Model MIROC6-Iso And Application On Asian Monsoon, oral, the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference, Sapporo, 2024/7/8-12.
      39. NAKAMURA, Shinichiro, Expected Social Impacts And Transformation From Long-Term Flood Forecasting System: Insights From Participatory Workshops In Nagano City, Japan, oral, the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference, Sapporo, 2024/7/8-12.
      40. NITTA, Tomoko, Development Of Integrated Land Simulator As A Land Component For MIROC7: Preliminary Results Focusing On Land-Atmosphere Coupling, poster, the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference, Sapporo, 2024/7/8-12.
      41. OKAZAKI, Atsushi, Evaluation Of A Newly Developed Isotope-Enabled AGCM MIROC6-Iso Under The Present Climate, oral, the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference, Sapporo, 2024/7/8-12.
      42. R. Olson. Progress in the development of the fast MATSIRO land surface model emulator, oral, the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference, Sapporo, 2024/7/8-12.
      43. TAKESHIMA, Akira, Application Of Catchment-Based Grid System To The Land Surface Model In The Coupled Climate Model, oral, the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference, Sapporo, 2024/7/8-12.
      44. TANOUE, Masahiro, Development Of A Global Cloud-System-Resolving Model Equipped With Stable Water Isotopes (Nicam-Wiso), oral, the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference, Sapporo, 2024/7/8-12.
      45. Vimeux, F., Risi, C., Barthe, C., François, S., Cauquoin, A., Jossoud, O., Metzger, J.-M., Cattani, O., Minster, B., Werner, M., Bong, H., and Yoshimura, K.: Is the isotopic composition of precipitation a robust indicator for reconstructions of past tropical cyclones frequency? A case study on Réunion Island from rain and water vapor isotopic observations, GEWEX 2024, Sapporo (Japan), July 2024.
      46. YANG, Yan, How Does the Combustion-Derived Vapor Influence the Water Vapor Isotopes in Urban Areas?, poster, the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference, Sapporo, 2024/7/8-12.
      47. YOSHIMURA, Kei, Improvement of weather forecast by water vapor isotope data assimilation, poster, the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference, Sapporo, 2024/7/8.
      48. YOSHIMURA, Kei, Toward Industrial Applications Of Flood Predictions Using Today’s Earth, oral, the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference, Sapporo, 2024/7/11.
      49. XIE, Wenpeng, Enhancing Land Surface Models With Deep Learning: A Novel Differentiable Parameter Learning Framework, oral, the 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference, Sapporo, 2024/7/8-12.
      50. Cao Anh, Shinichiro Nakamura, Kensuke Otsuyama, Miki Namba, Kei Yoshimura. Current status and Challenges in Operating Flood Early Warning Systems at the local level in Japan. Oral presentation. The 9th Global Energy and Water Exchanges Open Science Conference, Japan. July 2024.
      51. Cao Vu Quynh Anh & Kei Yoshimura, Current status and Challenges in Operating Flood Early Warning Systems at the local level in Japan, P-7 (poster), CaMa-Flood developer/user international meeting 2024, Tokyo, 2024/7/5-6.
      52. Isatama Windarto, Ensemble Damage Assessment Based on Forecasted Flood Extension and Building Asset Map For Extreme Typhoon Event: Case of Typhoon Hagibis 2019, P-10 (poster), CaMa-Flood developer/user international meeting 2024, Tokyo, 2024/7/5-6.
      53. Kei Yoshimura & TE Development team, Development of Today’s Earth, a real-time global flood forecasting system, and its applications, O2-1 (oral), CaMa-Flood developer/user international meeting 2024, Tokyo, 2024/7/5-6.
      54. Muhammad Hasnain Aslam & Kei Yoshimura, Enhanced Dynamic Sediment Transport Model to Simulate Global Riverine Sediment Fluxes Incorporating the Impact of In-line Storage Systems, O3-3 (oral), CaMa-Flood developer/user international meeting 2024, Tokyo, 2024/7/5-6.
      55. Xiaoyang Li, Kei Yoshimura & Hironori Fudeyasu, Impact-based forecasting for typhoon Hagibis using the ILS with weather control experiments, P-11 (poster), CaMa-Flood developer/user international meeting 2024, Tokyo, 2024/7/5-6.
      56. Yingying LIU & Kei YOSHIMURA, Develop Online Data Assimilation Module in CaMa-Flood Model with in-situ Observations to Improve Stream Forecasts in Japan, P-13 (poster), CaMa-Flood developer/user international meeting 2024, Tokyo, 2024/7/5-6.
      57. Yuting Zhu, Kei Yoshimura, Xiaoqing Wang, Probabilistic Fusion of Satellite Data and Hydrological Simulation for Flood Detection, P-12 (poster), CaMa-Flood developer/user international meeting 2024, Tokyo, 2024/7/5-6.
      58. Cao Anh. The role of trust in the face of disasters. Oral presentation. Understanding Risk Global Forum, Japan. June 2024.
      59. Gaohong YIN, Kei YOSHIMURA, Toward Assimilation of Grace Terrestrial Water Storage Into a Land Surface Model for Hydrological Extreme Monitoring and Forecasting in the Texas-gulf Basin, HS52-A004 (oral), AOGS2024, 2024/6/28.
      60. Hongmei LI, Gang ZHAO, Wenpeng XIE, Roman OLSON, Kei YOSHIMURA, Using Machine Learning Approaches to Explore the Nonlinear Responses of Stomatal Conductance to Air Temperature, IG04-A033 (poster), AOGS2024, 2024/6/26.
      61. Kei Yoshimura, Recent advancements in water isotope modeling and data assimilation of satellite products, First Coordination Meeting of the Global Water Analysis Laboratory Network, IAEA, Vienna, 2024/6/18-20.
      62. Kei YOSHIMURA, Gaohong YIN, Tamima AMIN, Improving Global Subseasonal to Seasonal Precipitation Forecasts Using a Support Vector Machine-based Method, AS43-A016 (oral), AOGS2024, 2024/6/28.
      63. R. Olson. Improving the physically-guided MATSIRO emulator. AOGS Annual Meeting, Pyeongchang, South Korea, June 2024. 
      64. Roman OLSON, Kei YOSHIMURA, Tomoko NITTA, Simple Physically-based Emulator of ILS (Integrated Land Simulator), HS21-A003 (oral), AOGS2024, 2024/6/27.
      65. Sayak BASU, Jasper A. WASSENBURG, Axel TIMMERMANN, Yan YANG, Kei YOSHIMURA, Korean Precipitation Isotopes Track the Zonal Position of Western Pacific Subtropical High, AS04-A055 (oral), AOGS2024, 2024/6/26.
      66. Li Xiaoyang, Kawamura Ryuichi, Kimpei Ichiyanagi, Yoshimura Kei. (2024): Moisture sources and isotopic composition of Meiyu-Baiu rainfall in Kyushu, southwestern Japan from 2004 to 2023. MSJ spring meeting 2024, Makubari, Japan, May, 2024
      67. Li Xiaoyang, Kawamura Ryuichi, Kimpei Ichiyanagi, Yoshimura Kei. (2024): Interannual variations of moisture sources and isotopic composition of Meiyu-Baiu rainfall in Kyushu, southwestern Japan from 2004 to 2023. JpGU meeting 2024, May, 2024.
      68. Kei Yoshimura, Advances in water vapor isotope data assimilation, O4.17 (oral), 8th WMO Workshop on the Impact of Various Observing Systems on Numerical Weather Prediction and Earth System Prediction, Norrköping, Sweden, 2024/5/29.
      69. Masahiro Tanoue, Hisashi Yashiro, Kei Yoshimura, Development of an isotope data assimilation system using a non-hydrostatic icosahedral model and the local ensemble transform Kalman filter, O4.18 (oral), 8th WMO Workshop on the Impact of Various Observing Systems on Numerical Weather Prediction and Earth System Prediction, Norrköping, Sweden, 2024/5/29.
      70. Alexandre Cauquoin, Maksym Gusyev, Yoshiki Komuro, Hayoung Bong, Atsushi Okazaki, and Kei Yoshimura, Simulation of tritium releases into the atmosphere during the Fukushima accident and into the ocean due to planned discharge of treated water, EGU24-7089 (oral), EGU2024, 2024/4/15.
      71. Cauquoin, A., Gusyev, M., Komuro, Y., Bong, H., Okazaki, A., and Yoshimura, K. Simulation of tritium releases into the atmosphere during the Fukushima accident and into the ocean due to planned discharge of treated water, EGU 2024, Vienna (Austria), April 2024.
      72. Saaya Hamamoto, Sumito Matoba, Kaoru Kawakami, Mahiro Sasage, Mai Matsumoto, Kei Yoshimura, Atsushi Okazaki, Hayoung Bong, Yoshinori Iizuka, and Ryu Uemura, Seasonally Resolved Age Scale based on Oxygen Isotope Record from SE-Dome II Ice Core, Greenland, EGU24-14086 (poster), EGU2024, 2024/4/18.
      73. Tomoko Nitta, Takashi Arakawa, Akira Takeshima, Dai Yamazaki, and Kei Yoshimura, Development of a land model for the next generation MIROC climate model and evaluation of its simulated land-atmosphere coupling, EGU24-19126 (oral), EGU2024, 2024/4/15.
      74. Yifan Li, Alexandre Cauquoin, Atsushi Okazaki, and Kei Yoshimura, Development of the Isotope-enabled Fully Coupled Model MIROC6-iso, EGU24-11691 (poster), EGU2024, 2024/4/16.
      75. Yuya Takane, Tomoko Nitta, Sachiho A. Adachi, Kei Yoshimura, Masuo Nakano, Makoto Nakayoshi, Shiho Onomura, and Ben Crawford, ILS+Urban: an offline land-surface process model for global urban climate and energy simulations, EGU24-14389 (poster), EGU2024, 2024/4/18.
      76. Nitta, T., Development of Integrated Land Simulator and coupling to MIROC climate model, Interdisciplinary Workshop on Energy and Environment, Paris, France, March 2024.
      77. Cauquoin, A., Gusyev, M., Komuro, Y., Bong, H., Okazaki, A., and Yoshimura, K. Simulation of tritium releases into the atmosphere during the Fukushima accident and into the ocean due to planned discharge of treated water, poster, 10th Annual Symposium of the IER, Fukushima (Japan), February 2024.



      1. Atsushi Okazaki, Kanon Kino, Yifan Li, Alexandre Cauquoin, Kei Yoshimura,  Evaluation of a newly developed isotope-enabled AGCM MIROC6-iso under the present climate, PP41E-1680, AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, 2023/12/13-17.
      2. Cheng, J., Cauquoin, A., Bong, H., Yang, Y. and Yoshimura, K. Unraveling the contrasting impacts of ENSO on stable water isotopes in precipitation over the northern versus southern Tibetan Plateau, AGU 2023, San Francisco (USA), December 2023.
      3. Hongmei Li, Gang Zhao, Wenpeng Xie, Roman Olson  and Kei Yoshimura. Using machine learning methods to reveal the environmental driver of stomatal conductance in Pinus Sylvestris, oral, AGU 2023, San Francisco (USA), December 2023.
      4. Jingya Cheng, Alexandre Cauquoin, Hayoung Bong, Yan Yang, Kei Yoshimura, Unravelling the contrasting impacts of ENSO on stable water isotopes in precipitation over the northern and southern Tibetan Plateau, PP41E-1692, AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, 2023/12/13-17.
      5. Namgu Yeo, Eun-Chul Chang, Kei Yoshimura, Modeling and evaluation of stable water isotopes in the GRIMs general circulation model, PP41E-1681, AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, 2023/12/13-17.
      6. Okazaki, A., Li, Y., Kino, K., Cauquoin, A., and Yoshimura, K., Evaluation of a newly developed isotope-enabled AGCM MIROC6-iso under the present climate, AGU 2023, San Francisco (USA), December 2023.
      7. Qiang Guo et al., Regional Variation in the Role of Humidity on City-level Heat-Related Mortality, GH42A-05, AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, 2023/12/13-17.
      8. Wenpeng Xie, Masaomi Kimura. Physical-Theory Inclusion Neural Network for Accurate Paddy Water Temperature Simulation. Poster Presentation. AGU Fall Meeting, B31I-2199, San Francisco, USA. December 2023.(poster)
      9. 竹島滉, 芳村圭. 大気海洋陸域結合システムにおける陸域モデルへの流域形状格子系の適用, poster (online), 気象学会秋季大会2023, 仙台, December 2023.
      10. 金子凌, 芳村圭, 深層学習降水予測の精度改善と現状の詳細評価, 第68回水工学講演会、大阪、2023/12/11-13.
      11. Li, Y., A. Cauquoin, A. Okazaki, K. Yoshimura, Development of the isotope version of the fully coupled climate model MIROC6-Iso, 第68回水工学講演会、大阪、2023/12/11-13.
      12. Abeyrathne, D., R. Kaneko, K. Yoshimura, Application of long short-term memory (LSTM) networks approach for river water level forecasting using multiple river basins: A case study for Sri Lanka, 第68回水工学講演会、大阪、2023/12/11-13.
      13. 竹島滉・芳村圭, 大気海洋陸域結合システムにおける陸域モデルへの流域形状格子系の適用, 第68回水工学講演会、大阪、2023/12/11-13.
      14. Cheng, J., Cauquoin, A., Werner, M. and Yoshimura, K. How do stable water isotopes in the Tibetan Plateau respond to temperature and precipitation climate extremes in the last 2000 years?, International Symposium on Third Pole Environment 2023, Chongqing (China), November 14th-17th 2023.
      15. Cao Anh, Miguel Esteban, Motoharu Onuki. Mechanisms of public support for flooding adaptation policy: A case study of the super levee in Tokyo. Virtual Poster. Adaptation Futures 2023, Canada. October 2023.
      16. Oki, T., T. Nitta, T. Arakawa, T. Takeshima, D. Yamazaki, K. Yoshimura, Design and development of Integrated Land Simulator, WCRP Open Science Conference 2023, Kigali, Rwanda, October 2023.
      17. 廣瀬郁希, 取出欣也, 芳村圭, 対流圏上層における水蒸気同位体比データ同化の影響評価, 日本気象学会2023年度秋季大会、仙台、2023/10/23-26.
      18. 芳村圭, 山本晃輔, 大石寛人, TE開発チーム, Today’s Earthによる洪水予測の産業利用に向けて, 日本気象学会2023年度秋季大会、仙台、2023/10/23-26.
      19. 山本晃輔, 芳村圭, 馬文超, 可知美佐子, 久保田拓志, 佐藤正樹, GSMaP同化気象モデルプロダクトNEXRAを用いた全球アンサンブル水文シミュレーションの検証, 日本気象学会2023年度秋季大会、仙台、2023/10/23-26.
