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Papers with reviews

  1. Takagi, H., A. Cao, M. Esteban, Cumulative land subsidence in Populated Asian Coastal Cities, Journal of Costal and Riverine Flood Risk, (Accepted).
  2. Li, Y., L. Tian, S. Lewis, K. Yoshimura, C. Wang, J. Cui, Y. Ma, R. Guo, J. Zhang, Z. Jing, L. Shao, X. Guo, Y. Wang, Diagnosis of atmospheric circulation shifts in the central Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from stable isotopes, Atmospheric Research, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2022.106536.
  3. Li, X., R. Kawamura, K. Ichiyanagi, K. Yoshimura, Moisture sources and isotopic composition of a record-breaking heavy Meiyu-Baiu rainfall in southwestern Japan in early July 2020, Atmospheric Research, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106693.
  4. Li, Y., L. Tian, S. Lewis, K. Yoshimura, C. Wang, J. Cui, Y. Ma, R. Guo, J. Zhang, Z. Jing, L. Shao, X. Guo, Y. Wang, Diagnosis of atmospheric circulation shifts in the central Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from stable isotopes, Atmospheric Research, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2022.106536.


Papers with reviews (English)

  1. Miura, Y. and K. Yoshimura, Development and validation of a three-dimensional variably saturated flow model for global future water resource assessment – Targeting saturated groundwater flow in plains, JAMES., 14, 10. e2022MS003017, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022MS003017, 2022.
  2. Yin, G., T. Yoshikane, K. Yoshimura, K. Yamamoto, T. Kubota, A support vector machine-based method for improving real-time hourly precipitation forecast in Japan, J. Hydrol., 612, 128125, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128125, 2022.
  3. Bühler, J.C., J.M. Axelsson, F.A. Lechleitner, J. Fohlmeister, A.N. LeGrande, M. Midhun, J. Sjolte, M. Werner, K. Yoshimura, and K. Rehfeld, Investigating oxygen and carbon isotopic relationships in speleothem records over the last millennium using multiple isotope-enabled climate models, Clim. Past., 18, 1625–1654, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-18-1625-2022, 2022.
  4. Hatono, M., M. Kiguchi, K. Yoshimura, S. Kanae, K. Kuraji, and T. Oki, A 0.01-degree gridded precipitation dataset for Japan, 1926-2020, Scientific Data., 9, 422, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01548-3, 2022.
  5. Li, X., R. Kawamura, A. Sugimoto, K. Yoshimura, Isotopic composition and moisture sources of precipitation in midlatitude regions characterized by extratropical cyclones’ route, J. Hydrology., 612(A), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128047, 2022.
  6. Satoh, Y., K. Yoshimura, Y. Pokhrel, H. Kim, H. Shiogama, T. Yokohata, N. Hanasaki, Y. Wada, P. Burek, E. Byers, H.M. Schmied, D. Gerten, S. Ostberg, S. N. Gosling, J.E.S. Boulange and T. Oki, The timing of unprecedented hydrological drought under climate change, Nat. Comm. 13, 3287, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-30729-2, 2022.
  7. Yoshikane, T. and K. Yoshimura, A bias correction method for precipitation through recognizing mesoscale precipitation systems corresponding to weather conditions, PLOS water 1(5), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pwat.0000016, 2022.
  8. Shoji, S., A. Okazaki, and K. Yoshimura, Impact of proxies and prior estimates on data assimilation using isotope ratios for the climate reconstruction of the last millennium, Earth and Space Science, e2020EA001618, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020EA001618, 2022.
  9. Onuma, Y., K. Yoshimura, N. Takeuchi, Global simulation of snow algal blooming by coupling a land surface and newly developed snow algae models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127, e2021JG006339, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JG006339, 2022.
  10. Hanazaki, R., D. Yamazaki, K. Yoshimura, Development of Reservoir Flood Control Scheme for Global Flood Models, JAMES, JAME21549, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021MS002944, 2022.
  11. Yin, G., J, Baik, J. Park, Comprehensive analysis of GEO-KOMPSAT-2A and FengYun satellite-based precipitation estimates across Northeast Asia. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 59(1), 782-800, https://doi.org/10.1080/15481603.2022.2067970, 2022.
  12. Toride, K., G. J. Hakim, What distinguishes MJO events associated with atmospheric rivers?, Journal of Climate, 35(18), 6135-6149, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0493.1, 2022.
  13. Onuma, Y., Takeuchi, N., Uetake, J., Niwano, M., Tanaka, S., Nagatsuka, N. and Aoki, T.  Modeling seasonal growth of phototrophs on bare ice on the Qaanaaq Ice Cap, northwestern Greenland, Journal of Glaciology, 1–13, https://doi.org/10.1017/jog.2022.76, 2022.
  14. Dai Yamazaki, Yuki Kita, Kanon Kino, Takumi Bannai, Shuhei Nomura, Ikuto Kanbe, Satoru Shoji, Ryo Kaneko, and Kei Yoshimura. Why Does the World Move Toward Carbon Neutrality? Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources. https://doi.org/10.3178/jjshwr.35.202, 2022.
  15. Krätschmer, S., A. Cauquoin, G. Lohmann and M. Werner, A modeling perspective on the lingering glacial sea surface temperature conundrum. Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2022GL100378

Papers with reviews (Japanese)

  1. 新田友子,荒川隆,鳩野美佐子,竹島滉,山崎大,芳村圭,統合陸域シミュレータと気候モデルMIROCの連成シミュレーション,計算工学講演会論文集,27,A-12-01,2022
  2. 芳村圭, 倉敷市真備町を例にとった洪水予測研究, 気象研究ノート第246号、154-156, 2022.
  3. 芳村圭, 洪水の実時間予測, 水文・水資源ハンドブック第二版, 219-223, 2022.
  4. 吉川晴矢, 芳村圭, 大気造水による地域気候への影響, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), I_703-I_708, 2022.
  5. Wang, X., K. Toride, K. Yoshimura, Historical atmospheric analysis by weather category assimilation using Gaussian transformation, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1(Hydraulic Engineering), 78(2), I_691-I_696, 2022.
  6. Yang, Y. and K. Yoshimura, Isotopic simulation of combustion-derived vapor emission in urban area using regional spectral model, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1(Hydraulic Engineering), 78(2), I_697-I_702, 2022.
  7. 芳村圭,新田友子,次世代地球システムモデルに向けた統合陸域シミュレータの開発 〜土壌物理プロセスに着目して〜,土壌の物理性,2022.
  8. 山崎大, 北祐樹, 木野佳音, 坂内匠, 野村周平, 神戸育人, 庄司悟, 金子凌, 芳村圭, 世界はなぜ脱炭素に向けて舵を切ったのか?, 水文・水資源学会誌, 35, 202-232, 2022.


Papers with reviews (English)

  1. Kodama, C., T. Ohno, T. Seiki, H. Yashiro, A. T. Noda, M. Nakano, Y. Yamada, W. Roh, M. Satoh, T. Nitta, D. Goto, H. Miura, T. Nasuno, T. Miyakawa, Y. W. Chen, and M. Sugi, The Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model for CMIP6 HighResMIP simulations (NICAM16-S): experimental design, model description, and impacts of model updates, Geosci. Model Dev., https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-14-795-2021, 2021.
  2. Landais, A., B. Stenni, V. Masson-Delmotte, J. Jouzel, A. Cauquoin, E?. Fourre?, B. Minster, E. Selmo, T. Extier, M. Werner, F. Vimeux, R. Uemura, I. Crotti and A. Grisart, Interglacial Antarctic–Southern Ocean climate decoupling due to moisture source area shifts, Nat. Geosci., 14, 918-923, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-021-00856-4, 2021.
  3. Kino, K., A. Okazaki, A. Cauquoin, K. Yoshimura, Contribution of the Southern Annular Mode on variations in water isotopes of daily precipitation at Dome Fuji, East Antarctica, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 126, e2021JD035397, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JD035397, 2021.
  4. Syafarina, I., A.L. Latifah, Y. Miura, T. Nitta, K. Yoshimura, Correction of the surface water formation parameter used in a malaria transmission model and future malaria projections for Africa, Hydrol. Res. Let., 15, 4, 98-104, https://doi.org/10.3178/hrl.15.98, 2021.
  5. Cauquoin, A. and M. Werner, High resolution nudged isotope modeling with ECHAM6-wiso: Impacts of updated model physics and ERA5 reanalysis data, J. Adv. Model. Earth. Syst., 13(11), e2021MS002532, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021MS002532, 2021.
  6. Tada, M., K. Yoshimura, K. Toride, Improving Weather Forecasting by Assimilation of Water Vapor Isotopes, Sci Rep, 11, 18067, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-97476-0, 2021.
  7. Li, X., R. Kawamura, A. Sugimoto, K. Yoshimura, Estimation of Water Origins within an Explosive Cyclone over the Sea of Japan Using an Isotopic Regional Spectral Model, J. Hydrometeorol., 22, 11, 2825-2841, https://doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-21-0027.1, 2021.
  8. Breil, M., E. Christner, A. Cauquoin, M. Werner and G. Scha?dler, Applying an isotope-enabled regional climate model over the Greenland ice sheet: effect of spatial resolution on model bias, Clim. Past, 17, 1685-1699, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-17-1685-2021, 2021.
  9. Okazaki, A., T. Miyoshi, K. Yoshimura, S.J. Greybush, and F. Zhang, Revisiting online and offline data assimilation comparison for paleoclimate reconstruction: an idealized OSSE study, JGR-Atmos., https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD034214, 2021.
  10. Blyth, E. M., V. K. Arora, D. B. Clark , S. J. Dadson, M. G. DeKauwe, D. M. Lawrence, J. R. Melton, J. Pongratz, R. H. Turton, K. Yoshimura, H. Yuan, Advances in Land Surface Modelling, Curr. Clim. Change Rep., 7, 45–71, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40641-021-00171-5, 2021.
  11. Ma, W., Y. Ishitsuka, A. Takeshima, K. Hibino, D. Yamazaki, K. Yamamoto, M. Kachi, R. Oki, T. Oki, K. Yoshimura, Applicability of a nationwide flood forecasting system for Typhoon Hagibis 2019. Sci. Rep., 11, 10213, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-89522-8, 2021.
  12. Kathyat, G., A. Sinha, M. Tanoue, K. Yoshimura, H. Li, H. Zhang, H. Cheng, Interannual oxygen isotope variability in Indian summer monsoon precipitation reflects changes in moisture sources, Commun Earth Environ 2, 96, https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-021-00165-z, 2021.
  13. Kitajima, N., R. Seto, D. Yamazaki, X. Zhou,W. Ma, S. Kanae, Potential of a SAR Small-Satellite Constellation for Rapid Monitoring of Flood Extent. Remote Sens.13, 1959, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13101959, 2021.
  14. Zhou, X., W. MA, W. Echizenya, D. Yamazaki, The uncertainty of flood frequency analyses in hydrodynamic model simulations, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 1071–1085, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-21-1071-2021, 2021.
  15. Nagatsuka, N., K. Goto-Azuma, A. Tsushima, K. Fujita, S. Matoba, Y. Onuma, R. Dallmayr, M. Kadota, M. Hirabayashi, J. Ogata, Y. Ogawa-Tsukagawa, K. Kitamura, M. Minowa, Y. Komuro, H. Motoyama, T. Aoki: Variations in mineralogy of dust in an ice core obtained from northwestern Greenland over the past 100 years. Clim. Past, doi:10.5194/cp-17-1341-2021, 2021.
  16. Toride, K., G. J. Hakim, Influence of low-frequency PNA variability on MJO teleconnections to North American atmospheric river activity, Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094078, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL094078, 2021.
  17. Toride, K., K. Yoshimura, M. Tada, C. Diekmann, B. Ertl, F. Khosrawi, M. Schneider, Potential of mid-tropospheric water vapor isotopes to improve large-scale circulation and weather predictability. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL091698, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL091698, 2021.
  18. Daux, V., B. Minster, A. Cauquoin, O. Jossoud, M. Werner, and A. Landais, Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of tap waters in France, The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 507, 47-61, https://doi.org/10.1144/SP507-2020-207, 2021.
  19. Nagashima, K., J. Addison, T. Irino, T. Omori, K. Yosimura, N. Harada, Aleutian Low variability for the last 7,500 years and its relation to the westerly jet, Quaternary Research, https://doi.org/10.1017/qua.2020.116, 2021.
  20. Menard C. B., R. Essery, G. Krinner, G. Arduini, P. Bartlett, A. Boone, C. Brutel-Vuilmet, E. Burke, M. Cuntz, Y. Dai, B. Decharme, E. Dutra, X. Fang, C. Fierz, Y. Gusev, S. Hagemann, V. Haverd, H. Kim, M. Lafaysse, T. Marke, O. Nasonova, T. Nitta, M. Niwano, J. Pomeroy, G. Schädler, V. Semenov, T. Smirnova, U. Strasser, S. Swenson, D. Turkov, N. Wever, and H. Yuan, Scientific and human errors in a snow model intercomparison, BAMS, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0329.1, 2021.

Papers with reviews (Japanese)

  1. 芳村圭、データ同化技術による古気候データと地球システムモデルとの統合, 中塚武(監)「気候変動から読み直す日本史2古気候の復元と年代論の構築」ISBN978-4-653-04502-1, 187-199, 2021.
  2. 芳村圭, 数値洪水予測の改善に向けた衛星からの水面域抽出とシミュレーションとの融合, 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 41, 2, 224-227, https://doi.org/10.11440/rssj.41.224, 2021.
  3. 浜田光太郎,山崎大,新田友子:陸域モデルの土壌水分スキームの高度化と土壌パラメータの水平・鉛直分布の考慮.土木学会論文集B1(水工学),77,I_223-I_228, 2021.
  4. 足立幸太,山崎大,新田友子:斜面流れを考慮した全球陸域モデルによる丘-谷間水分コントラストの再現.土木学会論文集B1(水工学),77,I_229-I_234, 2021.
  5. 青木輝夫, 的場澄人, 庭野匡思, 朽木勝幸, 谷川朋範, 竹内望, 山口悟, 本山秀明, 藤田耕史, 山崎哲秀, 飯塚芳徳, 堀雅裕, 島田利元, 植竹淳, 永塚尚子, 大沼友貴彦, 橋本明弘, 石元裕史, 田中泰宙, 大島長, 梶野瑞王, 足立光司, 黒﨑豊, 杉山慎, 津滝俊, 東久美子, 八久保晶弘, 川上薫, 木名瀨健(2021),SIGMA及び関連プロジェクトによるグリーンランド氷床上の大気・雪氷・雪氷微生物研究−ArCS IIプロジェクトへのつながり−,雪氷,83(2), 2021.
  6. 庭野匡思,青木輝夫,橋本明弘, 大島長,梶野瑞王,大沼友貴彦,藤田耕史,山口悟,島田利元,竹内望,津滝俊,本山秀明,石井正好,杉山慎,平沢尚彦,阿部彩子,氷床表面質量収支の実態とそのモデリングの試み:2020年夏最新版,雪氷,83(1), 2021.
  7. 大沼友貴彦,竹内望,北極圏の氷河および氷床の融解を加速させるバイオアルベド効果とそのモデル化研究,雪氷,83(1), 2021.
  8. 野村周平・澤田洋平, 複数衛星による多変数観測に対する陸域モデルのパラメータ最適化と不確実性推定, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学) Vol.77, No.2, I_1351-I_1356, 2021.


  1. 芳村圭、データ同化技術による古気候データと地球システムモデルとの統合, 中塚武(監)「気候変動から読み直す日本史2古気候の復元と年代論の構築」ISBN 978-4-653-04502-1,187-199, 2021.
  2. Ando, T. Higuchi, T. Hotta, H. Iwakiri, T. Jinno, T. Kino, K. Takano, Y. Toda, M. Yamazaki, K. Chikira, M. Kodama, T. Michibata, T. Miura, H. Nitta, T. Ogura, T. Saito, F. Sekiguchi, M. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, K. Tatebe, H. Watanabe, M. Watanabe, S. Yoshimura, K. MIROC6 AGCM Document Writing Team (2021), Description of MIROC6 AGCM, CCSR Report No. 65, Division of Climate System Research, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo. https://doi.org/10.15083/0002000180 (Manual book), 2021.
  3. Guo, Q. Kino, K. Li, S. Nitta, T. Takeshima, A. Onuma, Y. Satoh, Y. Suzuki, T. Takata, K. Yoshida, N. Yoshimura, K. MATSIRO6 Document Writing Team (2021), Description of MATSIRO6, CCSR Report No. 66, Division of Climate System Research, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo. https://doi.org/10.15083/0002000181 (Manual book), 2021.


Papers with reviews (English)

  1. Nitta, T., T. Arakawa, M. Hatono, A. Takeshima, and K. Yoshimura, Development of Integrated Land Simulator, PEPS, doi: 10.1186/s40645-020-00383-7, 2020.
  2. Latifah, A. L., R. K. Lestari, I. Syafarina, K. Yoshimura , Sensitivity experiments of rainfall to warm cloud auto-conversion threshold and relative humidity threshold of cloudiness in RegCM4.6 over the Maritime Continent, Atmosphere-Ocean, doi: 10.1080/07055900.2020.1737500, 2020.
  3. Ohki, M., K. Yamamoto, T. Tadono, K. Yoshimura, Automated processing for flood area detection using ALOS-2 and hydrodynamic simulation data, Remote Sensing, doi: 10.3390/rs12172709, 2020.
  4. Hatono, M. and K. Yoshimura, Development of a global sediment dynamics model, PEPS, 10.1186/s40645-020-00368-6, 2020.
  5. Miura, Y. and K. Yoshimura, Development and verification of a three‐dimensional variably saturated flow model for assessment of future global water resources, JAMES, doi: 10.1029/2020MS002093, 2020.
  6. Miriam C. Jones, Max Berkelhammer, Katherine J. Keller, Matthew J. Wooller, Kei Yoshimura, High sensitivity of Bering Sea winter sea ice to winter insolation and carbon dioxide over the last 5500 years, Sci. Adv., doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz9588, 2020.
  7. Nakajima, T., T. Ohara, T. Masui, T. Takemura, K. Yoshimura, D. Goto, T. Hanaoka, S. Itahashi, G. Kurata, J. Kurokawa, T. Maki, Y. Masutomi, M. Nakata, T. Nitta, X. Seposo, K. Sudo, C. Suzuki, K. Suzuki, H. Tsuruta, K. Ueda, S. Watanabe, Y. Yu, K. Yumimoto, S. Zhao, A development of reduction scenarios of the short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) for mitigating global warming and environmental problems, PEPS, doi: 10.1186/s40645-020-00351-1, 2020.
  8. S. Sengupta, S. K. Bhattacharya, A. Parekh, Nimya S S, K. Yoshimura, A. Sarkar, Signatures of monsoon intra-seasonal oscillation and stratiform process in rain isotope variability in northern Bay of Bengal and their simulation by isotope enabled general circulation model, Clim. Dyn, doi: 10.1007/s00382-020-05344-w, 2020.
  9. G. Xu, X. Liu, W. Sun, P. Szejner, X. Zeng, K. Yoshimura, V. Trouet, Seasonal divergence between soil water availability and atmospheric moisture recorded in intra-annual tree-ring δ18O extremes, ESL, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab9792, 2020.
  10. John C. H. Chiang, Michael J. Herman, Kei Yoshimura, and Inez Y. Fung, Enriched East Asian oxygen isotope of precipitation indicate reduced summer seasonality in regional climate and westerlies, PNAS, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1922602117, 2020.
  11. Yokohata, T., K. Saito, K. Takata, T. Nitta, Y. Satoh, T. Hajima, T. Sueyoshi, and G. Iwahana, Model improvement and future projection of permafrost processes in a global land surface model, PEPS, doi: 10.1186/s40645-020-00380-w, 2020.
  12. Essery, R., Kim, H., Wang, L., Bartlett, P., Boone, A., Brutel-Vuilmet, C., Burke, E., Cuntz, M., Decharme, B., Dutra, E., Fang, X., Gusev, Y., Hagemann, S., Haverd, V., Kontu, A., Krinner, G.,
    Lafaysse, M., Lejeune, Y., Marke, T., Marks, D., Marty, C., Menard, C. B., Nasonova, O., Nitta, T., Pomeroy, J., Schädler, G., Semenov, V., Smirnova, T., Swenson, S., Turkov, D., Wever, N., and Yuan, H. Snow cover duration trends observed at sites and predicted by multiple models, The Cryosphere, 14, 4687–4698, doi: 10.5194/tc-14-4687-2020, 2020.
  13. Yokohata, T., T. Kinoshita, G. Sakurai, Y. Pokhrel, A. Ito, M. Okada, Y. Satoh, E. Kato, T. Nitta, S. Fujimori, F. Felfelani, Y. Masaki, T. Iizumi, M. Nishimori, N. Hanasaki, K. Takahashi, Y. Yamagata, and S. Emori, MIROC-INTEG-LAND version 1: a global biogeochemical land surface model with human water management, crop growth, and land-use change, Geosci. Model Dev., doi: 10.5194/gmd-13-4713-2020, 2020.
  14. Onuma, Y., Takeuchi, N., Tanaka, S., Nagatsuka, N., Niwano, M. and Aoki, T., Physically based model of the contribution of red snow algal cells to temporal changes in albedo in northwest Greenland, Cryosphere, 14, 2087-2101, doi: 10. 5194/tc-14-2087-2020, 2020.
  15. Ma, W., Z. Wei, P. Wang and J. Asanuma, Transpiration and evaporation of grassland using land surface modelling, Hydrological processes, doi:10.1002/hyp.13792, 2020.
  16. Takeshima, A., Kim, H., Shiogama, H., Lierhammer, L., Scinocca, J. F., Seland, Ø., & Mitchell, D, Global aridity changes due to differences in surface energy and water balance between 1.5° C and 2° C warming. Environmental Research Letters, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab9db3, 2020.