      20. Cao Anh. Current status of flood early warning systems in Japan. Oral Presentation. Global Flood Partnership Conference 2023, Singapore. September 2023.
      21. 中村 晋一郎、大津山 堅介、中居 楓子、森田 紘圭、高野 剛志、名畑 恵、難波 美芸、木村 匡臣、標葉 隆馬、芳村 圭, 参加型アプローチによる長時間洪水予測技術の社会実装に伴う社会変容とELSIの抽出, PP-P-15, 水文・水資源学会/日本水文科学会2023年度研究発表会, 長崎, 2023/9/3-6.
      22. 三浦 陽介、芳村 圭, 流出現象を対象としたサブグリッド表現方法の検討, OP-10-05, 水文・水資源学会/日本水文科学会2023年度研究発表会, 長崎, 2023/9/3-6.
      23. 三浦陽介, 芳村圭. 流出現象を対象としたサブグリッド表現方法の検討, oral, 水文・水資源学会/日本水文科学会 2023年度研究発表会, 長崎, Sep 2023.
      24. Bong, H., Cauquoin, A., Okazaki, A., Chang, E.-C., Werner, M., Wei, Z., Yeo, N., and Yoshimura, K., Process-based quantification of uncertainty in water isotope models, IAEA International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology: Sustainable Water Resources in a Changing World 2023, Vienna, Austria, July 2023.
      25. R. Olson, K. Yoshimura and T. Nitta. Simple physically-based emulator of MATSIRO land surface model. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society annual meeting, Singapore. July-August 2023.  
      26. Cauquoin, A., Abe-Ouchi, A., Obase, T., Chan, W.-L., Paul, A. and Werner, M. Effects of LGM sea surface temperature and sea ice extent on the isotope-temperature slope at polar ice core sites, oral, JpGU 2023, Chiba (Japan), May 2023.
      27. 三浦陽介, 芳村圭. 全球への適用を目指した地下水流動モデルのパラメタリゼーション~地下水揚水を例に~, oral, 日本地下水学会春季講演会, 柏, May 2023.
      28. 増永 浩彦、青梨 和正、江淵 直人、小原 慧一、計盛 正博、可知 美佐子、齋藤 克弥、島田 利元、田村 岳史、芳村 圭, AMSR3後継マイクロ波放射計による気候変動・全球水循環のモニタリングとメカニズム解明, MSD35-08 (oral), JpGU2023, 2023/5/25.
      29. 芳村 圭、笠井 康子、今須 良一、江口 菜穂, THz水蒸気同位体比測定衛星ミッション, MSD35-07 (oral), JpGU2023, 2023/5/25.
      30. 江口 菜穂、増永 浩彦、笠井 康子、今須 良一、今岡 啓治、岩渕 弘信、小原 慧一、鈴木 順子、清木 達也、花田 俊也、早坂 忠裕、芳村 圭, テラヘルツ氷雲/水蒸気超小型衛星ミッション, MSD35-06 (oral), JpGU2023, 2023/5/25.
      31. 江口 菜穂、笠井 康子、芳村 圭、今須 良一、岡本 幸三、齋藤 尚子、花田 俊也, FTS小型衛星コンステレーションによる水蒸気・同位体・氷雲・放射収支観測ミッション, MSD35-P10 (poster), JpGU2023, 2023/5/25.
      32. 谷田貝 亜紀代、前田 未央、芳村 圭、楊 言、奉 夏暎, 2022年8月3~10日の青森県の豪雨と水蒸気輸送―ピカロによる計測とIsoRSM simulation―, HTT15-03 (oral), JpGU2023, 2023/5/23.
      33. 浜本 佐彩、植村 立、的場 澄人、川上 薫、捧 茉優、松本 真依、芳村 圭、岡崎 淳史、飯塚 芳徳, グリーンランドSE-Dome II アイスコアの酸素同位体分析による高精度年代の作成, ACC26-08 (oral), JpGU2023, 2023/5/22.
      34. 三浦 陽介、芳村 圭, 地下水流動モデルのみによる流出現象の表現力向上, AHW21-05 (oral), JpGU2023, 2023/5/25. 招待講演.
      35. 岡崎 淳史、田上 雅浩、木野 佳音、Alexandre Cauquoin、芳村 圭, Estimation of parameters in an isotope-enabled GCM with data assimilation, AHW23-P07 (poster), JpGU2023, 2023/5/25.
      36. Cauquoin, A., Abe-Ouchi, A., Obase, T., Chan, W.-L., Paul, A. and Werner, M. Effects of LGM sea surface temperature and sea ice extent on the isotope-temperature slope at polar ice core sites, oral, EGU23, Vienna (Austria), April 2023.
      37. Kanon Kino, Alexandre Cauquoin, Atsushi Okazaki, Taikan Oki, and Kei Yoshimura, Heavy Water Isotope Precipitation in Inland East Antarctica Accompanied by Strong Southern Westerly Winds during the Last Glacial Maximum, EGU23-4775 (oral), EGU2023, 2023/4/24.
      38. Miura, Y., and Yoshimura, K. Runoff parameterization for global scale hydrology based on a variably saturated flow model, oral,  EGU23, (Austria), April 2023.
      39. Xiaoxing Wang, Kinya Toride, Mika Ichino, and Kei Yoshimura, Atmospheric Analysis in the 1810s by Assimilating Diary-based Weather Category, EGU23-12593 (oral), EGU2023, 2023/4/25.
      40. Yan Yang and Kei Yoshimura, Isotopic Simulation of Combustion-derived Vapor Emission in Urban Areas Using Regional Spectral Model, EGU23-4656 (poster), EGU2023, 2023/4/25.
      41. Yosuke Miura and Kei Yoshimura, Runoff parameterization for global scale hydrology based on a variably saturated flow model, EGU23-3727 (oral), EGU2023, 2023/4/25.
      42. Nitta, T, T. Arakawa, A. Takeshima, M. Hatono, D. Yamazaki, K. Yoshimura, MIROC-ILS coupling: Coupling multiple land component models to an atmosphere and ocean model with Jcup, Sixth Workshop on Coupling Technologies for Earth System Models, Toulouse, France, January 2023.
      43. Cauquoin, A. Contributions of stable water isotopes to the understanding of the water cycle in the Tibetan Plateau region within a model-data approach, International Symposium on Third Pole Environment 2023, Chongqing (China), November 14th-17th 2023.
      44. Wenpeng Xie, Kei Yoshimura. What constitutes public support for flooding adaptation policy. Invited Speaker. CHES Annual Conference, Zhengzhou, China. November 2023.
      45. Cao Anh, Miguel Esteban, Motoharu Onuki. Water Risk Management of Tokyo’s lowland areas. Invited Speaker. Between ́Blue Urbanism ́ and Tanah Air: Urban Experiments, Circulations, and Placemaking as Sea Level Change Adaptation, Jakarta. September 2023
      46. Kei Yoshimura, Studies on Isotope Hydrometeorology From Global to Catchment Scales, Gordon Research Conference on Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology and Geochemistry, 2023/6/19. (Invited)
      47. 岡崎 淳史、小槻 峻司、Diego Carrió、芳村 圭, Climate reconstruction with observation errors estimated by innovation statistics, MGI26-P01 (poster), JpGU2023, 2023/5/23. Invited.



      1. 芳村圭、気候変動によって変化していく水災害、エネルギー総合学連携研究機構×気候と社会連携研究機構 合同シンポジウム「気候変動緩和と適応」~社会とエネルギーのレジリエンス~、2022/12/22.
      2. Xiaoxing Wang, Kinya Toride, Kei Yoshimura, Reconstruction of Daily Weather in the 1810s by Diary Data Assimilation, AGU2022, PP55A-08, 2022/12/16.
      3. Yoshimura, K., Generation of Millennium Atmospheric Reanalysis, AGU 2022, Chicago, USA, 2022/12/12-16. (poster)
      4. Wang, X., K. Toride, and K. Yoshimura, Reconstruction of daily weather in the 1810s by diary data assimilation, AGU 2022, Chicago, USA, 2022/12/12-16. (oral)
      5. Kino, K., A. Okazaki, A. Cauquoin, and K. Yoshimura, Contributions of the Southern Annular Mode to Variations in Water Isotopes of Daily Precipitation at Dome Fuji, East Antarctica – Study of An Isotope-Enabled Climate Model, AGU 2022, Chicago, USA, 2022/12/12-16. (oral)
      6. Bong, H., A. Cauquoin, A. Okazaki, E.-C. Chang, M. Werner, Z. Wei, N. Yeo, and K. Yoshimura, Inter-comparison of Water Isotope-enabled Models and Reanalysis Nudging Effects, AGU 2022, Chicago, USA, 2022/12/12-16. (oral)
      7. Yin, G.,  T. Yoshikane, K. Yamamoto, T. Kubota, and K. Yoshimura, A Support Vector Machine-based Method for Improving Real-time Hourly Precipitation Forecast in Japan, AGU 2022, Chicago, USA, 2022/12/12-16. (oral)
      8. Nomura, S., T. Nitta, Y. Masutomi, and K. Yoshimura, Evaluating the Impact of Irrigated Paddy Fields on Water Cycle by Coupling Land Surface and Rice Growth Models as part of Global Environmental Change, AGU 2022, Chicago, USA, 2022/12/12-16. (poster)
      9. Nitta, T., T. Arakawa, A Takeshima, M. Hatono, D. Yamazaki and K. Yoshimura, Coupling of Integrated Land Simulator to MIROC6’s Atmosphere and Ocean Models, AGU 2022, Chicago, USA, 2022/12/12-16. (poster)
      10. Kaneko, R., S. Onomura, and M. Nakayoshi, Deep Learning Short-term Heavy Rainfall Forecasting Using Pseudo Data, AGU 2022, Chicago, USA, 2022/12/12-16. (oral)
      11. 吉川晴矢,芳村圭,大気造水による地域気候への影響,第67回水工学講演会,松山,2022/11/23-25. (oral)
      12. 楊言,芳村圭,Isotopic simulation of combustion-derived vapor emission in urban area using regional spectral model,第67回水工学講演会,松山,2022/11/23-25. (oral)
      13. 王小醒,取出欣也,芳村圭,Historical atmospheric analysis by weather category assimilation using Gaussian transformation, 第67回水工学講演会,松山,2022/11/23-25. (oral)
      14. Yin, G. and K. Yoshimura. Toward Assimilation of Downscaled Terrestrial Water Storage into Today’s Earth for Flood Prediction. The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2022, Tokyo, Japan, 2022/11/7-11. (poster)
      15. Wang, X., and K. Yoshimura, Daily weather reconstruction in the 1810s by diary data assimilation, IsoNet 2022 Virtual Seminars,  2022/11/3. (online, oral)
      16. Kino, K., A. Okazaki, A. Cauquoin, and K. Yoshimura, Contributions of the Southern Annular Mode to Variations in Water Isotopes of Daily Precipitation at Dome Fuji, East Antarctica, IPICS 2022, Crans-Montana, Switzerland, 2022/10. (poster)
      17. Dreossi, G., B. Stenni, M. Masiol, C. Scarchilli, M. Del Guasta, A. Petteni, M. Casado, M. Werner, and A. Cauquoin, Ten years of isotopic composition of precipitation at Concordia Station, East Antarctica, IPICS 2022, Crans-Montana, Switzerland, 2022/10. (poster)
      18. Nitta, T., T. Arakawa, A. Takeshima, M. Hatono, D. Yamazaki, and K. Yoshimura, Development of MIROC-ILS: coupling of multiple land component models with atmosphere and ocean models, Land Surface Modelling Summit 2022, Oxford, UK, 2022/9/12-15. (poster)
      19. Yang, Y., and K. Yoshimura, Isotopic simulation of combustion-derived vapor emission in urban area using Regional Spectral Model, IsoNet 2022 Virtual Seminars,  2022/9/15. (online, oral)
      20. Yin, G. and K. Yoshimura, Toward Assimilation of Downscaled Terrestrial Water Storage for Flood and Drought Prediction. Land Surface Modeling Summit 2022, Oxford, UK, 2022/9/12-15. (poster)
      21. Cauquoin, A.: Study of past Earth’s climate variations using fully coupled General Circulation Models enabled with water isotopes, IsoNet 2022 Virtual Seminars, 2022/9/28. (online, oral)
      22. Cauquoin, A., A. Abe-Ouchi, T. Obase, and M. Werner, Effects of LGM sea surface temperature and sea ice extent on the isotope-temperature slope at polar ice core sites, JpGU, Chiba, Japan, 2022/6. (poster)
      23. Cauquoin, A., M. Werner, S. Shoji, A. Okazaki, K. Yoshimura, G. Lohmann, and J. Jungclaus, Transient simulation of the past 2000 years with the isotope-enabled coupled model MPI-ESM-wiso, JpGU 2022, Chiba, Japan, 2022/5. (oral)
      24. Kino, K., A. Okazaki, A. Cauquoin, and K. Yoshimura, Impacts of intermittent precipitation events on reconstructed Last Glacial Maximum surface temperature from water isotope signals in Dome Fuji ice cores, JpGU 2022, Chiba, Japan, 2022/5. (oral)
      25. 新田友子,荒川隆,鳩野美佐子,竹島滉,山崎大,芳村圭,統合陸域シミュレータと気候モデルMIROCの連成シミュレーション,第27回計算工学講演会,秋田,2022/5. (oral)
      26. Paul, A., T. Tharammal, A. Cauquoin, and M. Werner. Evaluating atmospheric simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum using oxygen isotopes in ice cores and speleothems, EGU 2022, Vienna, Austria, 2022/5. (oral)
      27. Yin, G, The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Mission and Its Application in Hydrology. Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan, 2022/3/10. (online, oral)
      28. Shearer, E. J., G. Yin, F. Li, A, Wood, Advancing Seasonal Prediction of Spring Streamflow in Western U.S. Watersheds: Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) Weighted by Climate Oscillations and Subseasonal Forecasts of Surface Meteorology. American Meteorological Society 102nd Annual Meeting, Huston, USA, 2022/1/23-27. (online, oral)