Papers with reviews (Japanese)

  1. 森山文晶・芳村圭, 大気海洋相互作用が与える海洋窒素循環への影響:チリ南部を例に, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol.76, I_241-I_246, 2020.
  2. 庄司悟・岡﨑淳史・芳村圭, 気候プロキシの同位体比データ同化による千年解析値の作成に向けた比較検討, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol.76, I_121-I_126, 2020.

Dataset, etc.

  1. Onuma, Y. and Kim, H.: MIROC6 model output prepared for CMIP6 LS3MIP land-hist [Data set], Earth System Grid Federation, doi: 10.22033/ESGF/CMIP6.5622, 2020a.
  2. Onuma, Y. and Kim, H.: MIROC6 model output prepared for CMIP6 LS3MIP land-hist-cruNcep [Data set], Earth System Grid Federation, doi: 10.22033/ESGF/CMIP6.5627, 2020b.
  3. Onuma, Y. and Kim, H.: MIROC6 model output prepared for CMIP6 LS3MIP land-hist-princeton [Data set], Earth System Grid Federation, doi: 10.22033/ESGF/CMIP6.5628, 2020c.
  4. Onuma, Y. and Kim, H.: MIROC6 model output prepared for CMIP6 LS3MIP land-hist-wfdei [Data set], Earth System Grid Federation, doi: 10.22033/ESGF/CMIP6.5629, 2020d.


Papers with reviews (English)

  1. Sugiyama, S., Navarro, F.J., Sawagaki, T., Minowa, M., Segawa, T., Onuma, Y., Otero, J., Vasilenko, E.V., Subglacial water pressure and ice-speed variations at Johnsons Glacier, Livingston Island, Antarctic Peninsula, Journal of Glaciology, 65(252), 689-699, doi:10.1017/jog.2019.45, 2019.
  2. Uetake, J., Nagatsuka, N., Onuma, Y., Takeuchi, N., Motoyama, H. and Aoki, T., Bacterial community changes with granule size in cryoconite and their susceptibility to exogenous nutrients on NW Greenland glaciers, FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 95, fiz075, doi:10.1093/femsec/fiz075, 2019.
  3. Wei, Z., X. Lee, F. Aemisegger, M. Benetti, M. Berkelhammer, M. Casado, K. Caylor, E. Christner, C. Dyroff, O. García, Y. González, T. Griffis, N. Kurita, J. Liang, M.-C. Liang, G. Lin, D. Noone, K. Gribanov, N. C. Munksgaard, M. Schneider, F. Ritter, H. C. Steen-Larsen, C. Vallet-Coulomb, X. Wen,J. S. Wright, W. Xiao and K. Yoshimura, A global database on high-frequency isotopic compositions of water vapour measured with infrared isotopic spectroscopy near the Earth surface, Scientific Data. https://doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2018.302 2019.
  4. Tatebe, H., Ogura, T., Nitta, T., Komuro, Y., Ogochi, K., Takemura, T., Sudo, K., Sekiguchi, M., Abe, M., Saito, F., Chikira, M., Watanabe, S., Mori, M., Hirota, N., Kawatani, Y., Mochizuki, T., Yoshimura, K., Takata, K., O’ishi, R., Yamazaki, D., Suzuki, T., Kurogi, M., Kataoka, T., Watanabe, M., and Kimoto, M.: Description and basic evaluation of simulated mean state, internal variability, and climate sensitivity in MIROC6, Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 2727-2765, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-12-2727-2019, 2019.
  5. Okazaki, A. and K. Yoshimura, Global evaluation of proxy models for stable water isotopes with realistic atmospheric forcing, JGR-Atmos, in press.
  6. Songyi Kim, Yeongcheol Han, Soon Do Hur, Kei Yoshimura, Jeonghoon Lee, Relating moisture transport to stable water vapor isotopic variations of ambient wintertime in the western coast of Korea, Atmosphere, 10, 806, doi:10.3390/atmos10120806, 2019.

Papers with reviews (Japanese)

  1. 伊藤悠一郎・中村晋一郎・芳村圭・渡部哲史・平林由希子・ 鼎信次郎, 建物立地とその変化過程に着目した 平成 30 年 7 月豪雨による浸水被害の分析, 土木学会論文集, 2019.
  2. 花崎梨紗、石塚悠太、山崎大、芳村圭、洪水調節を組み込んだ確率洪水予報システムの構築及び2015年鬼怒川洪水への適用, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), No.2, I_151-I_156, 2019.


  1. 2019 Nov., 15th RSM Workshop, Chair, Kashiwa.
  2. 2019 Nov., 3rd UK-Japan FoS, Co-chair of Planning Group Member, Urayasu.
  3. 2019 Jul., 27th IUGG General Assembly, JH03 – Geosciences in the anthropocene, Observing and modelling human-nature interacttions in a changing world, Montreal.
  4. 2019 May, JpGU 2019, M-IS17 歴史学×地球惑星科学, 幕張.

Invited Speech

  1. 2019 Dec., 災害の予報は単一の情報ソースから周知されるべきであるか?、第5回PDA高校生即興型英語ディベート全国大会、東京、2019/12/22. (invited keynote speech)
  2. 2019 Nov., Development of Global Terrestrial Hydrological Monitoring and Forecasting System “Today’s Earth”, The 7th UNISEC-Global Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 2019/11/30-12/3.
  3. 2019 Nov., Introduction of Global Terrestrial Hydrological Monitoring and Forecasting System “Today’s Earth”, HydroSOS 2019: the 2nd Technical Workshop of the WMO Global Hydrological Status and Outlook System, Nanjing, China, 2019/11/11-15.
  4. 2019 Oct., 気候変動を予測/再現するための地球システムモデルの開発 〜地球システムモデルでは何がわかるのか〜、統合的気候モデル高度化研究プログラム 令和元年度公開シンポジウム、東京、2019/10/21
  5. 2019 Oct., Data Assimilation of Isotopic Information, SISAL 4th workshop, Xi’an, China, 2019/10/14-18.

Newspaper, etc.

  1. 日本経済新聞(2019/11/26)「減らせるか台風被害」
  2. 産経新聞(2019/11/13)「堤防決壊30時間前に予測」
  3. 報道ステーション(2019/10/14)「台風19号による多摩川での水害」


Papers with reviews (English)

  1. Onuma, Y., Takeuchi, N., Tanaka, S., Nagatsuka, N., Niwano, M. and Aoki, T., Observations and modelling of algal growth on a snowpack in north-western Greenland, The Cryosphere, Doi:10.5194/tc-12-2147-2018, 12(6), 2147-2158, 2018
  2. Krinner, G., Derksen, C., Essery, R., Flanner, M., Hagemann, S., Clark, M., Hall, A., Rott, H., Brutel-Vuilmet, C., Kim, H., Ménard, C. B., Mudryk, L., Thackeray, C., Wang, L., Arduini, G., Balsamo, G., Bartlett, P., Boike, J., Boone, A., Chéruy, F., Colin, J., Cuntz, M., Dai, Y., Decharme, B., Derry, J., Ducharne, A., Dutra, E., Fang, X., Fierz, C., Ghattas, J., Gusev, Y., Haverd, V., Kontu, A., Lafaysse, M., Law, R., Lawrence, D., Li, W., Marke, T., Marks, D., Ménégoz, M., Nasonova, O., Nitta, T., Niwano, M., Pomeroy, J., Raleigh, M. S., Schaedler, G., Semenov, V., Smirnova, T. G., Stacke, T., Strasser, U., Svenson, S., Turkov, D., Wang, T., Wever, N., Yuan, H., Zhou, W., and Zhu, D., ESM-SnowMIP: assessing snow models and quantifying snow-related climate feedbacks, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 5027-5049, Doi: 10.5194/gmd-11-5027-2018, 2018.
  3. Tanoue, M., K. Ichiyanagi, K. Yoshimura, M. Kiguchi, T. Terao, T. Hayashi, Seasonal variation in isotopic composition and origins of precipitation over Bangladesh, PEPS, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40645-018-0231-4 , 2018.
  4. Saya, A., K. Yoshimura, T. Yoshikane, E.-C. Chang, T. Oki, Precipitation redistribution method for regional simulations of radioactive material transport during the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 123. doi:10.1029/2018JD028531, 2018. [JGR]
  5. Murakami, M., T. Nirasawa, T. Yoshikane, K. Sueki, K. Sasa,K. Yoshimura, Estimation of dietary intake of radionuclides and effectiveness of regulation after the Fukushima accident and in virtual nuclear power plant accident scenarios, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2018.
  6. Yoshikane, T., K. Yoshimura, Dispersion characteristics of radioactive materials predicted using wind patterns, Scientific Reports, 8, 9926, 2018. [SciRep]
  7. Hirsch, A. L., B. P. Guillod, S. I. Seneviratne, U. Beyerle, L. R. Boysen, V. Brovkin, E. L. Davin, J. C. Doelman, H. Kim, D. M. Mitchell, T. Nitta, H. Shiogama, S. Sparrow, E. Stehfest, D. P. van Vuuren, S. Wilson, Biogeophysical Impacts of Land‐Use Change on Climate Extremes in Low‐Emission Scenarios: Results From HAPPI-Land, Earth’s Future, 6(3), 396–409, 2018
  8. Reuter, J., N. Buenning, K. Yoshimura, Evaluating hydrological influences on mid-latitude δ18Op in the Middle East, Clim.Dyn., doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3798-3, 2018.
  9. Rahul P, K. Prasanna, Prosenjit Ghosh, Anilkumar N, Kei Yoshimura, Stable isotopes in water vapor and rainwater over Indian sector of Southern Ocean and estimation of fraction of recycled moisture, Scientific Reports, 8, 7552, 2018. [SciRep]
  10. Midhun M, Lekshmy PR, Ramesh R, K. Yoshimura, Sandeep KK, S. Kumar, R. Sinha, A. Singh and S. Srivastava, The effect of monsoon circulation on the stable isotopic composition of rainfall, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos, 123, 5205-5221, https://doi.org/10.1029/2017JD027427 , 2018.
  11. Wei, Z., X. Lee, Z. Liu, U. Seeboonruang, M. Koike, K. Yoshimura, Influences of large-scale convection and moisture source on monthly precipitation isotope ratios observed in Thailand, Southeast Asia, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 488, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.02.015, 2018. 
  12. Prasanna, K., P. Ghosh, S.K. Bhattacharya, P. Rahul, K. Yoshimura, N. Anilkumar, Moisture rainout fraction over the Indian Ocean during austral summer based on 18O/16O ratios of surface sea water, rainwater at latitude range of 10°N-60°S, Journal of Earth System Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12040-018-0960-1 2018.

Papers with reviews (Japanese)

  1. 庄司悟、岡﨑淳史、芳村圭、気候プロキシデータ同化における観測インパクトの時空間偏在性に関する考察, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 74, No.5, I_49-I_54, 2018.
  2. 井田寛子、芳村圭、沖大幹、生物季節と地球温暖化~サクラ開花への影響~, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 74, No.5, I_31-I_36, 2018.
  3. 大沼友貴彦、金炯俊、芳村圭、新田友子、大石龍太、高田久美子、陸域モデル国際相互比較実験(LS3MIP)を想定したMATSIROによる20世紀再現実験. 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 74(5), I_43-I_48, 2018.
  4. 斉藤和之、森淳子、町屋広和、宮崎真、伊勢武史、末吉哲雄、山崎剛、飯島慈裕、伊川浩樹、市井和仁、伊藤昭彦、大石龍太、太田岳史、堅田元喜、小谷亜由美、佐々井崇博、佐藤篤司、佐藤永、杉本敦子、鈴木力英、田中克典、新田友子、庭野匡思、Eleanor Burke、朴昊澤、山口悟、北極陸域モデル相互比較GTMIPの熱・水収支解析. 雪氷, 80(2), 159-174, 2018.
  5. 芳村圭、新田友子、石塚悠太、多田真嵩、鈴木健太郎、竹村俊彦、短寿命気候汚染物質による陸域水循環への影響.土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 74, 2018.
  6. 板谷知明、芳村圭、深層学習を用いた水文気象場のダウンスケーリング手法の開発.土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 74, 2018.
  7. 森山文晶、芳村圭、筆保弘徳、領域大気海洋結合モデルの不確実性の検証.土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 74, 2018.

Invited Speech

  1. 2018 June, Data Assimilation of Water Isotope Information for Constraining Hydrolmeteorological Processes, AOGS2018, Honolulu, 2018/6/8.

Newspaper, etc.

  1. 日経コンストラクション(2018/10/8)「数百メートル単位で危険性予測」
  2. 日経アーキテクチュア(2018/8/9)「岡山・真備水害 予見されていた洪水被害」
  3. 科学新聞(2018/7/20)「放射性物質の拡散方向 天気パターンから予測」
  4. NHK NEWS WEB(2018/6/6)「このままでいいの?“出せない”天気予報」


Papers with reviews (English)

  1. Tanoue, M., K. Ichiyanagi, K. Yoshimura, J. Shimada, and Y. Hirabayashi, Estimation of the isotopic composition and origins of winter precipitation over Japan using a regional isotope circulation model, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., doi:10.1002/2017JD026751, 2017.
  2. Nitta, T., K. Yoshimura, A. Abe-Ouchi, Impact of arctic wetlands on the climate system: Model sensitivity simulations with the MIROC5 AGCM and a wetland scheme, J. Hydrometeor., doi:10.1175/JHM-D-16-0105.1, 2017.
  3. Furukawa, R., R. Uemura, K. Fujita, J. Sjolte, K. Yoshimura, S. Matoba, Y. Iizuka, Seasonal scale dating of a shallow ice core from Greenland using oxygen isotope matching between data and simulation, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1002/2017JD026716, 2017.
  4. Toride, K., P. Neluwala, H.J. Kim, and K. Yoshimura (cor.), Feasibility Study of the Reconstruction of Historical Weather with Data Assimilation, Mon. Wea. Rev., doi:10.1175/MWR-D-16-0288.1, 2017.
  5. Park, K.J., K. Yoshimura, H. Kim, and T. Oki, Chronological development of terrestrial mean precipitation, BAMS, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0005.1, 2017.
  6. Okazaki, A. and K. Yoshimura, Development and evaluation of a system of proxy data assimilation for paleoclimate reconstruction, Clim. Past, doi:10.5194/cp-13-379-2017, 2017.
  7. Wei, Z., K. Yoshimura, L. Wang, D. Miralles, S. Jasechko, X. Lee, Revisiting the contribution of transpiration to global terrestrial evapotranspiration, Geophys. Res. Let., doi:10.1002/2016GL072235, 2017.
  8. Takakura, T., R. Kawamura, T. Kawano, K. Ichiyanagi, M. Tanoue, K. Yoshimura, An estimation of water origins in the vicinity of a tropical cyclone’s center and associated dynamic processes, Clim. Dyn., doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3626-9, 2017.
  9. Ramzan, M., S. Ham, M. Amjad, E.-C. Chang and K. Yoshimura, Sensitivity evaluation of spectral nudging schemes in historical dynamical downscaling for South Asia, Advances in Meteorology, doi:10.1155/2017/7560818, 2017.
  10. Steen-Larsen, H.C., C. Risi, M. Werner, K. Yoshimura, V. Masson-Delmotte, Evaluating the skills of isotope-enabled general circulation models against in situ atmospheric water vapor isotope observations, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, doi:10.1002/2016JD025443, 2017.

Papers with reviews (Japanese)

  1. 藪優太郎,芳村圭,Hyungjun KIM,新田友子,鳩野美佐子,石塚悠太,向田清峻,可知美佐子,沖大幹,1km 解像度陸面モデルによる河川流量の検証.土木学会論文集G(環境),地球環境研究論文集, doi:10.2208/jscejer.73.I_71, 2017
  2. 野本大輔,芳村圭,平成27年関東・東北豪雨時のつくば市真瀬における水蒸気同位体比時間変動の決定要因に関する研究.土木学会論文集G(環境),地球環境研究論文集, doi:10.2208/jscejer.73.I_275, 2017
  3. Aslam, M.H. and K. Yoshimura, Sediment yield in Jhelum river basin with and without climate change impact in Pakistan, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 73, I_85-90, 2017.

Invited Speech

  1. 2017 Oct., Data assimilation of Isotopic information for multi centennial atmospheric reanalysis, International Workshop on Isotopes for Tropical Ecosystem Studies, San Jose, Costa Rica, 2017/10/2-7.
  2. 2017 Jan, Regional climate change projection and impact assessment: A Japanese contribution with SOUSEI project, Symposium on Development for Sustainable Global Environments and Water Resources, Chonbri, Thailand, 2017/1/23-24. (invited keynote speech)

Newspaper, etc.

  1. NHKメガクライシス2第2集(2017/9/9)「異常気象・スーパー台風 予測不能の恐怖」
  2. 朝日小学生新聞(2017/6/8)「『蒸散』研究で地球の未来がわかる」file20170608. 朝日小学生新聞.pdf
  3. 日刊工業新聞(2017/5/16)「蒸散寄与率を解明」file日刊工業新聞(20170516).pdf


Papers with reviews (English)