      29. Yin, G., T. Yoshikane, K. Yoshimura, … & T. Kubota, A support vector machine-based method for improving real-time hourly precipitation forecast in Japan. The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2021 (Virtual), Japan, 2022/1/14. (online, oral)
      30. Wenchao Ma, Yuta Ishitsuka, Akira Takeshima, Kenshi Hibino, Dai Yamazaki, Taikan Oki, Ying- Wen Chen, Masaki Satoh, Kotsuki Shunji, Takemasa Miyoshi, Kosuke Yamamoto, Misako Kachi, Takuji Kubota, Riko Oki, and Kei Yoshimura, Progress of developing flood forecasting system by Today’s Earth (TE), EGU22-6731, EGU General Assembly 2022, 2022/05/26. (oral)
      31. Wenchao Ma, Kenshi Hibino, Dai Yamazaki, Taikan Oki, Ying-Wen Chen, Masaki Satoh, Kotsuki Shunji, Takemasa Miyoshi, Kosuke Yamamoto, Misako Kachi, Takuji Kubota, Riko Oki, Kei Yoshimura, Long-term flood forecasting using NICAM-LETKF JAXA Research Analysis (NEXRA) of Today‘s Earth, GP006, The joint PI meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2022, 2022/11/11. (poster)
      32. Hayoung Bong, Alexandre Cauquoin, Atsushi Okazaki, Eun-Chul Chang, Martin Werner, Zhongwang Wei, Namgu Yeo, and Kei Yoshimura  Inter-comparison of water isotope-enabled models: validation and surface-atmosphere integrated analysis, IsoNet 2022 Virtual Seminars,  2022/10/27. (online, oral)



      1. Kei Yoshimura, Kinya Toride, Masataka Tada, Impact of water vapor isotopes observation on tropospheric atmospheric circulation, A41C-08, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021/12/16. (online; oral)
      2. Kosho Ido, Makoto Nakayoshi, Shiho Onomura, Ryo Kaneko, Yuya Takane, Masuo Nakano, Ben Crawford, Jeffrey Jordan, Matthew Cross, Sumika Oyama, Yuta Watanabe, A Roof Albedo Estimation Method Using Deep Learning, A45I-1945, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021/12/16. (online; poster)
      3. Jeffrey Jordan, Ben Crawford, Matthew Cross, Makoto Nakayoshi, Yuya Takane, Shiho Onomura, Ryo Kaneko, Yuta Watanabe, Masuo Nakano, Understanding Rooftop Albedo at a City-Wide Scale to Further ‘Cool Roof’ Strategies and Address Extreme Urban Heat Events: A Comparison of Multispectral Remotely-Sensed Satellite Imagery and On-site Rooftop Measurements in Denver, Colorado, GC33C-07, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021/12/15. (online; oral)
      4. Masahiro Tanoue, Yuki Takano, Kei Yoshimura, Hisashi Yashiro, A comparison of precipitation isotopes between cloud processes using a global non-hydrostatic model, PP14B-07, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021/12/13. (online; oral)
      5. Yusuke Satoh, et al., The timing of unprecedented hydrological drought under climate change, NH15F-0516, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021/12/13. (online; oral)
      6. Sarah White, John Chiang, Kei Yoshimura, Controls on interannual variability in δ18O of precipitation along the North American West Coast, and implications for proxy data interpretation, PP15B-0901, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021/12/13. (online; oral)
      7. Akiyo Yatagai, Kei Yoshimura, Yu Ueno, Syota Nishioka, Isotopic variation of winter precipitation and water vapor in northern Japan – Observation and simulation by Iso-GSM/Iso-RSM -, PP15B-0908, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021/12/13. (online; oral)
      8. 芳村圭・多田真嵩・取出欣也, 水蒸気同位体比データ同化による気象予測精度の改善, 日本気象学会2021年度秋季大会, 三重, 2021/12/8. (online; oral)
      9. Kanon Kino, Atsushi Okazaki, Alexandre Cauquoin, and Kei Yoshimura, Contribution of the Southern Annular Mode to variations in water isotopes of daily precipitation at Dome Fuji, East Antarctica: A study with an isotope-enabled AGCM MIROC5-iso, Water isotopes: From Weather to Climate, 2021/11/15-17. (online; oral)
      10. Masahiro Tanoue, Hisashi Yashiro, Yuki Takano, Kei Yoshimura, Modelling the water isotopes with the global cloud-system-resolving model: Evaluation against site observation and gridded dataset, Water isotopes: From Weather to Climate, 2021/11/15-17. (online; poster)
      11. Yan Yang, Alexandre Cauquoin, Kei Yoshimura and Martin Werner, Isotopic signals in precipitation and water vapor during the Hurricanes Irma & Maria, Water isotopes: From Weather to Climate, 2021/11/15-17. (online; poster)
      12. Farahnaz Khosrawi, Kinya Toride, Kei Yoshimura, Christopher Diekmann, Benjamin Ertl1, Frank Hase and Matthias Schneider, Can the assimilation of IASI water isotopolologue observations improve the quality of tropical diabatic heating?, Water isotopes: From Weather to Climate, 2021/11/15-17. (online; oral)
      13. Hayoung Bong, Alexandre Cauquoin, Eun-Chul Chang, Martin Werner, Namgu Yeo, Kei Yoshimura, Inter-comparison of water isotope-enabled models and reanalysis nudging effects: step forward in SWING project, Water isotopes: From Weather to Climate, 2021/11/15-17. (online; poster)
      14. Atsushi Okazaki, Alexandre Cauquoin, Kanon Kino, Kei Yoshimura, Development of MIROC5-iso and its comparison with isotopic climate proxies, Water isotopes: From Weather to Climate, 2021/11/15-17. (online; oral)
      15. Kei Yoshimura, Advances in water isotope observation, simulation, and model-data integration, Water isotopes: From Weather to Climate, 2021/11/15-17. (online; oral)
      16. Satoru Shoji, Atsushi Okazaki, Kei Yoshimura, Data assimilation using oxygen isotope ratios of proxies aimed at the last millennium climate reconstruction, Water isotopes: From Weather to Climate, 2021/11/15-17. (online; poster)
      17. Alexandre Cauquoin, Martin Werner, Saturo Shoji, Atsushi Okazaki, Kei Yoshimura, Gerrit Lohmann and Johann Jungclaus, Transient simulation of the past 2000 years with the isotope-enabled coupled model MPI- ESM-wiso, Water isotopes: From Weather to Climate, 2021/11/15-17. (online; oral)
      18. 芳村圭, 次世代地球システムモデルに向けた統合陸域シミュレータの開発〜土壌物理プロセスに着目して〜, 2021土壌物理学会シンポジウム, 2021/10/30. (online; oral)
      19. 庄司悟,岡﨑淳史,芳村圭,プロキシの酸素同位体比を用いたデータ同化による過去千年間の気候復元,第7回地球環境史学会年会,2021/10/23.(online; oral)
      20. 木野佳音, 岡崎淳史, Alexandre Cauquoin, 芳村圭, 南極ドームふじの日降水同位体比に南半球環状モードが与える影響, 地球環境史学会第7回年会, R2, 2021/10/23. (online; oral)
      21. 吉兼隆生,芳村圭, 2021: d4PDF データを用いた機械学習によるバイアス補正・ダウンスケーリング手法の開発と気候変動評価水文・水資源学会 日本水文科学会 2021 年度研究発表会, 2021/9/18.  (online; oral) 
      22. 芳村圭, 2021: 陸域過程理解向上に向けた陸域モデリング連携コミュニティの提案水文・水資源学会 日本水文科学会 2021 年度研究発表会, 2021/9/16.  (online; oral)
      23. 三浦陽介,芳村圭, 2021: 物理型三次元地下水流動モデルの日本全域への適用水文・水資源学会 日本水文科学会 2021 年度研究発表会, 2021/9/15.  (online; oral)
      24. 馬文超石塚悠太竹島晃日比野研志山崎大山本晃輔可知美佐子沖理子沖大幹,  芳村圭,2021: 2019 年台風 19 号に関する日本全国洪水概況予測システムの性能評価,  水文・水資源学会 日本水文科学会 2021 年度研究発表会, 2021/9/15.  (online; oral)
      25. 芳村圭, 「Today’s Earth」を用いた洪水予測, 第25回水シンポジウム2021inぐんま, 2021/8/26. (online; oral)
      26. Makoto Nakayoshi, Shiho Onomura, Ryo Kaneko, Yuya Takane, Benjamin Crawford, Masuo Nakano, Cool Roof Simulation Over Tokyo Metropolis with Detailed Urban Morphological Data, AS25-A017, AOGS 2021, 2021/08/06. (online; oral)
      27. Ryo Kaneko, Shiho Onomura, Makoto Nakayoshi, Deep Learning Approach for Rainfall Prediction Using U-Net, AS12-A010, AOGS 2021, 2021/08/02. (online; oral)
      28. Wang, X., K. Yoshimura, and K. Toride, Historical atmospheric analyses by weather information assimilation using Gaussian transformation, JpGU 2021, Makuhari (Japan), 2021/6/3. (online; oral)
      29. 木野佳音, 岡崎淳史, Alexandre Cauquoin, 芳村圭, ドームふじ基地の日降水同位体比に大規模大気循環が与える影響: 同位体気候モデルMIROC5-isoを用いた研究南半球環状モード(SAM)がドームふじ降水酸素同位体比に与える影響, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, ACC26-07, 2021/6/3. (online; oral)
      30. 芳村圭、アンサンブル手法を用いた確率的数値洪水予測、専門分科会3、2021年度春季気象学会, 2021/5/20. (online; oral)
      31. 芳村圭, 水害対策の「コロナ後の新常態」, 東京カレッジ, 連続シンポジウム「コロナ危機後の社会」④ 気候変動とパンデミック, 2021/4/9. (online; oral)
      32. 芳村圭, 市町村から全世界までの洪水予測, 東大水フォーラム公開シンポジウム, 水害予測・防災・減災に関する 最新研究動向, 2021/3/2. (online; oral)
      33. 芳村圭2021:TodayEarth」を用いた全世界から市町村スケールの洪水予測日本太陽エネルギー学会太陽光発電部会 気象・環境セミナー「気候変動」,2022/1/20. (online; oral)
      34. 木野佳音, 岡崎淳史, Alexandre Cauquoin, 芳村圭, 南半球環状モード(SAM)がドームふじ降水酸素同位体比に与える影響, 北海道大学低温科学研究所共同研究集会「大気・雪氷・海洋物質交換研究集会」 2021/1/6. (online; oral)



      1. Ma, W., K. Hibino, Y. Ishitsuka, D. Yamazaki, A. Takeshima, R. Arai, H. Kim, K. Yamamoto, M. Kachi,  R. Oki, T. Higashiuwatoko, T. Andoh, R. Kakuda, T. Oki, K. Yoshimura, Development of hydrological model of Today’s Earth_Japan for flood forecasting in high-resolution, The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA. Japan, December 17-23,2020. (poster)
      2. Yamamoto, K., K. Yoshimura, K. Hibino, W. Ma, M. Kachi, R. Oki, Consistency Analysis of Global Terrestrial Water Cycle using Today’s Earth -Global Products, The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA, Japan, December 17-23,2020. (poster)
      3. Wang, X, K. Yoshimura, and K. Toride, Historical Weather Reconstruction by Cloud Cover Data Assimilation with Gaussian Transformation, AGU 2020, San Francisco (USA), December 2020. (online; poster)
      4. Paul, A., Werner, M., Cauquoin, A., García-Pintado, J., Kovacs, T., Merkel, U. and Tharammal, T. Simulated vs. reconstructed Last Glacial Maximum surface conditions: impact on oxygen isotopes in ice cores, speleothems and precipitation, AGU 2020, San Francisco (USA), December 2020. (online; poster & oral)
      5. Kei Yoshimura, Predictability of the floods caused by Typhoon Hagibis in 2019 using Today’s Earth, Virtual GFP Conference Week 2, 2020/11/11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG9uday6zcU (oral)
      6. 芳村圭、近年の日本の洪水事例及び洪水予測研究について、気象学会九州支部第20回気象教室、2020/11/8 (oral)
      7. 庄司 悟, 岡﨑淳史, 芳村 圭, 千年解析値の作成に向けた比較検討, 第65回水工学講演会, 2020/11/4-6. (online; oral)
      8. Cauquoin, A., Werner, M. and Lohmann, G. Water stable isotopes changes in PMIP-type paleoclimate simulations from the fully coupled model MPI-ESM-wiso, PMIP 2020, Nanjing (China), October 2020. (online; poster)
      9. ​Marti, O., Bassinot, F., Braconnot, P., Jungclaus, J., Cauquoin, A., Lohmann, G., Shi, X. and Werner, M. Transient Holocene simulations compared to deep sea cores in the Indian ocean, PMIP 2020, Nanjing (China), October 2020. (online; poster)
      10. ​​Kino, K., A. Okazaki, A. Cauquoin and K. Yoshimura , LGM simulation with MIROC5-iso and impacts of the Southern Annular Mode on stable water isotopes in the Antarctic ice cores, Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project – Nanging Conference, Sensitivity Ⅰ_013, Nanging (China), 28th October, 2020 (online; poster).