  1. Rahul P., P. Ghosha, S.K. Bhattacharya and K. Yoshimura, Controlling factors of rainwater and water vapor isotopes at Bangalore, India: Constraints from observations in 2013 Indian mon- soon, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, doi:10.1002/2016JD025352, 2016.
  2. Suwarman, R., K. Ichiyanagi, M. Tanoue, K. Yoshimura, S. Mori, M. Yamanaka, F. Syamsudin, El Niño Southern Oscillation Signature in Atmospheric Water Isotopes over Maritime Continent during Wet Season, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 95, 49-66, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2017-003, 2017.
  3. Yoshikane, T., K. Yoshimura, E.-C. Chang, A. Saya, and T. Oki, Long-distance transport of radioactive plume by nocturnal local winds, Scientific Reports, 6, doi:10.1038/srep36584, 2016.
  4. H. A. Belgaman, K. Ichiyanagi, M. Tanoue, R. Suwarman, K. Yoshimura, S. Mori, N. Kurita, M. D. Yamanaka, F. Syamsudin, Intraseasonal Variability of δ18O of Precipitation over the Indonesian Maritime Continent Related to the Madden–Julian Oscillation, SOLA, 12, 192-197, 2016.
  5. Liu, Z., K. Yoshimura, N. Buenning, Z. Jian, The response of winter Pacific North American pattern to the largest volcanic eruptions, Clim. Dyn., doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3287-0, 2016.
  6. Yang, H., K.R. Johnson, M.L. Griffiths, K. Yoshimura, Interannual controls on oxygen isotope variability in Asian Monsoon precipitation and implications for paleoclimate reconstructions, JGR-Atmos, 121, 8410-8428, doi:10.1002/2015JD024683, 2016.
  7. Bhattarai, R., K. Yoshimura, S. Seto, S. Nakamura, T. Oki, Statistical model for economic damage from flood inundation in Japan using rainfall data and socio-economic parameters, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 16, 1063-1077, 2016.
  8. Wei, Z., K. Yoshimura, A. Okazaki, K. Ono, W. Kim, M. Yokoi, C.-T. Lai, Understanding the variability of water isotopologues in near-surface atmospheric moisture over a humid subtropical rice paddy in Tsukuba, Japan, J. Hydrol., 533, 91-102, 2016.
  9. Tanoue, M., K. Ichiyanagi, and K. Yoshimura, Verification of isotopic compositions of precipitation simulated by a regional isotope circulation model over Japan, Isotopes in Env. Health Studies, DOI:10.1080/10256016.2016.1148695, 2016.
  10. Ham, S., J.-W. Lee, K. Yoshimura, Assessing future climate changes in the East Asian summer and winter monsoon using Regional Spectral Model, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 94, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2015-051, 2016.
  11. Ham, S., K. Yoshimura(cor.), H. Li, Historical dynamical downscaling for East Asia with the atmosphere and ocean coupled regional model, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 94, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2015-046, 2016.

Papers with reviews (Japanese)

  1. 芳村圭、水同位体比情報を用いたデータ同化、水文科学会誌, 46, 87-99, 2016.
  2. 鳩野美佐子, 芳村圭, 荒川隆, 山崎大, 沖大幹, 高解像度河川氾濫過程の導入が大気大循環モデルの推計値に及ぼす影響. 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 72, I_115-I_120, 2016
  3. 芳村 圭, 中村晋一郎, 鳩野美佐子, 向田清峻, 石塚悠太, 内海信幸, 木口雅司, 金炯俊, 乃田啓吾, 牧野達哉, 鼎信次郎, 沖大幹, 平成27年9月関東・東北豪雨による茨城県常総市における鬼怒川洪水に関する調査及び考察. 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 72, I_1273-I_1278, 2016

Invited Speech

  1. 2016 Oct., Data assimilation with stable water isotope information, EGU Leonardo conference 2016, Ourense, Spain, 25-27 Oct 2016.
  2. 2016 Sep. Regional Climate Change Projection: What We Have Revealed under SOUSEI Project in Japan, Meeting on Risk Analysis and Environmental Disasters (IGEO–UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, 2016/9/27.


Papers with reviews (English)

  1. Jasechko, S., A. Lechler, F. S. R. Pausata, P. J. Fawcett, T. Gleeson, D. I. Cendón, J. Galewsky, A. N. LeGrande, C. Risi, Z. D. Sharp, J. M. Welker, M. Werner, and K. Yoshimura, Late-glacial to late-Holocene shifts in global precipitation δ18O, Clim. Past, 11, 1375-1393, doi:10.5194/cp-11-1375-2015, 2015.
  2. Chang, E.-C. and K. Yoshimura, A semi-Lagrangian advection scheme for radioactive tracers in the NCEP Regional Spectral Model (RSM), Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 3247-3255, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-3247-2015, 2015.
  3. Miyazaki, S., Saito, K., Mori, J., Yamazaki, T., Ise, T., Arakida, H., Hajima, T., Iijima, Y., Machiya, H., Sueyoshi, T., Yabuki, H., Burke, E. J., Hosaka, M., Ichii, K., Ikawa, H., Ito, A., Kotani, A., Matsuura, Y., Niwano, M., Nitta, T., O’ishi, R., Ohta, T., Park, H., Sasai, T., Sato, A., Sato, H., Sugimoto, A., Suzuki, R., Tanaka, K., Yamaguchi, S., and Yoshimura, K.: The GRENE-TEA model intercomparison project (GTMIP): overview and experiment protocol for Stage 1, Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 2841-2856, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-2841-2015, 2015.
  4. Liu, Z., Z. Jian, K. Yoshimura, N. H. Buenning, C. J. Poulsen, and G. J. Bowen, Recent contrasting winter temperature changes over North America linked to enhanced positive Pacific North American pattern, Geophys. Res. Let., doi:10.1002/2015GL065656, 2015.
  5. Urakawa, S., M. Kurogi, K. Yoshimura, and H. Hasumi, Modeling low salinity waters along the coast around Japan using a high resolution river discharge data set, J. Oceanography, doi:10.1007/s10872-015-0314-4, 2015.
  6. Yoshimura, K., Stable water isotopes in climatology, meteorology, and hydrology: A review. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 93, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2015-036, 2015.
  7. Wei, Z., K. Yoshimura, A. Okazaki, W. Kim, Z. Liu, M. Yokoi, Partitioning of evapotranspiration using high frequency water vapor isotopic measurement over a rice paddy field, Water Resour. Res.. doi:10.1002/2014WR016737, 2015.
  8. Lee, J.-W., S.-Y. Hong, J.-E. E. Kim, K. Yoshimura, S. Ham, M. Joh, Development and implementation of river-routing process module in a regional climate model and its evaluation in Korean river basins, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, 4613–4629. doi:10.1002/2014JD022698, 2015.
  9. He, X., H. Kim, P.-E. Kirstetter, K. Yoshimura, E.-C. Chang, C. R. Ferguson, J. M. Erlingis, Y. Hong, T. Oki, The Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in Regional Spectral Model Simulations over West Africa: Sensitivities to Resolution and Cumulus Schemes, submitted to Weather and Forecasting.
  10. Okazaki, A., Y. Satoh, G. Tremoy, F. Viemux, R. A. Scheepmaker, and K. Yoshimura, Interannual variability of isotopic composition in water vapor over West Africa and its relation to ENSO, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 3193-3204, doi:10.5194/acp-15-3193-2015, 2015.[ACP]
  11. Sutanto, S.J., G. Hoffmann, R.A. Scheepmaker, J. Worden, S. Houweling, K. Yoshimura, I. Aben, and T. Röckmann, Global-scale remote sensing of water isotopologues in the troposphere: representation of first-order isotope effects, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 999-1019, doi:10.5194/amt-8-999-2015, 2015.[AMT]
  12. Saya, A., K. Yoshimura, T. Oki, Simulation of radioactive tracer transport using IsoRSM and uncertainty analyses, Journal of JSCE 3, 60-66, doi:10.2208/journalofjsce.3.1_60, 2015. [JJSCE]

Papers with reviews (Japanese)

  1. 新田友子・芳村圭・阿部彩子、陸域水循環の再現性向上と気温バイアス低減に向けた簡易湿地スキームによる感度実験、土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 71(4), I_955-I_960, 2015.
  2. 佐藤 雄亮・芳村 圭・金 炯俊・沖 大幹、旱魃の将来変化に対する水資源管理の効果に関する研究、土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 71(4), I_391-I_396, 2015.
  3. 高野雄紀・上村剛史・村上道夫・芳村圭, 新宿区おとめ山公園湧水の湧水量の経年変化とその要因, 地下水学会誌, 57, 171-185, 2015. [JSTAGE]

Invited Speech

  1. 2015 May, 水同位体情報を用いた 水循環過程や古気候変動の解明, JpGU2015, H-TT33 未来の地球環境と社会のための新しい情報基盤を構想する, 幕張, 2015/05/27.
  2. 2015 May, 全球高解像度シミュレーションに向けた地表面過程モデリング, 2015年度気象学会春季大会, つくば, 2015/05/24.

Newspaper, etc.

  1. Japan Times (2015/12/21) “Joso disaster prompts ministry rethink of flood control, prediction policies”
  2. 日経ホームビルダー(2015/10/21)「洗掘で家が流れ、基礎が浮く」『日経ホームビルダー』201511p13-16.pdf
  3. 公明新聞(2015/10/14)「水害が多発 どう高める水防力」公明新聞10月14日付.pdf
  4. 日経アーキテクチュア(2015/10/10)「関東・東北豪雨の教訓」日経アーキテクチュア10月10日号.pdf
  5. NHKニュース7(2015/10/1)「鬼怒川南北30キロ余で「パイピング」現象」鬼怒川 南北30キロ余で「パイピング」現象 NHKニュース.pdf
  6. 日本経済新聞朝刊(2015/9/21)「鬼怒川堤防なぜ決壊? 軟らかい土質も影響 」
  7. Japan Times (2015/9/12) "Authorities knew of flood risk; detailed simulation done 10 years ago"
  8. Japan Times (2015/9/11) "How Japan’s devastating rainstorm came about"
  9. 読売新聞朝刊(2015/6/7)「都市のわき水実は水道管漏水も」file20150607Yomiuri_Takano_GW.pdf


Papers with reviews (English)

  1. Kudo, T., R. Kawamura, H. Hirata, K. Ichiyanagi, M. Tanoue, and K. Yoshimura, Large-scale water vapor transport by a Rossby wave response to typhoon forcing during the Baiu/Meiyu season as revealed by the JRA-55 reanalysis, submitted to JGR-Atmos., 119, doi:10.1002/2014JD021999, 2014.[JGR-A]
  2. Yoshimura, K., T. Miyoshi, M. Kanamitsu, Observation System Simulation Experiments using Water Vapor Isotope Information, J.Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, doi:10.1002/2014JD021662, 2014.[JGR-A]
  3. Xu, C., M. Sano, K. Yoshimura, T. Nakatsuka1, Oxygen isotopes as a valuable tool for measuring annual growth in tropical trees that lack distinct annual rings, Geochemical Journal, in print.
  4. Berkelhammer, M., A. Sinha, M. Mudelsee, H. Cheng, K. Yoshimura, and J. Biswas, On the low-frequency component of the ENSO–Indian monsoon relationship: a paired proxy perspective, Clim. Past, 10, 733-744, doi:10.5194/cp-10-733-2014, 2014.[CP]
  5. Minamide, M. and K. Yoshimura, Orographic effect on the precipitation with Typhoon Washi, SOLA, 10, 67-71, 2014.[SOLA]
  6. Liu, Z., K. Yoshimura, G. J. Bowen, N. H. Buenning, C. Risi, J. M. Welker, F. Yuan, Paired oxygen isotope records reveal modern North American atmospheric dynamics during the Holocene, Nature Communications,doi:10.1038/ncomms4701, 2014. [Nature Comm.]
  7. Yoshimura, K., T. Miyoshi, and M. Kanamitsu, Observation system simulation experiments using water vapor isotope information, JGR-A, doi:20.1002/2014JD021662, 2014. [JGR]
  8. Chang, E.-C., S.-W. Yeh , S.-Y. Hong , J.-E. Kim , R. Wu , K. Yoshimura, Study on the changes in the East Asian precipitation in the mid-1990s using a high-resolution global downscaled atmospheric dataset, JGR-A, doi:10.1002/2013JD020903, 2014. [JGR]
  9. Ortega, P., D. Swingedouw, V. Masson-­Delmotte, C. Risi, B. Vinther, P. Yiou, R. Vautard, and K. Yoshimura, Characterizing atmospheric circulation signals in Greenland ice cores: insights from the weather regime approach, Clim. Dyn., doi:10.1007/s00382-014-2074-z, 2014. [ClimDyn]
  10. Liu, Z., K. Yoshimura, N. H. Buenning, X. He, Solar cycle modulation of the Pacific North American teleconnection influence on North American winter climate, Environ. Res. Letters, 9(2), doi:10.1088/1748-9326/9/2/024004, 2014. [ERL]
  11. Nitta, T, K. Yoshimura, K. Takata, R. O’ishi, T. Sueyoshi, S. Kanae, T. Oki, A. Abe-Ouchi, and G. E. Liston, Representing variability in subgrid snow cover and snow depth in a global land model: Offline validation, J.Clim., 2014. [J.Clim]
  12. Hatono, M., K. Noda, H.-J. Kim, S. Baimoung, K. Yoshimura, K. Oki, and T. Oki, Analysis of the relation between surface water coverage and water volume using satellite data, Hydrol. Res. Let., 8(1), 15-19, 2014. [HRL]
  13. Liu, Z., K. Yoshimura, G.J. Bowen, J.M. Welker, GCM-based analysis of Pacific/North American (PNA) teleconnection controls on precipitation isotopes across the contiguous USA, J. Clim, 2014. [J.Clim]
  14. Nakamura, K., S. Aoki, K. Yoshimura, N. Kurita, Distribution of oxygen isotope ratio of precipitation in the Atlantic–Indian sectors of the Southern Ocean, SOLA, 10, doi:10.2151/sola.2014-032, 2014. [SOLA]
  15. Lee, J.-W., S. Ham, S.-Y. Hong, K. Yoshimura, M. Joh, Future changes in surface runoff over Korea projected by a regional climate model under A1B scenario, Advances in Meteorology, doi:10.1155/2014/753790, 2014. [Adv.Meteor.]
  16. Liu, G., K. Kojima, K. Yoshimura (cor.), A. Oka, Proxy interpretation of coral-recorded seawater δ18O using 1D model forced by isotope-incorporated GCM in tropical oceanic regions, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, doi:10.1002/2014JD021583. [JGR-A]

Papers with reviews (Japanese)

  1. Wei, Z., A. Okazaki, H. Maeda, Y. Satoh, M. Kiguchi, K. Noda, M. Koike, W. Kim, Z. Liu, and K. Yoshimura, Investigating vegetation-atmosphere water exchange by using high frequency spectroscopy vapor isotope observations, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 2014.
  2. 鳩野美佐子・芳村圭・山崎大・沖大幹, 陸面・河川氾濫モデルによる洪水影響人口の全球実時間算定システムの構築, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 2014.


  1. 2014 Oct., 11th Japanese-German Frontiers of Science Symposium, Planning Group Member, Bremen

Invited Speech

  1. 2014 Sep., アンサンブルカルマンフィルタを用いた水同位体比データ同化システムの構築, 2014年度日本地理学会秋季学術大会, 富山, 2014/09/21.
  2. 2014 Aug., Atmosphere-ocean Coupled Regional Modeling for Dynamical Downscaling of Current and Future Climates, AOGS2014, AS36, Sapporo, 2014/8/1.
  3. 2014 May, 陸域生態系-水文-大気プロセス研究における水の安定同位体比情報利用の最前線, JpGU2014, ACG34, Yokohama, 2014/5/1.

Newspaper, etc.

  1. 読売新聞夕刊(2014/6/21)「世界を旅する雨」file世界を旅する雨.pdf
  2. 日刊工業新聞電子版(2014/4/14)「北米の過去8000年の大気温度、太陽活動周期と関連ー東大が発見」プレスリリース記事はこちら


Papers with reviews (English)

  1. Prudhomme, C., I. Giuntoli, E. L. Robinson, D. B. Clark, N. W. Amell, R. Dankers, B. M. Fekete, W. Franssen, D. Gerten, S. N. Gosling, S. Hagemann, D. M. Hannah, H. Kim, Y. Masaki, Y. Satoh, T. Stacke, Y. Wada, and D. Wisser, Hydrological droughts in the 21st century, hotspots and uncertainties from a global mulimodel ensemble experiment, PNAS, doi:10.1073/pnas.1222473110, 2013. [PNAS]
  2. Elliott, J. D. Deryng, C. Muller, K. Frieler, M. Konzmann, D. Gerten, M. Glotter, M. Florke, Y. Wada, N. Best, S. Eisner, B. M. Fekete, C. Folberth, I. Foster, S. N. Gosling, I. Haddeland, N. Khabarov, F. Ludwig, Y. Masaki, S. Olin, C. Rosenzweig, A. C. Ruane, Y. Satoh, E. Schmid, T. Stacke, Q. Tang, and D. Wisser, Constraints and potentials of future irrigation water availability on agricultural production under climate change, PNAS, doi:10.1073/pnas.1222474110, 2013. [PNAS]
  3. Schewe, J., J. Heinke, D. Gerten, I. Haddeland, N. W. Arnell, D. B. Clark, R. Dankers, S. Eisner, B. M. Fekete, F. J. Colon-Gonzalez, S. N. Gosling, H. Kim, X. Liu, Y. Masaki, F. T. Portmann, Y. Satoh, T. Stacke, Q. Tang, Y. Wada, D. Wisser, T. Albrecht, K. Frieler, F. Piontek, L. Warszawski, P. Kabat, Multimodel assessment of water scarcity under climate change, PNAS, doi:10.1073/pnas.1222460110, 2013. [PNAS]
  4. Dankers, R., N. W. Amell, D. B. Clark, P. D. Falloon, B. M. Fekete, S. N. Gosling, J. Heinke, H. Kim, Y. Masaki, Y. Satoh, T. Stacke, Y. Wada, and D. Wisser, First look at changes in flood hazard in the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project ensemble, PNAS, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1302078110, 2013. [PNAS]
  5. Kim, J.-W., S.-W. Yeh, and E.-C. Chang, Combined effect of El Niño-Southern Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation on the East Asian winter monsoon, Clim. Dyn., 10.1007/s00382-013-1730-z, 2013. [ClimDyn]
  6. Chang, E.-C., S.-W. Yeh, S.-Y. Hong, and R. Wu, Sensitivity of summer precipitation to tropical sea surface temperatures over East Asia in the GRIMs GMP, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 1824–1831, doi:10.1002/grl.50389, 2013. [GRL]
  7. Hong, S.-Y., H. Park, H.-B. Cheong, J.-E. E. Kim, M.-S. Koo, J. Jang, S. Ham, S.-O Hwang, B.-K. Park, E.-C. Chang, and H. Li, The Global/Regional Integrated Model system (GRIMs), Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., 49(2), 219-243, 2013. [A-P J.Atmos.Sci.]
  8. Li, H. M. Kanamitsu, S.-Y. Hong, K. Yoshimura, D.R. Cayan, V. Misra, and L. Sun, Projected climate change scenario over California by a regional ocean-atmosphere coupled model system, Clim. Change, doi: 10.1007/s10584-013-1025-8, 2013. [Clim.Change]
  9. Buenning, N.H., L. Stott, L. Kanner, K. Yoshimura, Diagnosing atmospheric influences on the interannual 18O/16O variations in western U.S. precipitations, Water, 5, 1116-1140, 2013. [Water]
  10. Liu, Z., K. Yoshimura, C. D. Kennedy, X. Wang, S. Pang, Water vapor δD over eastern Asia derived from SCIAMACHY satellite measurements, Science China Earth Sciences, 2013. [Sci.China]
  11. Lee, J.-W., S.-Y. Hong, E.-C. Chang, M.-S. Suh, H.-S. Kang, Assessment of future climate change over the East Asia due to the RCP scenarios downscaled by GRIMs-RMP, Clim. Dyn., doi: 10.1007/s00382-013-1841-6, 2013. [ClimDyn]
  12. Liu, G., K. Kojima, K. Yoshimura, T. Okai, A. Suzuki, T. Oki, F. Siringan, M. Yoneda, H. Kawahata, A model-based test of accuracy of seawater oxygen isotope ratio record derived from a coral dual proxy method at southeastern Luzon Island, the Philippines, JGR-Biogeo, doi:10.1002/jgrg.20074, 2013. [JGR]
  13. Farlin, J., C.-T. Lai, K. Yoshimura, Influence of synoptic weather events on the isotopic composition of atmospheric moisture in a coastal city of the western United States, WRR, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20305, 2013. [WRR].
  14. Suwarman R, K. Ichiyanagi, M. Tanoue, K. Yoshimura, S. Mori, M. D. Yamanaka, N. Kurita and F. Syamsudin. The Variability of Stable Isotopes and Water Origin of Precipitation over the Maritime Continent. SOLA, 9, 74-78, doi:10.2151/ sola.2013-01, 2013. [SOLA]
  15. Yoshimura, K. and M. Kanamitsu, Incremental correction for the dynamical downscaling of ensemble mean atmospheric fields, Mon. Wea. Rev., 2013. [AMS]
  16. Pierce, D., D. Cayan, T. Das, E. Maurer, N. Miller, Y. Bao, M. Kanamitsu, K. Yoshimura, M. Snyder, L. Sloan, G. Franco, and M. Tyree, The key role of heavy precipitation events in climate model disagreements of future annual precipitation changes in California, J. Clim, 2013. [J.Clim]
  17. Li, H., M. Kanamitsu, S.-Y. Hong, K. Yoshimura, D.R. Cayan, and V. Misra, A High-Resolution Ocean-Atmosphere coupled downscaling of a present climate over California, Clim. Dyn, doi: 10.1007/s00382-013-1670-7, 2013. [ClimDyn]
  18. Lee, J.-H., J. Worden, D.-C. Koh, K. Yoshimura, and J.-E. Lee, A seasonality of δD of water vapor (850-500 hPa) observed from space over Jeju island, Korea, Geosciences J., 17, 87-95, 2013. [Geosci.J.]