      11. Lan, H., Yoshimura, K., and Liu, Z. Precipitation stable isotope simulation over East Asia monsoon region during last glacial maximum. PMIP 2020, Nanjing (China), October 2020. (online; poster & oral)
      12. 芳村圭、世界の洪水と日本の洪水 ~最近、何が起こってきているのか~、2020/10/24. https://www.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/event/kashiwa/opencampus2020/ (oral)
      13. 吉兼隆生, AIによる局地気象予測の可能性と課題, 東京都市大学-生産技術研究所 学術連携シンポジウム, 東京, October 12, 2020. https://www.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ja/news/3406/ (online; oral)
      14. Nitta, T., and K. Yoshimura: Evaluation of a snow scheme in Integrated Land Simulator, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, July 12-16, 2020. (online; poster)
      15. Yoshimura, K., X. Wang, Data assimilation of historical weather using Gaussian transformation, MIS28-01, JpGU2020, July 12-15, 2020. (poster)
      16. Harada, A., K. Yoshimura, T. Mizutani, Quantification and Application of “Climate-Risk” based on the tree-ring proxy data, MIS28-08, JpGU2020, 2020/7/12-15. [Invited] (oral)
      17. Masuda, K., P. Neluwala, K. Toride, K. Yoshimura, H. Tanaka, S. Miyazaki, S. Nozawa, M. Ichino, Y. Okubo, J. Hirano, Atmospheric data assimilation which accomodates weather descriptions as observations of solar radiation: Evaluation of performance with a modern one-year case, MIS28-P05, JpGU2020, 2020/7/12-15. (poster)
      18. Eguchi, N., K. A. Walker, N. Saitoh, Y. Yoshida, K. Yoshimura, K. Toride, M. Fujiwara, Y. Kawatani, Y. Eguchi Yamashita, R. Nassar, D. Jones, D. Plummer, K. Strong, FTS satellite observation mission for understanding chemical and dynamical processes in the upper atmosphere, MSD47-P05, JpGU2020, July 12-15, 2020. (poster)
      19. 吉兼隆生, AI と数値シミュレーションによる極端気象現象の推定, 人工知能学会第34回全国大会, June 09-12, 2020. (online; poster & oral)
      20. Cauquoin, A. and Werner, M. High-resolution isotopic simulations from ECHAM6-wiso nudged with ERA5 reanalyses: new products for isotopic model-data comparisons, EGU 2020, Vienna (Austria), May 2020. (online; poster & oral)
      21. Werner, M., Bonne, J.-L., Cauquoin, A. and Steen-Larsen, H. C. Key controls of water vapour isotopes during oceanic evaporation and their global impact, EGU 2020, Vienna (Austria), May 2020. (online; poster & oral)
      22. ​​Stenni, B., Dreossi, G., Casado, M., Scarchilli, C., Landais, A., Del Guasta, M., Grigioni, P., Casasanta, G., Werner, M., Masiol, M., Cauquoin, A. and Ciardini, V., A Nine-year series of daily oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of precipitation at Concordia station, East Antarctica, EGU 2020, Vienna (Austria), May 2020. (online; poster & oral)
      23. Paul, A., Werner, M., Cauquoin, A., García-Pintado, J., Merkel, U. and Tharammal, T. Sensitivity of isotopes in the hydrological cycle to simulated vs. reconstructed Last Glacial Maximum surface conditions, EGU 2020, Vienna (Austria), May 2020. (online; poster & oral)
      24. Kino, K., Okazaki, A., Cauquoin, A. and Yoshimura, K. Investigation of the response of water isotope records to the changes in orbital forcing with the isotope-enabled AGCM MIROC5-iso, EGU 2020, Vienna (Austria), May 2020. (online; poster & oral)
      25. Nitta, T., T. Arakawa, M. Hatono, A. Takeshima, and K. Yoshimura, Development of Integrated Land Simulator: current status and future directions of its snow scheme, International workshop on snow cover changes and modeling over the Northern Eurasia, Hirosaki, February 19-20, 2020. (oral)
      26. Kei Yoshimura, Today’s Earth’s Flood Prediction for Japan and World: Synergy by Physical Modeling and Machine Learning, 2020 Flood Forecasting Meets Machine Learning Workshop, Tel Aviv, Israel, February 13-14, 2020. (oral)
      27. 芳村圭、山崎大、日比野研志、馬文超、石塚悠太、沖理子、可知美佐子、山本晃輔、全球陸域水文量モニタリングシステム Today’s Earthによる2019年台風19号の洪水予測, 震災対策技術展, 横浜, February 7, 2020. (oral)
      28. Ma, W., K. Hibino, Y. Ishitsuka, D. Yamazaki, A. Takeshima, R. Arai, H. Kim, K. Yamamoto, M. Kachi,  R. Oki, T. Higashiuwatoko, T. Andoh, R. Kakuda, T. Oki and K. Yoshimura. Application of TE-system to solve flood puzzles, The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2019, Japan, January 20-24, 2020. (poster)



      1. 芳村圭、Today’s Earthシステムによる台風19号の洪水予測、日本学術会議公開シンポジウム令和元年台風第19号に関する緊急報告会、東京、2019/12/24. (oral)
      2. 芳村圭、災害の予報は単一の情報ソースから周知されるべきであるか?、第5回PDA高校生即興型英語ディベート全国大会、東京、2019/12/22. (keynote)
      3. Joshua Ching Lim Miu, Chun-Ta Lai and Kei Yoshimura, Evaluating Plant Water Use in an Old-Growth Forest by an Apparent Isotopic Signature of Evapotranspiration, B11O-2193, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 2019/12/9-13. (poster)
      4. Akira Harada, Kei Yoshimura, Tsukasa Mizutani, Study on Global Quantitative Analysis of Spatial Representation Proxy Data by Applying Signal Processing Techniques, PP43D-1629, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 2019/12/9-13. (poster)
      5. Misako Hatono, Kei Yoshimura and So Kazama, Combining Numerical Modeling and Remote Sensing to Estimate High Resolution Suspended Sediment Concentration: A Case Study on the Amazon River Basin, EP41B-06, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 2019/12/9-13. (oral)
      6. Kinya Toride, Kei Yoshimura, Christopher Diekmann, Farahnaz Khosrawi, Benjamin Ertl, and Matthias Schneider, Impacts of assimilating high-resolution IASI water vapor isotopic observations on weather forecasts, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 2019/12/9-13. (oral)
      7. Kei Yoshimura, Panduka Neluwala, Kinya Toride, Mika Ichino, Kooiti Masuda, and Junpei Hirano, Atmospheric reanalysis before modern era using historical weather archives, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 2019/12/9-13. (oral)
      8. Xiaoxing Wang, Kei Yoshimura, and Kinya Toride, Improvement of atmospheric prediction by data assimilation using Gaussian transformation of cloud cover, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 2019/12/9-13. (poster)
      9. Onuma, Y., K. Yoshimura, T. Nitta, H. Tatebe, and M. Watanabe, Investigation on snow-soil-atmosphere interaction and impact on the climate signals through a pacemaker experiment of SWE,  AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 2019/12/9-13. (poster)
      10. Nitta, T., T. Arakawa, M. Hatono, H. Yashiro, D. Yamazaki, and K. Yoshimura, Evaluation of Integrated Land Simulator using site observations, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 2019/12/9-13. (poster)
      11. Kodama, C., Y. Yamada, T. Ohno, T. Seiki, H. Yashiro, A. T. Noda, M. Nakano, W. Roh, M. Satoh, T. Nitta, T. Nasuno, T. Miyakawa, Y. Chen, and M. Sugi, Model updates and early results of a decadal high-resolution climate simulations using the Non-hydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model, NICAM, for CMIP6 HighResMIP, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 2019/12/9-13. (oral)
      12. MA, W., K. Hibino, Y. Ishitsuka, S. Seto, D. Yamazaki, K. Yamamoto, M. Kachi, R. Oki, X. Wang, and K. Yoshimura, Application of Today’s Earth System for Flood Assessment, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 2019/12/9-13. (poster)
      13. Takao Yoshikane, Local weather prediction using machine learning, UTOKYO-NTU Joint conference, 2019/12/9. (invited)
      14. N. Nagatsuka, K. Goto-Azuma, A. Tsushima, H. Motoyama, S. Matoba, K. Fujita, T. Yamasaki, Y. Onuma, Y. Komuro, M. Minowa, T. Aoki, M. Hirabayashi, F. Nakazawa, D. DahlJensen, Variations in mineralogical composition of dust present in the Greenland SIGMA-D ice core and EGRIP snow pit over the past 100 years, The Tenth Symposium on Polar Science, Tokyo ,2019/12/3-5. (oral)
      15. Takao Yoshikane, Local weather prediction using machine learning,  15th International RSM workshop, Kashiwa, 2019/11/19-21. (oral)
      16. Ryota Arai and Kei Yoshimura, Global high-frequency surface water mapping using synthetic aperture radar data,  15th International RSM workshop, Kashiwa, 2019/11/19-21. (oral)
      17. Cauquoin, A., Werner, A. and Lohmann, G. Introduction to isotope-enabled Earth System Models: examples with MPI-ESM-wiso, 15th International RSM workshop, Kashiwa, 2019/11/19-21. (oral)
      18. Fumiaki Moriyama and Kei Yoshimura, Implementation of the biology modules in regional atmosphere-ocean coupled model, 15th International RSM workshop, Kashiwa, 2019/11/19-21. (oral)
      19. Kanon Kino, Ayako Abe-Ouchi, Ryouta O’ishi Fuyuki Saito, Masakazu Yoshimori, and Yasuto Watanabe, Role of the Earth’s orbital parameters (obliquity, precession, and eccentricity) in the glacial-interglacial warmings, 15th International RSM workshop, Kashiwa, 2019/11/19-21. (oral)
      20. Inna Syafarina and Kei Yoshimura, Study on malaria transmission model by surface water formation parameter correction and future, 15th International RSM workshop, Kashiwa, 2019/11/19-21. (oral)
      21. Tomoko Nitta, Takashi Arakawa, Akira Takeshima, Misako Hatono, and Kei Yoshimura, Development and validation of Integrated Land Simulator, 15th International RSM workshop, Kashiwa, 2019/11/19-21. (oral)
      22. Yosuke Miura and Kei Yoshimura, Development of variably saturated groundwater model & future works, 15th International RSM workshop, Kashiwa, 2019/11/19-21. (oral)
      23. Risa Hanazaki, Yuta Ishitsuka, Dai Yamazaki, and Kei Yoshimura, Implementation of reservoir flood control operation into flood forecasting system of Japan, 15th International RSM workshop, Kashiwa, 2019/11/19-21. (oral)
      24. Xiaojun Guo and Kei Yoshimura, Study on air-sea interaction over East Asia using a regional atmosphere-ocean coupled model, 15th International RSM workshop, Kashiwa, 2019/11/19-21. (oral)
      25. Xiaoxing Wang, Kei Yoshimura, and Kinya Toride, Improvement of atmospheric prediction by data assimilation using Gaussian transformation of cloud cover, 15th International RSM workshop, Kashiwa, 2019/11/19-21. (oral)
      26. Kei Yoshimura, Development of Global Terrestrial Hydrological Monitoring and Forecasting System “Today’s Earth”, HydroSOS 2019: the 2nd Technical Workshop of the WMO Global Hydrological Status and Outlook System, Nanjing, China, 2019/11/11-15. (invited)
      27. 吉兼隆生, 人工知能に任せれば、将来の天気予報は安泰?, サイエンスアゴラ, 東京, 2019/11/17. (invited)
      28. 花崎梨紗、石塚悠太、山崎大、芳村圭、洪水調節を組み込んだ確率洪水予報システムの構築及び2015年鬼怒川洪水への適用、第64回水工学講演会、大宮、2019/11/4-6. (oral)
      29. 大沼友貴彦、芳村圭、新田友子、建部洋晶、渡部雅浩、積雪ペースメーカー実験による気候への影響評価、気象学会2019年度秋季大会、福岡、2019/10/28-31. (oral)
      30. Kei Yoshimura, Data Assimilation of Isotopic Information, SISAL 4th workshop, Xi’an, China, 2019/10/14-18. (invited)
      31. Takao Yoshikane, Local weather forecast using machine learning, ADAP-T  “Lecture series on the meteorological issues in Tropics”, Thai, Bangkok, 2019/10/11 (invited)
      32. Kinya Toride, Kei Yoshimura, Christopher Diekmann, Benjamin Ertl, Farahnaz Khosrawi, and Matthias Schneider, The impacts of assimilating IASI water vapor isotope on weather forecasts, Water Isotopes and Climate Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, 2019/10/1-3. (oral)
      33. 大沼友貴彦、芳村圭、新田友子、建部洋晶、渡部雅浩、気候モデルを用いた積雪拘束実験による地表気温への影響評価、雪氷研究大会2019、山形、2019/9/8-11. (oral)
      34. 大沼友貴彦、芳村圭、竹内望、全球陸面過程モデルを用いた雪氷藻類繁殖分布の要因解析、雪氷研究大会2019、山形、2019/9/8-11. (oral)
      35. 永塚尚子,東久美子,對馬あかね,本山秀明,的場澄人,藤田耕史,山崎哲秀,大沼友貴彦,小室悠紀,箕輪昌紘,青木輝夫,平林幹啓,中澤文男,Dorthe Dahl-Jensen,グリーンランド氷床アイスコアおよび積雪ピットサンプル中の過去100年間の鉱物組成変動の解明,、雪氷研究大会2019、山形、2019/9/8-11. (oral)
      36. 阿部彩子、小長谷貴志、齋藤冬樹、川村賢二、津滝俊、藤田秀二、本山秀明、渡辺泰士、Ralf Greve、シェリフ多田野サム、木野佳音、Wing-Le Chan、三ツ井孝仁、過去 150 万年の氷期サイクル気候と古い南極氷探索のためのモデリング研究、雪氷研究大会2019、山形、2019/9/8-11. (oral)
      37. 吉兼隆生, 機械学習を用いた局地気象予測と地球温暖化による局地降水の変動特性, 第6回気象災害軽減イノベーションフォーラム, 東京, 2019/8/5. (invited)
      38. Nitta, T., Y. Ishitsuka, M. Tada, K. Suzuki, T. Takemura, and K. Yoshimura, Impact of black carbon and sulfate aerosols on terrestrial water circulation, Workshop on Air Pollution, Climate Change and Human Health, Nanjing, China, 2019/7/16-18. (oral)
      39. Kei Yoshimura, Japenese Status (ILS, MIROC), 3rd International Surface Working Group (ISWG) Workshop, Montreal, Canada, 2019/7/15-17.(oral)
      40. Kei Yoshimura, Development of global terrestrial hydrological monitoring and forecasting system Today’s Earth, 3rd International Surface Working Group (ISWG) Workshop, Montreal, Canada, 2019/7/15-17. (oral)
      41. K. Yoshimura, Y. Ishitsuka, K. Hibino, D. Yamazaki, K. Yamamoto, M. Kachi, R. Oki, Development of Global Terrestrial Hydrological Monitoring and Forecasting System “Today’s Earth” and Application to 2018 July Floods in Japan, IUGG2019, Montreal, Canada, 2019/7/8-18. (oral)
      42. A. Takeshima, K. Yoshimura, Improvement of Integrated Land Simulator by Soft Coupling of Global Water Resource Model, IUGG2019, Montreal, Canada, 2019/7/8-18. (oral)
      43. K. Yamamoto, K. Yoshimura, K. Hibino, M. Kachi, R. Oki, Utilization of Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) for Global Terrestrial Hydrological Simulation, IUGG2019, Montreal, Canada, 2019/7/8-18. (oral)
      44. T. Nakajima, T. Ohara, T. Masui, T. Takemura, K. Yoshimura, T. Hanaoka, K. Sudo, K. Ueda, Y. Masutomi, K. Suzuki, D. Goto, H. Tsuruta, Searching an optimal mitigation pathway of SLCP and evaluation of their environmental and climatic impacts, IUGG2019, Montreal, Canada, 2019/7/8-18. (oral)
      45. Risa Hanazaki, Yuta Ishitsuka, Dai Yamazaki, and Kei Yoshimura, Implementing reservoir operation rules in real-time flood forecasting system, Global Flood Partnership Conference 2019, Guangzhou, 2019/6/11-13. (poster)
      46. 吉兼隆生、芳村圭, 機械学習による局地気象予報手法の開発, 2019年度人工知能学会全国大会 (第 33 回) 論文集, 人工知能学会, 新潟, 2019/6/4-7. (oral)
      47. 加納 靖之、磯部 洋明、芳村 圭、岩橋 清美、玉澤 春史, 「歴史学×地球惑星科学」の目指すもの, MIS17-P01, JpGU2019, Makuhari, 2019/5/16-30. (poster)
      48. 芳村 圭、Neluwala Panduka、市野 美夏、増田 耕一、平野 淳平, 古日記データ同化による歴史天候の復元, MIS17-P14, JpGU2019, Makuhari, 2019/5/16-30. (poster)
      49. 増永 浩彦、江淵 直人、田村 岳史、芳村 圭、青梨 和正、計盛 正博、斎藤 克弥, 気候変動・全球水循環のモニタリングとメカニズム解明 (AMSR3), MSD44-P01, JpGU2019, Makuhari, 2019/5/16-30. (poster)
      50. Satoru Shoji, Atsushi Okazaki, and Kei Yoshimura, Study on proxy data assimilation aimed at climate reconstruction for the last millennium, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-14548, Vienna, Austria, 2019/4/7-12. (poster)
      51. Masataka Tada, Kei Yoshimura, and Jean-Lionel Lacour, Improvements of weather forecast by assimilating water vapor isotopes, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-13204-2, Vienna, Austria, 2019/4/7-12. (poster)
      52. Kei Yoshimura, Yuta Ishitsuka, Kenshi Hibino, Dai Yamazaki, Kosuke Yamamoto, Misako Kachi, and Riko Oki, Development of flood forecasting system over Japan and application to 2018 Japan floods event, EGU2019, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-16058, Vienna, Austria, 2019/4/7-12. (PICO)
      53. 吉兼隆生, AIによる局地気象予測の試み, 第8回気象災害におけるAI活用検討会, つくば, 2019/3/6 (invited)
      54. Nitta, T., and K. Yoshimura, Development and evaluation of ILS v1.0, Joint US-Japan Workshop on Climate Change and Variability, Honolulu, 2019/3/5-6. (oral)
      55. Kei Yoshimura, Data Assimilations for Millennium Reanalysis, Joint US-Japan Workshop on Climate Change and Variability, Honolulu, 2019/3/4-6. (oral)
      56. N. Nagatsuka, K. Goto-Azuma, A. Tsushima, H. Motoyama, S. Matoba, K. Fujita, T. Yamasaki, Y. Onuma, Y. Komuro, M. Minowa, T. Aoki, M. Hirabayashi, F. Nakazawa, D. DahlJensen, Variations in mineralogical composition of dust present in the Greenland SIGMA-D ice core and EGRIP snow pit over the past 100 years, Sixth International Symposium on Arctic Research, Tokyo, 2019/3/2-6. (poster)



      1. Yuta Ishitsuka, Dai Yamazaki, Kei Yoshimura, Development of an operational early flood forecasting system and 11-year validation of forecast skill over Japan, H52B-01, AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington DC, 2018/12/10-14.