Papers with reviews (Japanese)

  1. 佐谷茜・芳村圭・沖大幹、IsoRSMを用いた放射性物質移流シミュレーション及び不確実性の分析、水工学論文集、57、2013.
  2. 新田友子・芳村圭・J.D. Annan・J.C. Hargreaves4・鼎信次郎・沖大幹、アンサンブル実験による全球陸域積雪シミュレーションの不確実性評価、水工学論文集、57、2013.
  3. Shrestha, M., T. Koike, L. Wang, and K. Yoshimura, Long-term (1948-2006) simulation of snow depth at Yagisawa dam site using JP10 reanalysis and energy balance snow model (WEB-DHM-S), Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, 57, 2013.
  4. 芳村圭・三好建正・金光正郎、アンサンブルカルマンフィルタを用いた 水同位体比データ同化に向けた理想化実験、水工学論文集、57、2013.


  1. 筆保弘徳・芳村圭(編),天気と気象についてわかっていることいないこと,ベレ出版,ISBN 978-4-86064-351-5,280p, 2013.


  1. 2013 Nov., 10th Japanese-German Frontiers of Science Symposium, Planning Group Member, Kyoto
  2. 2013 Oct., International Workshop on Downscaling 2013, Tsukuba
  3. 2013 May, 地球環境関連データセット展覧会: 日本地球惑星科学連合2013年大会、幕張

Invited Speech

  1. 2013 Oct., Isotope data assimilations: Possibility and problems to be solved, First International Workshop on Advances in Observations, Models and Measurement Techniques of Atmospheric Water Vapor Isotopes, Paris, 2013/10/18.
  2. 2013 May, Water isotope modeling and observations toward reconstruction for Asian hydroclimatology, JpGU2013 A-HW02, Makuhari, 2013/5/21.
  3. 2013 Mar. Observation and modeling studies of relationship between surface temperature and extreme precipitation , Climate2013, Berkeley, 2013/3/22.
  4. 2013 Feb. 水同位体を使った気候モデル及び データ同化の進展、第2回同位体環境学シンポジウム、2013年2月18日―29日、総合地球環境学研究所


Papers with reviews (English)

  1. Berkelhammer, M., A. Sinha, L. Stott, H. Cheng, F. S. R. Pausata, and K. Yoshimura, An abrupt shift in the Indian monsoon 4000 years ago, in Climates, Landscapes, and Civilizations, Geophys. Monogr. Ser., vol. 198, edited by L. Giosan et al., 75-87, AGU, Washington, D. C., doi:10.1029/2012GM001207, 2012. [AGU]
  2. M. Schneider, S. Barthlott, F. Hase, Y. Gonzalez, K. Yoshimura, O. E. Garcia, E. Sepulveda, M. Gisi, R. Kohlhepp, S. Dohe, T. Blumenstock, K. Strong, D. Weaver, M. Palm, N. M. Deutscher, T. Warneke, J. Notholt, B. Lejeune, P. Demoulin, N. Jones, D. W. T. Griffith, D. Smale, and J. Robinson, Ground-based remote sensing of tropospheric water vapour isotopologues within the project MUSICA, submitted to Atmos. Meas. Tech., 2012. [AMT]
  3. Uemura, R., N. Yonezawa, K. Yoshimura, R. Asami, H. Kadena, K. Yamada, N. Yoshida, Factors controlling isotopic composition of precipitation on Okinawa Island, Japan: Implications for paleoclimate reconstruction in the East Asian Monsoon region, J. Hydrol., 2012. [J. Hydrol]
  4. Liu, Z., G.J. Bowen, J.M. Welker, and K. Yoshimura, Winter precipitation isotope (δ18O) slopes of the contiguous USA and their relationship to the Pacific/North American (PNA) pattern, Climate Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-012-1548-0, 2012. [ClimDyn]
  5. Gimeno, L., A. Stohl, R. M. Trigo, F. Dominguez, K. Yoshimura, L. Yu, A. Drumond, A. M. Duran-Quesada, and R. Nieto, Oceanic and Terrestrial Sources of Continental Precipitation, Rev. Geophys., DOI:10.1029/2012RG000389, 2012. [RevGeophys]
  6. Buenning, N., L. Stott, K. Yoshimura, M. Berkelhammer, The cause of the seasonal variation in the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation along the western U.S. coast, JGR-Atmos, 117, D18114, DOI:10.1029/2012JD018050, 2012. [JGR]
  7. Ishizaki, Y., K. Yoshimura, S. Kanae, M. Kimoto, N. Kurita, and T. Oki, Interannual variability of H218O in precipitation over the Asian monsoon region, JGR-Atmos, 117, D16308, DOI:10.1029/2011JD015890, 2012. [JGR]
  8. Okazaki, A., P. J.-F. Yeh, K. Yoshimura, M. Watanabe, M. Kimoto, and T. Oki, Changes in Flood Risk under Global Warming Estimated Using MIROC5 and the Discharge Probability Index, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 90, 4, DOI:10.2151/jmsj.2012-405, 2012. [JMSJ]
  9. Zhu, M., L.D. Stott, B. Buckley, K. Yoshimura, K. Ra,Indo-Pacific Warm Pool convection and ENSO since 1867 AD derived from Cambodian pine tree cellulose oxygen isotopes, JGR-Atmos, 117, D11307, DOI:10.1029/2011JD017198, 2012. [JGR]
  10. Pierce, D., T. Das, D. Cayan, E.. Maurer, N. Miller, Y. Bao, M. Kanamitsu, K. Yoshimura, M. Snyder, L. Sloan, G. Franco, and M. Tyree, Probabilistic estimates of future changes in California temperature and precipitation using statistical and dynamical downscaling, Climate Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-012-1337-9, 2012. [ClimDyn]
  11. Zhu, M., L. Stott, B. Buckley, and K. Yoshimura, 20th century seasonal moisture balance in Southeast Asian montane forests from tree cellulose δ18O, Climate Change, DOI: 10.1007/s10584-012-0439-z, 2012. [Climate Change]
  12. Sunmonu, N., K. Muramoto, N. Kurita, K. Yoshimura, and Y. Fujiyoshi, Characteristics of Seasonal Variation of Near-surface Water Vapor D/H Isotope Ratio Revealed by Continuous in situ Measurement in Sapporo, Japan, SOLA, 8, 5-8, 2012. [SOLA]
  13. Pfahl, S., H. Wernli, and K. Yoshimura, The isotopic composition of precipitation from a winter storm – a case study with the limited-area model COSMOiso, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 1629-1648, 2012. [ACP]
  14. Berkelhammer, M., L. Stott, K. Yoshimura, K. Johnson, and A. Sinha, Synoptic and mesoscale controls on the isotopic composition of precipitation in the southwestern US, Clim.Dyn., DOI:10.1007/s00382-011-1262-3, 2011. [ClimDyn]

Papers with reviews (Japanese)

  1. 小島啓太郎・芳村圭・鈴木淳・沖大幹、サンゴ記録と同位体大循環モデルを用いた海水酸素同位体比変動メカニズムの定量的理解、水工学論文集、56、2012
  2. 新田友子・芳村圭・高田久美子・大石龍太・鼎信次郎・沖大幹、陸面モデルにおけるサブグリッドスケールの積雪被覆率と積雪深の変化の表現、水工学論文集、56、2012


  1. 2012 Nov., 12th RSM WORKSHOP, Nov. 5-9, 2012, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, USA.
  2. 2012 May, 地球環境関連データセット展覧会: 日本地球惑星科学連合2012年大会、幕張

Invited Speech

  1. 2012 Sep. 局所アンサンブル変換カルマンフィルタを用いた同位体比データ同化に向けた理想化実験、京都大学地球惑星科学専攻地球科学輻合部特別講演会、京都、2012/9/7.
  2. 2012 Aug, Idealized experiments for data assimilation of vapor isotope (d18O and dD) with isotopic AGCM and ensemble Kalman filter, Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems, Seoul, 2012/8/16.
  3. 2012 Jan., "Modeling the Earth: Effort for prediction of the climate change", "Toward regional climate projection: Dynamical downscaling", & "Stable water isotopes in climate sciences: Messages from the past", Introduction to Mathematics in Earth Sciences, Meiji Univ GCOE, 31 Jan., 2012.