      2. Atsushi Okazaki, Takemasa Miyoshi, Kei Yoshimura, Fuqing Zhang, An online data assimilation method to assimilate time-averaged observations, PP41F-1907, AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington DC, 2018/12/10-14.
      3. Misako Hatono, Tomoko Nitta, Takashi Arakawa, Kei Yoshimura, Modeling Sediment Dynamics at the Global Scale, EP21D-2293, AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington DC, 2018/12/10-14.
      4. Tomoko Nitta, Takashi Arakawa, Akira Takeshima, Misako Hatono, Hisashi Yashiro, Dai Yamazaki, Kei Yoshimura, Development of ILS, Integrated Land Simulator, H51O-1499, AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington DC, 2018/12/10-14.
      5. 井田寛子、芳村 圭、沖 大幹、生物季節と地球温暖化~サクラ開花への影響~、第63回水工学講演会、札幌、2018/11/25-27.
      6. 大沼友貴彦、金炯俊、芳村圭、新田友子、大石龍太、高田久美子、陸域モデル国際相互比較実験(LS3MIP)を想定したMATSIROによる20世紀再現実験、第63回水工学講演会、北海道札幌市、2018/11/25-27.
      7. 庄司 悟、岡﨑淳史、芳村 圭、気候プロキシデータ同化における観測インパクトの時空間偏在性に関する考察、第63回水工学講演会、札幌、2018/11/25-27.
      8. Panduka Neluwala and Kei Yoshimura, Reconstruction of Historical Weather Using Personal Weather Diaries, The 11th annual ACRE meeting, Tokyo, 2018/11/12-16.
      9. 新田友子、荒川隆、竹島滉、鳩野美佐子、八代尚、山崎大、芳村圭、統合陸域シミュレータの開発と気候モデルとの結合に向けた検討、気象学会2018年度秋季大会、仙台、2018/11/1.
      10. 多田真嵩、芳村圭、水蒸気同位体データ同化による気象予測改善に向けて、気象学会2018年度秋季大会、仙台、2018/11/1.
      11. 芳村圭、短寿命気候汚染物質による水ストレス・洪水暴露人口への影響、気象学会2018年度秋季大会、仙台、2018/10/29.
      12. 原田央、芳村圭、水谷司、信号処理分野の先端技術導入による新たな古気候復元手法の提案、水文水資源学会2018年度研究発表会、三重、2018/9/12.
      13. 吉兼 隆生、 芳村圭、機械学習を用いた局地降水予測、水文水資源学会2018年度研究発表会、 三重、2018/9/12.
      14. 新田友子、竹島滉、鳩野美佐子、八代尚、荒川隆、山崎大、芳村圭、統合陸域シミュレータ (ILS) の開発、水文水資源学会2018年度研究発表会、三重、2018/9/12.
      15. 大沼友貴彦、芳村圭、竹内望、新田友子、永塚尚子、庭野匡思、青木輝夫、全球陸面過程モデルMATSIROを用いた雪氷藻類繁殖の季節および地域特性、雪氷研究大会(2018・札幌)、北海道札幌子市(地震により誌上開催)、2018/9/9-12.(誌上での公開日は2018/11/1)
      16. Kei Yoshimura, Data Assimilation of Water Isotope Information for Constraining Hydrolmeteorological Processes, AOGS2018, IG25-A009, Honolulu, 2018/6/8.
      17. Xiaojun Guo, Kei Yoshimura, Impacts of Heat Flux Adjustments on the Climate Simulation in a Regional Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Model RSM-ROMS over the Northwest Pacific Ocean, AOGS2018, OS13-A026, Honolulu, 2018/6/6.
      18. 上杉 崇之、一柳 錦平、田上 雅浩、芳村 圭、Factors controlling seasonal variation of stable isotopes in precipitation across Japan, JpGU2018, AHW22-15, 幕張, 2018/5/24.
      19. 多田 真嵩、芳村 圭、水蒸気同位体データ同化による気象予測改善、JpGU2018, AHW25-06, 幕張, 2018/5/23.
      20. 吉兼 隆生、芳村 圭、 モデル降水バイアス低減手法の開発, JpGU2018, AHW22-04, 幕張, 2018/5/23.
      21. Okazaki Atsushi、三好 建正、芳村 圭、Zhang Fuqing, Toward online data assimilation for the millennium reanalysis, JpGU2018, ACC29-09, 幕張, 2018/5/22.
      22. 飯塚 芳徳ら、グリーンランド南東部、高涵養量ドームにおける浅層アイスコアプロジェクトの概要と研究成果、JpGU2018, ACC29-02, 幕張, 2018/5/22.
      23. 庄司 悟、岡﨑 淳史、芳村 圭、 気候プロキシを用いたデータ同化による千年紀気候復元, ACC29-10, JpGU2018, 幕張, 2018/5/22.
      24. Nitta, T., K. Yoshimura, A. Abe-Ouchi, The impact of representing snow-fed wetlands on summer warm and dry biases through land atmosphere interaction in MIROC5 AGCM experiment, 8th GEWEX open science conference, Canmore, 2018/5/6-11.
      25. Onuma Y., Yoshimura K., Takeuchi N. Nitta T,  Simulation of snow algal growth and its effect on snow albedo using a global land surface model, MATSIRO, International Symposium on Cryosphere and Biosphere, Kyoto, Japan, 2018/3/15.
      26. 芳村圭、新田友子、石塚悠太、多田真嵩、鈴木健太郎、竹村俊彦、短寿命気候汚染物質による陸域水循環への影響.第62回水工学講演会、岡山、2018/3/7.
      27. 板谷知明、芳村圭、深層学習を用いた水文気象場のダウンスケーリング手法の開発.第62回水工学講演会、岡山、2018/3/7.
      28. 森山文晶、芳村圭、筆保弘徳、領域大気海洋結合モデルの不確実性の検証, 第62回水工学講演会、岡山、2018/3/7.



      1. M. Tanoue, K. Ichiyanagi, K. Yoshimura, J. Shimada and Y. Hirabayashi, Estimation of the isotopic composition and origins of winter precipitation over Japan using a regional isotope circulation model, PP51E-02, AGU Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, 2017/12/11-15.
      2. P. Neluwala, K. Yoshimura, K. Toride, J. Hirano, M. Ichino, A. Okazaki, Reconstruction of Historical Weather by Assimilating Old Weather Diary Data, PP31A-1264, AGU Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, 2017/12/11-15.
      3. K. Yoshimura, Atmospheric reanalysis for multi-centuries using historical weather archives and isotopic proxies, 5th International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR5), Rome, 2017/11/13-17.
      4. K. Yoshimura, Data assimilation of Isotopic information for multi centennial atmospheric reanalysis, International Workshop on Isotopes for Tropical Ecosystem Studies, Costa Rica, 2017/10/2-6. (Invited Lecture)
      5. 大沼友貴彦, 芳村圭, 竹内望, 新田友子, 永塚尚子, 庭野匡思, 青木輝夫, 陸面過程モデルMATSIROを用いた雪氷藻類繁殖の計算実験, 雪氷研究学会, 十日町市, 2017/9/26.
      6. P. Neluwala, K. Yoshimura, J. Hirano, M. Ichino, Assimilating Various Fields from Historical Documents: Idealized Experiments, 水文・水資源学会2017年度総会・研究発表会, 北見, 2017/9/19-21.
      7. 竹島滉, 芳村圭, 日本の一級水系における計画降雨継続時間の妥当性に関する検証, 水文・水資源学会2017年度総会・研究発表会, 北見, 2017/9/19-21.
      8. 板谷知明, 芳村圭, 深層学習を用いた水文気象場のダウンスケーリング手法の開発, 水文・水資源学会2017年度総会・研究発表会, 北見, 2017/9/19-21.
      9. 新田友子, 芳村圭, 木口雅司, 鈴木健太郎, 竹村俊彦, SLCP(短寿命気候汚染物質)による陸域水循環への影響, 水文・水資源学会2017年度総会・研究発表会, 北見, 2017/9/19-21.
      10. 野本大輔,芳村 圭、平成 27 年関東・東北豪雨時のつくば市真瀬における水蒸気同位体比時間変動の決定要因に関する研究, 第25回地球環境シンポジウム、神戸、2017/9/6.
      11. 藪 優太郎,芳村 圭,Hyungjun Kim,新田友子,鳩野美佐子,石塚悠太,向田清峻,可知美佐子,沖 大幹1km, 解像度陸面モデルによる河川流量の検証, 第25回地球環境シンポジウム、神戸、2017/9/6.
      12. Christopher Duffy, Kei Yoshimura, Evan Thomas, Gopal Bhatt, Reanalysis, Stable Isotopes and the Age of Water: Improving Constraints for Model Identification at a Critical Zone Observatory, JpGU2017, AHW35-09, 幕張, 2017/5/20-25.
      13. Kei Yoshimura, Atsushi Okazaki, Panduka Neluwala, Challenges for Millennium Reanalysis, JpGU2017, MIS23-07, 幕張, 2017/5/20-25. [Invited]
      14. Atsushi Okazaki, Kei Yoshimura, Takemasa Miyoshi, Applycation of data assimilation to paleoclimate, JpGU2017, MGI28-11, 幕張, 2017/5/20-25.
      15. Kimpei Ichiyanagi, Masahiro Tanoue, Kei Yoshimura, Tsuyoshi Kumamomidou, Observed stable isotopes in precipitation and estimated water vapor origins across Japan throughout 2013, JpGU2017, AHW34-01, 幕張, 2017/5/20-25.
      16. Ryoto Furukawa, Ryu Uemura, Koji Fujita, Jesper Sjolte, Kei Yoshimura, Sumito Matoba, Iizuka Yoshinori, Seasonal scale dating of a shallow ice core from Greenland using oxygen isotope matching between data and simulation, JpGU2017, ACC37-P04, 幕張, 2017/5/20-25.
      17. Teruyuki Nakajima, Toshimasa Ohara, Toshihiko Masui, Toshihiko Takemura, Kei Yoshimura, Daisuke Goto, Kentaroh Suzuki, S-12 Science Team, Short-lived climate pollutant issues in the mitigation of the global warming, JpGU2017, AAS07-01, 幕張, 2017/5/20-25. [invited]
      18. M. H. Aslam, K. Yoshimura, Sediment yield in Jhelum river basin with and without climate change impact in Pakistan, 第61回水工学講演会, 福岡, 2017/3/15.
      19. Panduka Neluwala, Kinya Toride, and Kei Yoshimura, Assimilation Experiment of Weather Diary Data Using an LETKF System, the 3rd RIKEN International Symposium on Data Assimilation, Kobe, 2017/2/28-2017/3/2.
      20. Kei Yoshimura, Regional climate change projection and impact assessment: A Japanese contribution with SOUSEI project, Symposium on Development for Sustainable Global Environments and Water Resources, Chonbri, Thailand, 2017/1/23-24. (invited keynote speech)
      21. Kei Yoshimura, Development of global hydrological monitoring and warning system: Yesterday’s Earth on EORC (YEE), The 6th Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Asia Workshop on Satellite Precipitation Data Utilization, Bangkok, 2017/1/18-19.
      22. Kei Yoshimura, Recent rapid advancement of stable water isotope measurement and modeling in precipitation process studies, The 6th Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Asia Workshop on Satellite Precipitation Data Utilization, Bangkok, 2017/1/18-19.



      1. Masayuki Hirota, Kei Yoshimura, Classification of PDF and statistical estimation of future extreme rainfall by using multi-GCMs x multi-RCMs ensemble datasets, A51I-0200, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, 2016/12/12.
      2. Eun-Chul Chang, Kei Yoshimura, Improvement of the simulated precipitation by applying a Semi-Lagrangian advection scheme in the ECPC Regional Spectral Model, A51I-0190, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, 2016/12/12.
      3. Misako Hatono, Kiyotaka Mukaida, Tomoko Nitta, Takashi Arakawa, Kei Yoshimura, Development of an Integrated Global Hydrological Model with Sediment Dynamics, B13C-0600, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, 2016/12/12.
      4. Zhongwang Wei, Kei Yoshimura, Xuhui Lee, Lixin Wang, Diego G. Miralles, Scott Jasechko, Transpiration accounts for two thirds of global terrestrial evaporation, H11B-1299, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, 2016/12/12.
      5. Kei Yoshimura, Future stable water isotope projection with an isotope-AGCM driven by CMIP5 SSTs, PP23E-01, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, 2016/12/12.
      6. Yuta Ishitsuka, Kei Yoshimura, Building the ensemble flood prediction system by using numerical weather prediction data: Case study in Kinu river basin, Japan, NH23A-1854, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, 2016/12/12.
      7. Tomoko Nitta, Kei Yoshimura, Ayako Abe-Ouchi, The impact of representing arctic wetlands on summer warm and dry biases over land in MIROC5 AGCM experiment, GC23A-1219, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, 2016/12/12.
      8. Kei Yoshimura, Data assimilation with stable water isotope information, EGU Leonardo conference 2016, Ourense, Spain, 25-27 Oct 2016.
      9. Kei Yoshimura, Development of Regional Earth System Model with RSM, 14th International Regional Spectral Model (RSM) Workshop, in Rio de Janeiro, 2016
      10. Gavin Madakumbura and Kei Yoshimura, Development of River–Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Regional Model, 14th International Regional Spectral Model (RSM) Workshop, in Rio de Janeiro, 2016.
      11. Akane Saya, Takao Yoshikane, Eun-Chul Change and Kei Yoshimura, Sensitivity tests of boundary condition and the correction method of precipitation for IsoRSM tracer transport simulations of radioactive materials in FDNPP accident, 14th International Regional Spectral Model (RSM) Workshop, in Rio de Janeiro, 2016
      12. Kei Yoshimura, Regional Climate Change Projection: What We Have Revealed under SOUSEI Project in Japan, Meeting on Risk Analysis and Environmental Disasters (IGEO–UFRJ), 27 Sept, 2016.
      13. 佐谷茜, 吉兼隆生、Eun-Chul Chang, 芳村圭, 放射性物質沈着量分布再現のための大気移流拡散シミュレーション計算改善手法の評価, 水文・水資源学会2016 年度研究発表会, 福島, 2016/9/15.
      14. Kei Yoshimura, Isotope data assimilation: Applications for modern hydrology and paleoclimatology, Technical Meeting on “Reappraising the Use of Data on Isotopes in Precipitation”, IAEA, Vienna, 14 Sep 2016.
      15. 芳村圭・鳩野美佐子・藪優太郎・石塚悠太・金炯俊・可知美佐子・沖大幹、GSMaPを利用した洪水予測シミュレーションに関する現状と課題、JAXA/EORC水循環ワークショップ、2016/7/29.
      16. 芳村圭、平成27年関東・東北豪雨による鬼怒川洪水に関する調査活動を経て、JpGU2016, 25 May 2016.
      17. K. Mukaida and K. Yoshimura, A study on spatial and temporal variability of sediment in rivers using global sediment transport model, JpGU2016, Makuhari, 23 May 2016.
      18. 芳村圭、災害発生時の現地調査及び降水頻度に関する検討、2015年関東・東北豪雨災害土木学会・地盤工学会合同調査団関東グループ最終報告会、東京、20 May 2016.
      19. Kei Yoshimura, Added values by dynamical downscaling with regional atmosphere-ocean coupled model, 7th Japan-EU Workshop on Climate Change Research, Tokyo, 27 April 2016.
      20. Kei Yoshimura, Stable water isotope studies in SIO and AORI: Way toward Millennium Reanalysis, SIO CASPO seminar, La Jolla, 28 March 2016.
      21. Tomoko Nitta, Kei Yoshimura, On the impact of arctic wetlands on the climate system: Model sensitivity simulations with MIROC5 AGCM and the simplified wetland scheme, Joint US-Japan Workshop on Climate Change and Variability, La Jolla, 21-22 March 2016.
      22. Misako Hatono, Kei Yoshimura, Improvements in river inundation processes of a climate model, Joint US-Japan Workshop on Climate Change and Variability, La Jolla, 21-22 March 2016.
      23. Kiyotaka Mukaida, Kei Yoshimura, Incorporation of sediment transportation process to global river model, Joint US-Japan Workshop on Climate Change and Variability, La Jolla, 21-22 March 2016.
      24. Atsushi Okazaki, Kei Yoshimura, Toward the assimilation of climate proxy data, Joint US-Japan Workshop on Climate Change and Variability, La Jolla, 21-22 March 2016.
      25. 鳩野美佐子・芳村 圭・荒川 隆・山崎 大・沖 大幹, 高解像度河川氾濫過程の導入が大気大循環モデルの推計値に及ぼす影響, 第60回水工学講演会, 仙台, 2016/3/15.
      26. 芳村 圭・中村晋一郎・鳩野美佐子・向田清峻・石塚悠太・内海信幸・木口雅司・金 炯俊・乃田啓吾・ 牧野達哉・鼎信次郎・沖 大幹, 平成27年9月関東・東北豪雨による茨城県常総市における鬼怒川洪水に関する調査及び考察, 第60回水工学講演会, 仙台, 2016/3/15.
      27. Zhongwang Wei, Kei Yoshimura, Evapotranspiration partitioning: how to bridge the gap between site measurements and global simulation, The International Science Conference on MAHASRI, Tokyo, 2016/03/02.
      28. Atsushi Okazaki, Kei Yoshimura, The evaluation of mechanical model for isotope ratio in tree ring cellulose toward reconstruction of long-term Asian monsoon rainfall, The International Science Conference on MAHASRI, Tokyo, 2016/03/02.



      1. Misako Hatono, Kei Yoshimura, Dai Yamazaki, Taikan Oki, GC23G-1201: A study on the impact of dynamic open water surfaces by river inundation in a global climate model
      2. Hongying Yang, Kathleen Johnson, Michael Griffiths, Kei Yoshimura, PP33D-08: Inter-annual Controls on Oxygen Isotopes of Precipitaion in the Asian Monsoon Region
      3. Akane Saya, Takao Yoshikane, Eun-Chul Chang, Kei Yoshimura, B13A-0585: Simplified data assimilation for simulating wet deposition distribution of radioactive materials in FDNPP accident
      4. Amelia Lee Zhi Yi, Kei Yoshimura, Taikan Oki, B13A-0598: Simulating 131I pathways from Fukushima to Kanto: a case study for March 2011
      5. Zhongwang Wei, Kei Yoshimura, Atsushi Okazaki, Chun-Ta Lai, Keisuke Ono, Wonsik Kim. Masaharu Yokoi, PP11B-2243: Understanding the variability of water isotopologues in near-surface atmospheric moisture observed over a rice paddy in Tsukuba, Japan
      6. Staryl McCabe-Glynn, Kathleen Johnson, Kei Yoshimura, Nikolaus Buenning, Jeffrey Welker, A33I-0296: Assessing Precipitation Isotope Variations during Atmospheric River Events to Reveal Dominant Atmospheric/Hydrologic Processes
      7. Tomoko Nitta, Kei Yoshimura, Ayako Abe-Ouchi, GC21B-1091: On the impact of arctic wetlands on the climate system: Model sensitivity simulations with MIROC5 AGCM and the simplified wetland scheme
      8. 芳村圭, 取出欣也, 雲量データ同化による観測インパクト, 日本気象学会2015年度秋季大会, 京都, 2015/10/28.
      9. 新田友子, 芳村圭, 阿部彩子, 簡易湿地スキームを用いた大気陸面結合実験, 日本気象学会2015年度秋季大会, 京都, 2015/10/28.
      10. 森山文晶, 芳村圭, 筆保弘徳, 領域大気海洋結合気候モデルRSM-ROMSを用いた力学的ダウンスケーリング, 日本気象学会2015年度秋季大会, 京都, 2015/10/28.
      11. 芳村圭, 広域陸面モデリングの最前線~気候変動下の渇水リスクの求め方~, 平成27年度公開シンポジウム 「気候変動のリスクを知る~リスク情報の使われ方~」, 東京, 2015/10/13.
      12. 野本大輔, 木口雅司, 田上雅浩, 芳村圭, 目黒区で観測された高d-excess降水イベントの解析, 日本水文科学会2015年度大会, つくば, 2015/10/10.
      13. 芳村圭, 水同位体情報データ同化による気候再解析の可能性, 日本水文科学会2015年度大会, つくば, 2015/10/11.
      14. Yoshimura,K.Validation of RCMs by using water isotope information, International Workshop on Issues in downscaling of climate change projection, Tsukuba, 2015/10/7.
      15. Bhattarai, R. and K. Yoshimura, Pluvial flood damage in Japan in future climatic condition, International Workshop on Issues in downscaling of climate change projection, Tsukuba, 2015/10/7.
      16. 藪優太郎, 向田清峻, 芳村圭, Hyungjun KIM, 沖大幹, 日本域における超高解像度水文シミュレーションフレームワークの構築, 水文・水資源学会2015 年度研究発表会, 東京, 2015/9/11.
      17. 佐谷茜, 吉兼隆生、Eun-Chul Chang, 芳村圭, 放射性物質大気移流拡散計算における簡易的同化手法の適用とホットスポット形成過程の分析, 水文・水資源学会2015 年度研究発表会, 東京, 2015/9/11.
      18. 鳩野美佐子, 芳村圭, 沖大幹, 全球気候モデルへの河川氾濫過程の導入及び影響評価, 水文・水資源学会2015 年度研究発表会, 東京, 2015/9/11.
      19. Belgaman, H., K. Ichiyanagi, M. Tanoue, R. Suwarman, K. Yoshimura, S. Mori, and N. Kurita, MJO role on Intraseasonal variation of stable isotope of Precipitation in Indonesia Maritime Continent, JpGU2015, A-CG06 Asian monsoon hydroclimate, Makuhari, 2015/5/26.
      20. 芳村圭, 水同位体情報を用いた水循環過程や古気候変動の解明, JpGU2015, H-TT33 未来の地球環境と社会のための新しい情報基盤を構想する. 幕張, 2015/5/27.
      21. 高野雄紀, 芳村圭. 村上道夫. 上村剛史. 水道漏水の減少が新宿区おとめ山公園湧水に与える影響, JpGU2015, A-HW25 都市域の地下水・環境地質, 幕張, 2015/5/27.
      22. 樋口篤志. 茂木耕作, 芳村圭. JpGU「地球環境関連データセット博覧会」セッションでのこれまでの活動,およびそのまとめ. JpGU2015, M-GI36 地球惑星科学におけるオープンサイエンスデータをめざして. 幕張, 2015/5/28.
      23. 阿部彩子, グレーベ ラルフ, 齋藤冬樹, 吉森正和, 岡顕, 芳村圭, 南極氷床・海洋・気候の統合的モデリング, JpGU2015, M-IS21 南大洋・南極氷床が駆動する全球気候・生態系変動, 幕張, 2015/5/27.
      24. 大石龍太, 新田友子, 芳村圭, 高田久美子, 阿部彩子. 簡易湿地スキーム導入による大気海洋大循環モデルの改良. JpGU2015, A-CG31 北極域の科学, 幕張, 2015/5/25.
      25. 吉兼隆生. 芳村圭. 佐谷茜. 地域気候特性が放射性物質の輸送に与える影響, JpGU2015, M-AG38 福島原発事故により放出された放射性核種の環境動態, 幕張, 2015/5/26
      26. Wei, Z. Okazaki, A. Kim, W. Yokoi, M. Ono, K. Yoshimura, K. Factors controlling isotopic composition of water vapor over a paddy field, Mase, Japan: using a high frequency in-situ isotope observation and isotope enabled GCM, International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology: Revisiting Foundations and Exploring Frontiers, Vienna, Austria, 2015/5/11-15.
      27. 芳村圭, 全球高解像度シミュレーションに向けた地表面過程モデリング, 日本気象学会2015年度春季大会, つくば, 2015/5/24.(招待)
      28. Yusuke Satoh, Kei Yoshimura, Yadu Pokhrel, Hyungjun Kim, and Taikan Oki, The shift in onset of unprecedented hydrological drought as a response to different levels of global warming, EGU2015-13348, Vienna, 2015/4/17
      29. 佐藤雄亮・芳村圭・金炯俊・沖大幹, 旱魃の将来変化に対する水資源管理の効果に関する研究, 第59回水工学講演会, 東京, 2015/3/12.
      30. 新田友子・芳村圭・阿部彩子, 陸域水循環の再現性向上と気温バイアス低減に向けた簡易湿地スキームによる感度実験, 東京, 2015/3/12.
      31. Yoshimura, K. and K. Toride, Feasibility of data assimilation using documented weather record for reconstruction of historical climate, PAGES Asia2K meeting, Kyoto, 2015/3/19.
      32. Yoshimura, K., Study on impact of the water resources management on projected future change of drought, MAHASRI Science workshop, Nagoya, 2015/3/4.



      1. Zhongwang Wei, Atsushi Okazaki, Masaharu Yokoi, Wonsik Kim, Zhongfang Liu, Kei Yoshimura, PP31D-1158, Partitioning of evapotranspiration through high frequency water vapor isotopic measurement over a paddy field, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 2014/12/17.
      2. Hans Christian Steen-Larsen, Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Camille Risi, Kei Yoshimura, Martin Werner, Martin Butzin, Eric Brun, Amaelle Landais, Jean-Louis Bonne, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, PP31D-1187, Using Water Vapor Isotope Observations from above the Greenland Ice Sheet to improve the Interpretation of Ice Core Water Stable Isotope Records, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 2014/12/17.
      3. Yusuke Satoh, Kei Yoshimura, Yadu Pokhrel, Hyungjun KIM, Taikan Oki, GC11D-0592, Time series analysis of hydrological drought under climate change with anthropogenic water management, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 2014/12/17.
      4. Justin Reuter, Nikolaus Buenning, Lowell Stott, Kei Yoshimura, PP31D-1180, Simulating Prehistoric Mid-Latitude Oxygen Isotopes in Precipitation using IsoGSM, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 2014/12/17.
      5. Staryl McCabe-Glynn, Kathleen Johnson, Yuhao Zou, Jeffrey Welker, Courtenay Strong, Jonathan Rutz, Jin-Yi Yu, Kei Yoshimura, Scott Sellars, Ashley Payne, A53K-3350, Arctic and Tropical Influence on Extreme Precipitation Events, Atmospheric Rivers, and Associated Isotopic Values in the Western U.S., AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 2014/12/17.
      6. Dan Weaver, Kei Yoshimura et al., A51C-3056, Intercomparison of TCCON and MUSICA Water Vapour Products, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 2014/12/17.
      7. Masahiro Tanoue, Kimpei Ichiyanagi, Kei Yoshimura ,Jun Shimada, PP31D-1192, Origins of water vapor and precipitation throughout Japan in winter monsoon and extratropical cyclone events using a regional isotope circulation model, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 2014/12/17.