Papers with reviews (English)

  1. Jiang, C.-L., S.T. Gille, J. Sprintall, K. Yoshimura and M. Kanamitsu, Spatial variation in turbulent heat fluxes in Drake Passage, J. Clim., doi:10.1175/2011JCLI4071.1, 2011. [AMS]
  2. Hiraoka, A., R. Kawamura, K. Ichiyanagi, M. Tanoue, and K. Yoshimura, Water origins over central and southern Japan during the early summer rainy season as simulated with an isotope circulation model, 7, 141-144, 2011. [SOLA]
  3. Welp, L., R.F. Keeling, H.A.J. Meijer, A.F. Bollenbacher, S.C. Piper, K. Yoshimura, R.J. Francey, C.E.Allison, and M. Wahlen, El Nino effects on the isotopic composition of oxygen in atmospheric CO2, Nature, 477, 579–582, doi:10.1038/nature10421, 2011. [Nature]
  4. Yoshimura, K., C. Frankenberg, J. Lee, M. Kanamitsu, J. Worden, T. Röckmann, Comparison of an isotopic AGCM with new quasi global satellite measurements of water vapor isotopologues, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D19118, doi:10.1029/2011JD016035, 2011. [JGR]
  5. Fudeyasu, H., K. Ichiyanagi, K. Yoshimura, S. Mori, N. Sakurai, J.-I. Hamada, M.D. Yamanaka, J. Matsumoto, and F. Syamsudin, Effects of large-scale moisture transport and mesoscale processes on precipitation isotope ratios observed at Sumatera, Indonesia, JMSJ, 89A, 49-59, 2011. [JMSJ]

Papers with reviews (Japanese)

  1. Jiang, C.-L., S.T. Gille, J. Sprintall, K. Yoshimura and M. Kanamitsu, Spatial variation in turbulent heat fluxes in Drake Passage, J. Clim., doi:10.1175/2011JCLI4071.1, 2011. [AMS]
  2. Hiraoka, A., R. Kawamura, K. Ichiyanagi, M. Tanoue, and K. Yoshimura, Water origins over central and southern Japan during the early summer rainy season as simulated with an isotope circulation model, 7, 141-144, 2011. [SOLA]
  3. Welp, L., R.F. Keeling, H.A.J. Meijer, A.F. Bollenbacher, S.C. Piper, K. Yoshimura, R.J. Francey, C.E.Allison, and M. Wahlen, El Nino effects on the isotopic composition of oxygen in atmospheric CO2, Nature, 477, 579–582, doi:10.1038/nature10421, 2011. [Nature]
  4. Yoshimura, K., C. Frankenberg, J. Lee, M. Kanamitsu, J. Worden, T. Röckmann, Comparison of an isotopic AGCM with new quasi global satellite measurements of water vapor isotopologues, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D19118, doi:10.1029/2011JD016035, 2011. [JGR]
  5. Fudeyasu, H., K. Ichiyanagi, K. Yoshimura, S. Mori, N. Sakurai, J.-I. Hamada, M.D. Yamanaka, J. Matsumoto, and F. Syamsudin, Effects of large-scale moisture transport and mesoscale processes on precipitation isotope ratios observed at Sumatera, Indonesia, JMSJ, 89A, 49-59, 2011. [JMSJ]


  1. 2011 Aug., 11th RSM WORKSHOP, August 15-19, 2011, National Central University, Jhongli
  2. 2011 May, 地球環境関連データセット展覧会: 日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会、幕張

Invited Speech

  1. 2011 Dec., 水の同位体からわかる地球水循環の様子とその変遷, 高校生のための金曜特別講座, 12/16/2011
  2. 2011 Sep., 水循環モデルによる水同位体全球データの検証と古気候研究への展開, 第1回 同位体環境学シンポジウム, 2011年9月29日(木)-30日(金), 総合地球環境学研究所, http://www.chikyu.ac.jp/archive/topics/2011/symposium_110929_30_annai.html
  3. 2011 Jan., K Yoshimura, Dynamical Downscaling of Future Projections of Global Climate over California, International workshop on downscaling, Jan 18-20, 2011, Tsukuba, Japan.


Papers with reviews (English)

  1. Yoshimura, K., M. Kanamitsu, and M. Dettinger, Regional downscaling for stable water isotopes: A case study of an Atmospheric River event, J. Geophys. Res., 115, doi:10.1029/2010JD014032, 2010. [JGR]
  2. Kanamitsu, M., K. Yoshimura, Y-B Yhang and S-Y Hong, Errors of interannual variability and trend in dynamical downscaling of Reanalysis, J. Geohpys. Res., 115, doi:10.1029/2009JD013511, 2010. [JGR]
  3. Schneider, M., K. Yoshimura, F. Hase, and T. Blumenstock, The ground-based FTIR network’s potential for investigating the atmospheric water cycle, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 3427-3442, 2010. [ACP]

Invited Speech

  1. 2010 April, Regional downscaling for stable water isotopes: A case study of an Atmospheric River event, Workshop on the water isotopologues in the atmosphere, Paris, France, 27-30 April 2010.
  2. 2010 March, 気象・気候研究への水同位体大気モデルと水蒸気同位体比リモートセンシングの利用、安定同位体を用いて生態系と気候変動の関わりを科学する -陸と海と空,過去・現在・未来をつなぐ安定同位体―、三重大学、三重、10 March, 2010.

before 2009

Papers with reviews (English)

  1. Frankenberg, C., K. Yoshimura, T. Warneke, I. Aben, A. Butz, N. Deutscher, D. Griffith, F. Hase, J. Notholt, M. Schneider, H. Schrijver, T. Röckmann: Dynamic processes governing lower-tropospheric HDO/H2O ratios as observed from space and ground, Science, 325, 1374-1377, 2009. [AAAS]
  2. Yoshimura, K. and M. Kanamitsu, Specification of external forcing for regional model integrations, Mon. Wea. Rev., 137, 1409–1421, 2009. [AMS]
  3. Yoshimura, K., M. Kanamitsu, D. Noone, and T. Oki, Historical isotope simulation using Reanalysis atmospheric data, J. Geophys. Res, 113, D19108, doi:1029.10/2008JD010074, 2008. [AGU]
  4. Yoshimura, K., T. Sakimura, T. Oki, S. Kanae, and S. Seto, Toward flood risk prediction: a statistical approach using a 29-year river discharge simulation over Japan, Hydrol. Res. Let., 2, 22-26, 2008. [JSTAGE]
  5. Yoshimura, K. and M. Kanamitsu, Dynamical global downscaling of global reanalysis, Mon. Wea. Rev. 136, 8, 2983-2998, 2008. [AMS]
  6. Yoshimura, K., S. Miyazaki, S. Kanae, and T. Oki, Iso-MATSIRO, a land surface model that incorporates stable water isotopes, Glob. Planet. Change, 51, 90-107, 2006. Abstract [Sci.Dir.]
  7. Yoshimura, K., T. Oki, and K. Ichiyanagi, Evaluation of two-dimensional atmospheric water circulation fields in reanalyses by using precipitation isotopes databases, J. Geophys. Res., 109(D20), doi:10.1029/2004JD004764, 2004. Abstract [AGU]
  8. Yoshimura, K., T. Oki, N. Ohte, and S. Kanae, Colored moisture analysis estimates of variations in 1998 Asian monsoon water sources, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 82, 1315-1329, 2004. Abstract [JSTAGE]
  9. Yoshimura, K., T. Oki, N. Ohte, and S. Kanae, A quantitative analysis of short-term 18O variability with a Rayleigh-type isotope circulation model. J. Geophys. Res., 108(D20), 4647, doi:10.1029/2003JD003477, 2003. Abstract [AGU]

Papers with reviews (Japanese)

  1. 芳村圭,気象・気候と水の安定同位体比との関わり.気象研究ノート第220号,1-14, 2009.
  2. 芳村圭,水同位体比のためのモデリングとモデルを用いた解析.気象研究ノート第220号,79−108,2009
  3. 芳村圭・一柳錦平,東アジアにおける降水d-excess季節変動に関する再考察.水文・水資源学会誌,22, 262-276, 2009.[JSTAGE]
  4. 芳村圭,岡澤毅,キムヒュンジュン,瀬戸心太,小岩祐樹,沖大幹,鼎信次郎,気象庁メソ予報モデルGPVを用いた日本域河川流量予測システムの構築と検証,水工学論文集第51巻,403-408, 2007.


  1. 芳村圭・一柳錦平・杉本敦子(編),気象研究ノート第220号「気象学における水安定同位体比の利用」,日本気象学会,ISBN 978-4-904129-03-6,129p,2009.


  1. 2006 Mar., ラグランジュ的水・物質循環,第2回沼口シンポ「水循環環境科学のアプローチ」、駒場.
  2. 2005 Jul., アジアモンスーンセッション,気象学会夏の学校,草津.
  3. 2005 Jun., Session on Isotope Hydrology, 2005 AOGS meeting, Singapore

Invited Speech

  1. 2009 May, Incremental interpolation of coarse global forcings for regional model integrations, RCM2009, Lund, Sweden, May 4-8, 2009.
  2. 2008 Nov., Isotope-incorporated global and regional spectral models, the SWING2 GNIP-Dynscape meeting, the IAEA headquarters, Vienna, Nov. 16-19, 2008.
  3. 2007 Dec., K. Yoshimura, Introduction of Iso-GSM, International Symposium on Water Isotopes and Climates, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, 1-4 December, 2007.
  4. 2006 Feb., 平成17年度HyARC研究集会『マルチスケールの水循環過程に対する水の水素・酸素安定同位体の応用』,名古屋.
  5. 2005 Jul., 気象学会夏の学校,草津.
  6. 2005 Jun., 2005 AOGS meeting, Singapore
  7. 2005 Mar., 2005年森林水文ワークショップ,第116回日本森林学会大会,札幌.
  8. 2005 Feb., 平成16年度HyARC研究集会『マルチスケールの水循環過程に対する水の水素・酸素安定同位体の応用』,名古屋.
  9. 2004 Feb., 平成15年度HyARC研究集会『マルチスケールの水循環過程に対する水の水素・酸素安定同位体の応用』,名古屋.
  10. 2003 May, 2003年度日本気象学会春季大会専門分科会『熱帯アジアモンスーンオンセットのメカニズム理解に向けて』,つくば.

Newspaper, etc.

  1. SIO Exploration Magazine (2009Nov/Dec), "Not so much the heat, but the humidity", http://explorations.ucsd.edu/Research_Highlights/2009/Nov_Dec/Water_Vapor/
  2. WCRP News (2007/08/28), Report on ICSU Young Scientist Conference
  3. しんぶん赤旗(2005/7/24 日) 「雨水のたびを調べる」
  4. 朝日ニュースター『キッズニュース』(2004/6/20、26) HOTワード
  5. 山梨日日新聞(2004/6/26 土) 山梨彩時記・夏「梅雨空に思い巡らす」
  6. 朝日新聞朝刊(2004/5/13 木) 「東京の雨はブレンド品」
  7. 日刊工業新聞(2004/5/13 木) 「地球規模で雨の起源推定」
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