      8. Taikan Oki, Yusuke Satoh, Yadu Pokhrel, Hyungjun KIM, Kei Yoshimura, GC13L-04, Impacts of Autonomous Adaptations on the Hydrological Drought Under Climate Change Condition, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 2014/12/17.
      9. Nikolaus Buenning, Lowell Stott, Kei Yoshimura, PP33F-08, The Influence of 21st Century Climate Change on the Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Moisture and How it Relates to Past Hydrological Changes, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 2014/12/17.
      10. Kei Yoshimura, PP34B-04, Can we analyze the past climate using the isotopic proxy information with data assimilation?, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 2014/12/17.
      11. Atsushi Okazaki, Kei Yoshimura, PP31D-1179, Time slice simulation for LIA and MCA with stable water isotopes and comparison with modern situation, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 2014/12/17.
      12. Tomoko Nitta, Kei Yoshimura, Ayako Abe-Ouchi, H13C-1126, A sensitivity study of MATSIRO land surface model with a simple wetland scheme for improvements in the representation of surface hydrology and surface air temperature bias, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 2014/12/17.
      13. Halda Belgaman, Kimpei Ichiyanagi, Masahiro Tanoue, Rusmawan Suwarman, Kei Yoshimura, Shuichi Mori, Manabu Yamanaka, Naoyuki Kurita, Fadli Syamsudin, PP31D-1170, Intraseasonal Variability of δ18O of Precipitation in The Indonesia Maritime Continent, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 2014/12/17.
      14. Kinya Toride, Kei Yoshimura, Toward Reconstruction of Historical Weather with Data assimilation: Present Day Experiments using Reanalysis Data, 13th RSM workshop, Yokohama, 2014/11/26.
      15. Masahiro Tanoue, Kimpei Ichiyanagi, Kei Yoshimura, Jun Shimada, Precipitation and water vapor origins throughout Japan in winter by isotopes-incorporated Regional Spectral Model, 13th RSM workshop, Yokohama, 2014/11/26.
      16. Din Amad Ud, Kei Yoshimura, 1986 Snow Storm Simulation Using Regional Isotope Spectrum Model (IsoRSM) and Its Comparison with Cosmosiso Model, 13th RSM workshop, Yokohama, 2014/11/26.
      17. Panduka Neluwala, Kei Yoshimura, Suryun Ham, Performance of High Resolution Ocean Atmosphere Coupled Model Downscaling over Sri Lanka, 13th RSM workshop, Yokohama, 2014/11/26.
      18. Fumiaki MORIYAMA, Hironori FUDEYASU, Kei Yoshimura, Suryum HAM, Several scheme sensitivity experiments in Eastern Asia by a regional climate model, 13th RSM workshop, Yokohama, 2014/11/26.
      19. Mehwish Ramzan, Suryun Ham, Muhammad Amjad, Eun-Chul Chang, Kei Yoshimura, Study of South Asian Climate and Added value of High Resolution Regional Spectral Model (RSM), 13th RSM workshop, Yokohama, 2014/11/26.
      20. Suryun Ham, Kei Yoshimura, Assessment of Future Climate Changes over the East Asia due to the RCP scenarios downscaled by Regional Spectral Model, 13th RSM workshop, Yokohama, 2014/11/26.
      21. Nikolaus H. Buenning, Lowell Sott, Kei Yoshimura, Water isotope projections of the 21st century and how they relate to simulated changes in wind and precipitation patterns, 13th RSM workshop, Yokohama, 2014/11/26.
      22. Kei Yoshimura, Yusuke Satoh, Study on impact of the water resources management on projected future change of drought, International Workshop on RISK INFORMATION ON CLIMATE CHANGE 25-27 November 2014 Yokohama, Japan
      23. 取出欣也・芳村圭、データ同化を用いた歴史天候復元に向けて―理想実験による実現可能性の検討、日本地理学会2014年秋季学術大会、富山、2014/9/21
      24. 芳村圭、アンサンブルカルマンフィルタを用いた水同位体比データ同化システムの構築、日本地理学会2014年秋季学術大会、富山、2014/9/21
      25. Mehwish RAMZAN, Suryun HAM, Kei YOSHIMURA, Muhammad AMJAD, Downscaling Experiment for CORDEX South-Asia Featuring Twenty Century Climate Using Regional Spectral Model (RSM)、水文水資源学会2014年度研究発表会、宮崎、2014/9/24
      26. 新田友子・芳村圭・阿部彩子、陸面モデルにおける高緯度陸域水循環の改善に向けた簡易湿地スキームによる感度実験、水文水資源学会2014年度研究発表会、宮崎、2014/9/24
      27. 向田清峻・芳村圭・キムヒョンジュン・沖大幹、全球スケールと領域スケールをシームレスに つなぐ河川流路網モデルの検証、水文水資源学会2014年度研究発表会、宮崎、2014/9/24
      28. 松尾奈緒子・山田祐也・芳村圭・勝山正則・和田恵次・大野研・立花義裕、紀伊半島の降水の安定同位体比の季節変動と空間分布、水文水資源学会2014年度研究発表会、宮崎、2014/9/24
      29. 田上雅浩・一柳錦平・芳村圭・嶋田純、日本全国における冬の降水・水蒸気起源の推定、水文水資源学会2014年度研究発表会、宮崎、2014/9/24
      30. 岡崎淳史・芳村圭、同位体大循環モデルの開発とその同位体境界条件への応答、水文水資源学会2014年度研究発表会、宮崎、2014/9/24
      31. 佐藤雄亮・芳村圭・沖大幹・金炯俊、流況への人為影響を考慮した河川渇水の将来予測、水文水資源学会2014年度研究発表会、宮崎、2014/9/24
      32. Suryun Ham and Kei Yoshimura, Assessment of Future Climate Changes Over the East Asia Due to the RCP Scenarios Downscaled by Regional Spectral Model, AOGS2014, AS36-D5-AM1-ED-002, Sapporo, 2014/8/1.
      33. Izuru Takayabu, Koji Dairaku, Kei Yoshimura, Genta Ueno, Hiroaki Ueda, Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Introduction of SOUSEI Theme C Program – Developing of Basic Technology for Risk Information on Climate Change, AOGS2014, AS36-D5-PM2-ED-025, Sapporo, 2014/8/1.
      34. Kei Yoshimura, Suryun Ham, Haiqin Li, Atmosphere-ocean Coupled Regional Modeling for Dynamical Downscaling of Current and Future Climates, AOGS2014, AS36-D5-PM1-ED-018, Sapporo, 2014/8/1.
      35. Mehwish Ramzan, Suryun Ham, Muhammad Amjad, Eun-Chul Chang, Kei Yoshimura, Multi-decadal Dynamic Downscaling of South-asian Region Using Regional Spectral Model (RSM), AOGS2014, AS36-D4-PM2-P-037, Sapporo, 2014/7/31.
      36. Rusmawan Suwarman, Kimpei Ichiyanagi, Masahiro Tanoue, Kei Yoshimura, Shuichi Mori, Manabu D. Yamanaka, Fadli Syamsudin, Halda Aditya Belgaman, Enso Signature in Stable Isotopes of Precipitation Over Maritime Continent During Wet Season, AS38-D4-PM2-P-020 , AOGS2014, Sapporo, 2014/7/31.
      37. Masahiro Tanoue, Kimpei Ichiyanagi, Kei Yoshimura, Jun Shimada, Water Vapor Origins in the Japanese Archipelago in Winter Estimated by a Regional Isotope Circulation Model, HS08-D5-AM1-PB-002, AOGS2014, Sapporo, 2014/8/1.
      38. Taikan Oki, Yusuke Satoh, Yadu Pokhrel, Hyungjun Kim, Kei Yoshimura, How Autonomous Adaptation Can Mitigate the Impacts of Climate Change on Water Scarcity? HS09-D4-PM2-EB-001, AOGS2014, Sapporo, 2014/8/1.
      39. Ji-Woo Lee, Hong, S.-Y., Ester Kim, J.-E., Yoshimura, K., Ham, S., Joh, M, Evaluation of River Discharge Simulated by Regional Climate Modeling over the Korean Region and Sensitivity on Resolution of River Routing Scheme, 3rd Lund Regional-scale Climate Modelling Workshop, Lund, Sweden, 16 – 19 June 2014.
      40. Suryun Ham, Yoshimura, K., Future Climate Changes over East Asia by the RCP scenarios downscaled using the Regional Spectral Model, 3rd Lund Regional-scale Climate Modelling Workshop, Lund, Sweden, 16 – 19 June 2014.
      41. Kei Yoshimura, Water Isotope Modeling – Bridging data and physics –, PAGES-Asia2K Workshop, Beijing, 2014/5/26.
      42. 田上雅浩 ・一柳錦平・芳村圭・嶋田純 、降水の安定同位体比 を用いた冬季日本列島における水蒸気起源の推定、2014年度春季気象学会, 2014/5/21.
      43. 芳村圭、色水解析と水同位体比からみたアジアモンスーン、2014年度春季気象学会、横浜、2014/5/21.
      45. 高野雄紀、芳村圭、村上道夫、上村剛史, 新宿区おとめ山公園湧水の地下水位-流量モデルと地下水位の大気圧応答, JpGU2014, AHW26-09, 横浜, 2014/5/1.
      46. 田上雅浩、一柳錦平、芳村圭、嶋田 純, 同位体領域モデルによって推定された冬季日本列島における水蒸気の起源, JpGU2014, AHW25-03, 横浜, 2014/5/2.
      47. 芳村圭、Ham Suryun、Li Haiqin, 大気海洋結合領域モデルによる現在および将来気候の力学的ダウンスケーリング, JpGU2014, ACG38, 横浜, 2014/4/29.
      48. 芳村圭、陸域生態系-水文-大気プロセス研究における水の安定同位体比情報利用の最前線、JpGU2014, ACG34、横浜、2014/5/1.
      49. Eun-Chul Chang, Sang-Wook Yeh, and Kei Yoshimura, Impact of local sea surface temperature on changes of summer precipitation components over Northeast Asia in mid-1990s, EGU2014-9919, Vienna, 2014/4/29.
      50. Hans Christian Steen-Larsen, Camille Risi, Kei Yoshimura, Martin Werner, Martin Butzin, and Valerie Masson-Delmotte, The ability of isotope enabled Global Circulation Models to simulate observed water vapor isotopic composition above the Greenland Ice Sheet, EGU2014-9530, Vienna, 2014/4/29.
      51. Suryun Ham, Kei Yoshimura, and Asuka Suzuki-Parker, Assessing Future Climate Changes in the East Asia due to the RCP scenarios downscaled by Regional Spectral Model, EGU2014-4912, Vienna, 2014/4/28.



      1. Atsushi Okazaki; Yusuke Satoh; Guillaume Tremoy; Francoise Vimeux; Kei Yoshimura, Interannual variability of vapor isotope in West Africa and its relation to ENSO, A11G-0135, AGU Fall meeting 2013, San Francisco, 2013.
      2. Zhongwang Wei; Hidetoshi Maeda; Atsushi Okazaki; Keigo Noda; Masashi Kiguchi; Masahiro Koike; Wonsik Kim; Masaharu Yokoi; Kei Yoshimura, High-frequency water vapor isotope measurements with a laser spectrometer in a paddy field during growing season and application for evapotranspiration partitioning, B21A-0456, AGU Fall meeting 2013, San Francisco, 2013.
      3. Akane Saya; Eun-Chul Chang; Kei Yoshimura; Taikan Oki, Simulation of radioactive tracer transport using IsoRSM and uncertainty analysis, H21C-1059, AGU Fall meeting 2013, San Francisco, 2013.
      4. Nikolaus H. Buenning; Lowell D. Stott; Lisa Kanner; Kei Yoshimura, Simulated shifts in the mid-latitude storm tracks over the western US detected through isotopes in precipitation and vapor, GC23E-07, AGU Fall meeting 2013, San Francisco, 2013.
      5. Gabriel J. Bowen; Zhongfang Liu; Kei Yoshimura, Water isotope indicies for paleoclimate modes (Invited), PP42C-01, AGU Fall meeting 2013, San Francisco, 2013.
      6. Chun-Ta Lai; Kei Yoshimura; John Worden, Linking evapotranspiration, boundary-layer processes and atmospheric moisture using isotope tracer modeling and data, A51B-0024, AGU Fall meeting 2013, San Francisco, 2013.
      7. Kei Yoshimura, Observation System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) using water vapor isotopes, H51I-1321, AGU Fall meeting 2013, San Francisco, 2013.
      8. 田上雅浩、一柳錦平、芳村圭、嶋田純、冬季日本にもたらされる水蒸気起源の推定、2013年気象学会秋季大会、仙台、2013.
      9. 吉田奈津妃、芳村圭、JRA55における地表面気象要素の季節平均偏差の長期傾向、2013年気象学会秋季大会、仙台、2013.
      10. 南出将志、芳村圭、台風Washiに伴う降水現象に対する地形の影響、2013年気象学会秋季大会、仙台、2013.
      11. 前田英俊、魏忠旺、岡崎淳史、乃田啓吾、木口雅司、小池雅洋、金元植、芳村圭、レーザー分光計を用いた水田状の連続高頻度水蒸気同位体比測定、2013年気象学会秋季大会、仙台、2013.
      12. 芳村圭、水蒸気同位体比を用いた観測システムシミュレーション実験、2013年気象学会秋季大会、仙台、2013.
      13. Atsushi Okazaki, Y. Satoh, G. Tremoy, F. Vimeux, and K. Yoshimura, Interannual variability of delt-18O of water vapor in West Africa and its relation to ENSO, First International Workshop on Advances In Observations, Models And Measurement Techniques Of Atmospheric Water Vapor Isotopes, Paris, 2013 Oct.
      14. Kei Yoshimura, Isotope data assimilations: Possibility and problems to be solved (invited), First International Workshop On Advances In Observations, Models And Measurement Techniques Of Atmospheric Water Vapor Isotopes, Paris, 2013 Oct.
      15. Kei Yoshimura, Incremental Interpolation in the Dynamical Downscaling, International Workshop on Downscaling 2013, Tsukuba, 2013.
      16. Rajan Bhattarai, Kei Yoshimura, Shinta Seto, Taikan Oki, Vulnerability and damage functions for economical damage by flood inundation in Japan using exceedance probability index of rainfall and macro-scale economic parameters, 水文水資源学会年次講演会、神戸、2013.
      17. 鳩野美佐子、芳村圭、沖大幹、陸面・河川氾濫モデルを用いた全球洪水リスク実時間算定システムの構築、水文水資源学会年次講演会、神戸、2013.
      18. Mehwish Ramzan, Kei Yoshimura, Muhammad Amjad, Eun-Chul Chang, Comparative study of 2010-2011 floods in Pakistan using regional spectral model (IsoRSM), 水文水資源学会年次講演会、神戸、2013.
      19. 新田友子、芳村圭、高田久美子、大石龍太、鼎信次郎、沖大幹、Glen E. Liston、陸面モデルにおけるサブグリッドスケールの積雪被覆率と積雪深の変化の表現、2013JpGU、幕張、2013年5月
      20. Yoshimura, K. Water isotope modeling and observations toward reconstruction for Asian hydroclimatology, 2013JpGU, Makuhari, May 2013.
      21. 芳村圭、局所アンサンブル変換カルマンフィルタを用いた同位体比データ同化に向けた理想化実験、2013JpGU、幕張、2013年5月
      22. 芳村圭、LETKFとIsoGSMを用いた水同位体比データ同化実験、2013年気象学会春季大会、東京、2013年5月
      23. 田上雅浩・一柳錦平・芳村圭・嶋田純、同位体領域気候モデルを用いた冬季日本における水蒸気起源の解析、2013年気象学会春季大会、東京、2013年5月
      24. Liu, Z., K. Yoshimura, G.J. Bowen, L. Tian, Modern monsoon extent and moisture dynamics over eastern Asian: evidence from precipitation and water vapor isotopes, EGU2013, Vienna, April 2013.
      25. Steen-Larsen, H.C., V. Masson-Delmotte, C. Risi, K. Yoshimura, B. Stenni, A. Landais, B. Vinther, The ability of isotope enabled Global Circulation Models to simulate observed water vapor isotopic composition above the Greenland Ice Sheet. EGU2013, Vienna, April 2013.
      26. Steen-Larsen, H. C., A. E. Sveinbjörnsdottir, M. Werner, C. Risi, K. Yoshimura, A. J. Peters, J. Rosset, Continuous water vapor isotopic composition observations in the sub-tropical North Atlantic (Bermuda), EGU2013, Vienna, April 2013.
      27. Ortega, P., D. Swingedouw, V. Masson-Delmotte, C. Risi, R. Vautaurd, P. Yiou, K. Yoshimura, B. Vinther, Weather regimes and Greenland ice-core variability in the instrumental period, EGU2013, Vienna, April 2013.
      28. 浦川昇吾・黒木聖夫・芳村圭・羽角博康, 日本近海高解像度モデリングにて再現された河川水由来の沿岸低塩分水について、2013年日本海洋学会春季大会、東京、2013年3月
      29. 宮本悠平、和田鉄平、内海泰弘、中塚武、芳村圭、安江恒、カラマツにおける年輪内酸素同位体比が反映する相対湿度と降水酸素同位体比の記録期間の推定、2013年日本木材学会年次大会、岩手、2013年3月



      1. 2012 Dec., GC11D-1035. Development of a terrestrial integrated model for the sustainable utilization strategy of land-water-ecosystems Seita Emori; Tokuta Yokohata; Akihiko Ito; Naota Hanasaki; Yadu N. Pokhrel; Yusuke Sato; Kei Yoshimura; Taikan Oki; Etsushi Kato; Kiyoshi Takahashi; Yoshiki Yamagata
      2. 2012 Dec., A21D-0092. Sensitivity of the summer precipitation to tropical sea surface temperature over East Asia Eun-Chul Chang; Sang-Wook Yeh; Song-You Hong; Renguang Wu; Kei Yoshimura
      3. 2012 Dec., GC31D-02. Century long observation constrained global dynamic downscaling and hydrologic implication Hyung Jun Kim; Kei Yoshimura; Eun-Chul Chang; James S. Famiglietti; Taikan Oki
      4. 2012 Dec., B33A-0501. GCM-based analysis of Pacific/North American (PNA) teleconnection controls on precipitation isotopes across the contiguous USA, Zhongfang Liu; Kei Yoshimura; Gabriel J. Bowen; Jeffrey M. Welker
      5. 2012 Dec., C33A-0639. Uncertainty of global snow simulation: ensemble experiments of land surface model MATSIRO Tomoko Nitta; Kei Yoshimura; Shinjiro Kanae; Taikan Oki
      6. 2012 Dec., H34B-01. Comparison of Stable Isotope Composition in Precipitation between Atmospheric General Circulation Models and Shale Hills Critical Zone Observations Evan Thomas; Kei Yoshimura; Christopher Duffy
      7. 2012 Dec., GC41E-05. Direct and remotely-sensed observations of water vapor isotopes in the North American Monsoon domain Max B. Berkelhammer; Sally Langford; Nikolaus H. Buenning; Kei Yoshimura; Christian Frankenberg; Aleya Kaushik; David C. Noone
      8. 2012 Dec., H41B-1177. Impact of Climate Change on drought with terrestrial hydrologic simulation considering anthropogenic factors Yusuke Satoh; Kei Yoshimura; Yadu N. Pokhrel; Sujan Koirala; Atsushi Okazaki; Hyungjun Kim; Taikan Oki
      9. 2012 Dec., GC52A-03. Using isotope-based climate proxies and model simulations to diagnose drought mechanisms in the western US (Invited) Nikolaus H. Buenning; Lisa C. Kanner; Lowell D. Stott; Kei Yoshimura
      10. 2012 Dec., A53N-0346. The cause of the seasonal variation in the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation along the western U.S. coast Nikolaus H. Buenning; Lowell D. Stott; Kei Yoshimura; Max B. Berkelhammer
      11. 2012 Dec., A53N-0351. Idealized Experiments for Data Assimilation of Vapor Isotopes with Isotopic AGCM and Ensemble Kalman Filter Kei Yoshimura; Takemasa Miyoshi
      12. 2012 Nov., Kei Yoshimura, Takemasa Miyoshi, and Masao Kanamitsu, Idealized Experiments for Data Assimilation of Vapor Isotopes (δ18O and δD) with Isotopic AGCM and Ensemble Kalman Filter, 12th International Regional Spectral Model Workshop, La Jolla, USA.
      13. 2012 Nov., Nikolaus Buenning, Lisa Kanner, Lowell Stott, Kei Yoshimura, Using model simulations to understand controls on precipitation 18O/16O variations within the western US, 12th International Regional Spectral Model Workshop, La Jolla, USA.
      14. 2012 Nov., Eun-Chul Chang, Sang-Wook Yeh, Song-You Hong, Renguang Wu, and Kei Yoshimura, Effects of the local sea surface temperature on the change of the summer precipitation components in mid-1990s over Northeast Asia, 12th International Regional Spectral Model Workshop, La Jolla, USA.
      15. 2012 Sep., Cherry May MATEO, Naota HANASAKI, Daisuke KOMORI, Kei YOSHIMURA, Masashi KIGUCHI, Taikan OKI, Optimization of H08 Land Surface Model Parameters in the Chao Phraya River Basin to Reproduce the 2011 River Discharge, Annual Conf. of JSHWR, Hiroshima.
      16. 2012 Sep., 佐藤雄亮、沖大幹、芳村圭、人間活動を考慮した温暖化の渇水流量に対する影響評価、水文・水資源学会2012年研究発表会、広島.
      17. 2012 Sep., 芳村圭、局所アンサンブル変換カルマンフィルタを用いた同位体比データ同化に向けた理想化実験、京都大学地球惑星科学専攻地球科学輻合部特別講演会、京都.
      18. 2012 Aug, K. Yoshimura, Idealized experiments for data assimilation of vapor isotope (d18O and dD) with isotopic AGCM and ensemble Kalman filter, KIAPS seminar, Seoul.
      19. 2012 May, K. Yoshimura, Reproduction of isotopic signals in climate proxies with Isotope Reanalysis for 20th century, ACG36-01, JpGU2012, Makuhari.
      20. 2012 May, K. Yoshimura, 20th Century Isotope Reanalysis, 4th WCRP International Conference on Reanalyses, Silver Spring.
      21. 2012 Apr., K. Yoshimura, Isotope Reanalysis for 20th century: Reproduction of isotopic time series in corals, tree-rings, and tropical ice cores, EGU2012-6364, Vienna.
      22. 2012 Apr., S. Pfahl, H. Wernli, and K. Yoshimura, The isotopic composition of precipitation from a winter storm – a case study with the limited-area model COSMOiso, EGU2012-5311, Vienna.
      23. 2012 Apr., A. Okazaki, K. Yoshimura, N. Takeuchi, K. Fujita, V. Aizen, and T. Oki, Simulation of vertical profiles of stable water isotopes in a snow pit using a new offline isotopic snow-icecore model, EGU2012-8220, Vienna.
      24. 2012 Mar., 小島啓太郎, 芳村圭, 鈴木淳, 沖大幹, サンゴ記録と同位体大循環モデルを用いた海水酸素同位体比変動メカニズムの定量的理解,水工学論文講演会、愛媛.
      25. 2012 Mar., 新田友子, 芳村圭, 高田久美子, 大石龍太, 鼎信次郎, 沖大幹, 陸面モデルにおけるサブグリッドスケールの積雪被覆率と積雪深の変化の表現, 水工学論文講演会、愛媛.
      26. 2012 Mar., K. Yoshimura, 140-year Isotope Reanalysis, Using Paleo-Climate Model/Data Comparisons to Constrain Future Projections, Honolulu.



      1. 2011 Dec., Yadu N. Pokhrel; Sujan Koirala; Tomohito Yamada; Naota Hanasaki; Pat J. Yeh; Kei Yoshimura; Shinjiro Kanae; Taikan Oki, Modeling Irrigation Pumping and Groundwater Depletion in the High Plains Aquifer, USA , H11D-1086, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco.
      2. 2011 Dec., Kei Yoshimura; Christian Frankenberg; Jeonghoon Lee; Masao Kanamitsu; John Worden; Thomas Roeckmann, Comparison of an isotopic AGCM with new quasi global satellite measurements of water vapor isotopologues PP23D-08, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco.
      3. 2011 Dec., Nikolaus H. Buenning; Lowell D. Stott; Max B. Berkelhammer; Kei Yoshimura, Evaluating the drought busting winter of 2010-11 in southern California through isotope measurements and model simulations H43H-1330, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco.
      4. 2011 Oct., K. Yoshimura, Study on processes of Earth hydrological cycle with stable water isotopes, 8th Japanese-German Frontiers of Science (JGFoS) Symposium, 28-31 Oct. 2011, Tokyo, Japan.
      5. 2011 Oct., K. Yoshimura, On Dynamical Downscaling of an Ensemble Product, Third International workshop on downscaling, 17-19 Oct. 2011, Tsukuba, Japan.
      6. 2011 Oct., K. Yoshimura, Validating an isotopic AGCM with new satellite measurements of water vapor isotopologues, The 32nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 3-7 Oct., 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.
      7. 2011 Sep., 芳村圭、水循環モデルによる水同位体全球データの検証と古気候研究への展開、第1回同位体環境学シンポジウム、2011年9月29-30日、京都
      8. 2011 Sep., K. Yoshimura ACRE Downscaling: 20C Reanalysis Application for Paleoclimate tracer simulations, The 4th Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth (ACRE) Workshop, 21-23 Sep. 2011, KNMI, De Bilt, The Netherlands.
      9. 2011 Aug., K. Yoshimura, A tracer simulation with IsoRSM on the issue of Fukushima nuclear accident, 11th International RSM WorkshopAugust 15-19, 2011, National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan.
      10. 2011 Aug., 新田友子, 芳村圭, 高田久美子, 大石龍太, 鼎信次郎, 沖大幹, 陸面モデル MATSIRO 積雪スキームの高度化と複数の観測データセットを用いた検証、水文・水資源学会、2011年08月@京都大学
      11. 2011 May, 芳村圭、過去140年間の全球水同位体再解析, JpGU2011, ACG032-P02, May 23-27, 2011, Makuhari, Japan
      12. 2011 Jan., K Yoshimura, Dynamical Downscaling of Future Projections of Global Climate over California, International workshop on downscaling, Jan 18-20, 2011, Tsukuba, Japan.



      1. 2010 Dec., L. R. Welp; R. F. Keeling; H. A. Meijer; A. Bollenbacher; S. Piper; K. Yoshimura; R. J. Francey; C. E. Allison; M. U. Wahlen, The isotopic composition of oxygen in atmospheric CO2 and El Niño: a new constraint on global productivity. , B12B-04, AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco.
      2. 2010 Dec., Re-investigation on the potential of paleoclimate proxies using Reanalysis of oxygen isotopic composition of seawater with an isotope incorporated AGCM.. K. Kojima; K. Yoshimura; A. Oka; A. Suzuki; H. Kawahata; T. Oki, A53J-02, AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco.
      3. 2010 Dec., C. Jiang; S. T. Gille; J. Sprintall; K. Yoshimura; M. Kanamitsu, The model atmospheric response to the meso-scale SST variations along the Polar Front in Drake Passage. OS53B-1386, AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco. 
      4. 2010 Dec., T. Nitta; K. Yoshimura; S. Kanae; T. Oki, Change of flood risk under climate change based on Discharge Probability Index in Japan. GC51I-0840, AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco. 
      5. 2010 Dec., K. Yoshimura; L. D. Stott, Isotope simulation for 140 years with Reanalysis atmospheric and its comparison with climate proxy data. A51E-0193 AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco. 
      6. 2010 Nov., K. Yoshimura, A 140-year long historical water isotope simulation with the 20t century reanalysis and its comparison with climate proxy data, 3rd ACRE Workshop, Nov. 3-5, 2010, Baltimore, USA.
      7. 2010 Nov., K. Yoshimura and L. Stott, Towards Integrated Earth System Analysis with Isotopes: A forward modeling approach for 140-year long historical water isotope analysis, Evaluation of Reanalyses – Developing an Integrated Earth System Analysis (IESA) Capability, Nov. 1-3, 2010, Baltimore, USA.
      8. 2010 Aug., K. Yoshimura, Introduction on isotope-incorporated G-RSM, 10th International Regional Spectral Model Workshop, August 9-13, 2010, Sapporo, Japan.
      9. 2010 Apr., K. Yoshimura, Regional downscaling for stable water isotopes: A case study of an Atmospheric River event, Workshop on the water isotopologues in the atmosphere, 27-30 April 2010, Paris, France.
      10. 2010 Mar., 芳村圭、気象・気候研究への水同位体大気モデルと水蒸気同位体比リモートセンシングの利用、安定同位体を用いて生態系と気候変動の関わりを科学する -陸と海と空,過去・現在・未来をつなぐ安定同位体-、三重大学、三重、10 March, 2010.
      11. 2010 Jan., K. Yoshimura, Specification of lateral boundary values: Incremental interpolation of vertically coarse global forcing data for regional model integrations, Workshop on dynamical downscaling over Japan, 25-27 January, 2010.
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